A benefit or emolument beyond a regular salary; a tip; a privilege of rank or office.
This word is often "clipped" in English slang to "perk" just as a benefit becomes a "benny." English speakers clip their words pretty indiscriminately. Usually, the end of a word is clipped as in this case but sometimes the beginning goes, as in "(tele)phone," "(tele)scope," and "(ham)burger." Occasionally, both ends of a word are clipped: "(in)flu(enza)" and "(re)fridge(rator)." [Essa mania também está "pegando" no Brasil: "refri(gerante)"]
Perquisites come with a job or office: "I guess buying the president's lunch twice a week is a perquisite of the vice presidency." Perquisites also attach to social classes: "Telling an offspring when they can go and come is one of the perquisites of fatherhood," is a useful sentiment for fathers.
“For information on job perks, visit ...”
“Presidential perks: Presidents receive perks that entitle them to special extensions of power. Certain luxuries, such as the fully staffed White House residence, Camp David retreat, Air Force One, and presidential helicopters and limousines, are provided as much to symbolize presidential power as to facilitate the conduct of official business.”
"My dream job: US$20.75 an hour plus bennies. Yours is a crappy job, but it includes health bennies."
Source: Your Dictionary; Answers.com