

(adjective) Present everywhere.
Usage: Regular adjective: "ubiquitously" adverb, "ubiquity" noun
Suggested Usage: The English word "everywhere" doesn't have a noun, so you can't say things like "I was struck by its everywhereness in England." Now you can; just use 'ubiquity' instead: "I was struck by its ubiquity in England." You can also use this word family where "everywhere" doesn't fit:
"Is the ubiquitous cell phone a threat to society?" The "ubiquitous cell phone" or the "ubiquity of political posters" implies that you can find them everywhere. "The ubiquity of computers in offices and libraries allows some people to get by without one at home." Of course, ubiquity varies from place to place, "The ubiquity of elephants in Thailand makes it an interesting land to visit."
Source: Your Dictionary