

by Trey Ryder

I found these tips in a file I saved some years ago. I am not the source of these tips. Many of these things I've learned the hard way. Some are lessons I hope to learn. If you care to add anything to this list, drop me an e-mail and I'll publish an update in the future.

1. Do a good job. You'll be happier.
2. Be honest. You'll stand out from the crowd.
3. Give good service. You'll find yourself far ahead of competitors.
4. Deliver more than you promise. Then everyone wins.
5. Help your competitors. There's plenty of business for everyone.
6. Just do it. Doing something is infinitely more valuable than doing nothing.
7. Don't worry about making a mistake. Everybody makes them and most people never notice.
8. Learn how to say no. You're the only person who can make that decision.
9. Don't try to help everyone. You can't.
10. Return phone calls quickly. Most people don't.
11. Don't overlook small clients. Someday they'll be big clients.
12. Do what you love and the money will follow.
13. Don't be easily impressed. People who tell you how successful they are usually aren't.
14. Stay away from negative people. They drain your energy.
15. Don't discount your fees. You deserve the full value of what you charge.
16. If you charge a lot, make sure you're worth it.
17. When you charge too little, you undermine everything you do.
18. Accept rejection. When God closes one door He opens another.
19. Typos are always bad. Proofread.
20. If you overlook a typo, don't worry. The person reading your material will likely miss it, too.
21. Take time for fun. It recharges your batteries.
22. Take a break.
23. Don't sweat the small stuff. It's all small stuff.
24. The shortest distance between two people is a smile.
25. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Like everyone else, they're pedaling as fast as they can.
26. Apologize.
27. Forgive.

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