Burglary is an illegal entry into a building together with a taking.
Robbery is a forcible taking from a person, usually with the threat of violence. (Robber)
Source: Translegal
(Thirty years ago, on December 8, 1980, I was in NYC and, while strolling around, I saw a crowd in front of the Dakota...)
But today is a Happy Day! My daughter arrived safely! Thanks, God!
Happy Christmas, by John Lennon
xxxx(Happy Christmas, Yoko)
xxxx(Happy Christmas, Julian)
And so this is Christmas
And what have you done
Another year over
And a new one just begun
And so Happy Christmas
I hope you have fun
The near and the dear one
The old and the young
xxxxA very Merry Christmas
xxxxAnd a Happy New Year
xxxxLet's hope it's a good one
xxxxWithout any fear
And so this is Christmas
For weak and for strong
The rich and the poor ones
The world is so wrong
And so Happy Christmas
For black and for white
For yellow and red ones
Let's stop all the fight
xxxxA very Merry Christmas
xxxxAnd a Happy New Year
xxxxLet's hope it's a good one
xxxxWithout any fear
...the war is over ...
...if you want it...
...the war is over...
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know
Where the treetops glisten,
and children listen
To hear sleigh bells in the snow
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
With every Christmas card I write
May your days be merry and bright
And may all your Christmases be white
Please, snow, stop! It's enough!
When referring to people, the phrase inter alios, which means “among other people”[entre outros], should be used.
Source: Translegal
Source: Translegal
In Australia the word "lawyer" is used to refer to both barristers and solicitors (whether in private practice or practising as corporate in-house counsel).
In Canada, the word "lawyer" only refers to individuals who have been called to the bar or have qualified as civil law notaries in the province of Quebec. Common law lawyers in Canada may also be known as "barristers and solicitors", but should not be referred to as "attorneys", since that term has a different meaning in Canadian usage. However, in Quebec, civil law advocates (or avocats in French) often call themselves "attorney" and sometimes "barrister and solicitor".
In England and Wales, "lawyer" is used loosely to refer to a broad variety of law-trained persons. It includes practitioners such as barristers, solicitors, legal executives and licensed conveyancers; and people who are involved with the law but do not practise it on behalf of individual clients, such as judges, court clerks, and drafters of legislation.
In India, the term "lawyer" is often colloquially used, but the official term is "advocate" as prescribed under the Advocates Act, 1961.[5]
In Scotland, the word "lawyer" refers to a more specific group of legally trained people. It specifically includes advocates and solicitors. In a generic sense, it may also include judges and law-trained support staff.
In the United States, the term generally refers to attorneys who may practice law; it is never used to refer to patent agents[6] or paralegals.[7]
Other nations tend to have comparable terms for the analogous concept.
Source: Answers.com
"You need not accept the nominee's ideology, only be able to locate it in the American mainstream" (Charles Krauthammer).
adj. Representing the prevalent attitudes, values, and practices of a society or group: mainstream morality.
tr.v., -streamed, -stream·ing, -streams.
1.To integrate (a student with special needs) into regular school classes.
E.g.: We have already taken a number of proactive measures to mainstream disability equality
2.To incorporate into a prevailing group.
mainstreamer : n.
Source: Answers.com
Prezadíssimo(a) candidato(a) a escritor(a),
Você me pergunta se seu texto é bom. Pergunta-o a mim, depois de o ter perguntado a outras pessoas. Manda-o a periódicos, compara-o com outros textos e inquieta-se quando suas tentativas são recusadas por um ou outro editor. Pois bem: usando da licença que me deu de aconselhá-lo(a), envio-lhe algumas instruções. Você está preocupado(a) com o valor de seu texto e isso é atualmente incerto. O "bom" ficou muito relativo.
Não há senão um caminho. Investigue o motivo que o manda escrever; examine se estende suas raízes pelos recantos mais profundos de sua alma; confesse a si mesmo: morrerá, se não for editado? Desistirá, se jamais ganhar algum prêmio? Isto, acima de tudo: pergunte a si mesmo na hora mais tranquila de sua noite: "Serei convidado para uma Flip?" Escave dentro de si uma resposta profunda. Se for afirmativa, se puder contestar àquelas perguntas severas por um forte e simples "sim", então construa a sua vida de acordo com aquelas necessidades. Sua vida, até em sua hora mais indiferente e anódina, deverá tornar-se o sinal e o testemunho de tal pressão: seu visual deverá indicá-lo.
Aproxime-se, então, dos meios literários. Participe de bate-papos em livrarias, cafés e bares. Inscreva-se em todas as festas literárias, do Oiapoque ao Chuí. Evite as formas já consagradas, pois dá muito trabalho produzir algo pessoal num domínio em que sobram tradições boas, algumas brilhantes. Eis por que não deve ler os escritores do passado. Em vez disso, faça um curso de escrita criativa, para aprender alguns truques. Esqueça a gramática, ela está em desuso.
Fuja dos motivos gerais para aqueles que sua própria existência cotidiana lhe oferece: relate suas mágoas e seus desejos, seus pensamentos passageiros, suas manias, e sobretudo sua sexualidade. Se a própria existência cotidiana lhe parecer pobre, não a acuse. Acuse a si mesmo, diga consigo que não é suficientemente escritor para extrair suas riquezas. Ambientes pobres, mesquinhos ou mesmo sórdidos podem ser matéria de textos fortes e engajados.
Mesmo que se encontrasse numa prisão, cujas paredes impedissem todos os ruídos do mundo de chegar aos seus ouvidos, não lhe ficaria sempre a internet, esta esplêndida e régia riqueza, esse tesouro de relacionamentos? Pois bem: coloque seu melhor retrato no Facebook, mantenha um blog e não se esqueça de compor textos de até 140 toques para o Twitter.
Se você ainda acredita no livro de papel e nenhuma editora quiser publicá-lo, faça-o você mesmo. Com um bom equipamento, qualquer um, hoje em dia, pode fabricar livros em casa. Quando o livro estiver pronto, envie-o aos jurados dos prêmios com uma dedicatória adulativa. Contrate um agente literário. Se ele for eficiente, você será traduzido para o servo-croata antes mesmo de ser lido em português. Caso nada disso der certo, aceite o destino e carregue-o com o seu peso: assuma-se como escritor(a) maldito(a). Mude então o visual: mais escuro e descabelado.
Mas talvez se dê o caso de, após essa descida em si mesmo e em seu âmago solitário, você ter de renunciar a ser escritor(a). Mesmo assim, seus esforços não terão sido inúteis. Sua vida, a partir desse momento, há de encontrar caminhos próprios. Que eles o(a) levem à fama e a uma boa remuneração, é o que lhe desejo, muito mais do que lhe posso exprimir.
Com todo o devotamento e toda a simpatia,
Um(a) crítico(a) literário(a)
Damages: monetary compensation awarded by a court for the harm or injury that has been suffered by...
AFAIK = As far as I know
ASAP = as soon as possible
FYI = For your infomation
TIA = Thanks in advance
N.B.: Na medida em que me lembrar de outras vou acrescentar aqui.
"Administration costs to be cut by £400m with 24 quangos axed. The Train to Gain programme to be axed. University funding to be cut and reform of student tuition fees building on Browne review. ..."
quango = A quasi non-governmental organization is one created and funded by government, and, therefore, held to account for its expenditure, but given operational independence. The term was invented by Alan Pifer, President of the Carnegie Corporation, to describe such organizations which were appearing in the United States. Subsequently, political scientists, observing the closeness to government of some quangos in their operations, have preferred the term to mean quasi-governmental rather than non-governmental. In the United Kingdom the term has been applied to many forms of arms-length public provision showing a great diversity of purpose, including the BBC, the Welsh Development Agency, and the Commission for Racial Equality. Concern has recently been expressed at the tendency for power to flow from elected public bodies to unelected quangos, derisively dubbed ‘quangocracy’ by some.
Source: BBC, Answers.com
Do site "Migalhas": A administração pública inglesa sempre foi caracterizada pela autonomia de seus órgãos, denominados de Quasi Autonomous non Governamental Organizations (QUANGOS). No entanto, o projeto de lei "Public Bodies Bill", considerado uma violação à Constituição segundo célebres advogados, está prestes a ser debatido no Parlamento Inglês.
[The Public Bodies Bill - The bonfire of the quangos is one thing, but violating the constitution is quite another. What do plans to sell off 150,000 hectares of England's precious woodland, the ability of people from small islands in the Caribbean to represent themselves in Whitehall, and the future of legal aid funding have in common? The answer is they are all public bodies axed in the so-called "bonfire of the quangos" – the Public Bodies Bill which is about to be debated in parliament."
(Jacques Larue / Louiguy)
André Claveau - 1950 / Petula Clark - 1964 / Patrick Zabé - 1976
Quand nous jouions à la marelle
Cerisier rose et pommier blanc
J'ai cru mourir d'amour pour elle
En l'embrassant
Avec ses airs de demoiselle
Cerisier rose et pommier blanc
Elle avait attiré vers elle
Mon coeur d'enfant
La branche d'un cerisier
De son jardin caressait
La branche d'un vieux pommier
Qui dans le mien fleurissait
De voir leurs noeuds enlacés
Comme un bouquet de printemps
Nous vint alors la pensée
D'en faire autant
Et c'est ainsi qu'aux fleurs nouvelles
Cerisier rose et pommier blanc
On fait un soir la courte échelle
À nos quinze ans
Non, non ne dites pas qu'à son âge
Vous n'étiez pas si volage
Non, non quand deux lèvres vous attirent
J'en sais peu qui peuvent dire non
Quand nous jouions à la marelle
Cerisier rose et pommier blanc
J'ai cru mourir d'amour pour elle
En l'embrassant
Mais un beau jour les demoiselles
Frimousse rose et voile blanc
Se font conduire à la chapelle
Par leur galant
Ah quel bonheur pour chacun
Le cerisier tout fleuri
Et le pommier n'en font qu'un
Nous sommes femme et mari
De voir les fruits de l'été
Naître des fleurs du printemps
L'amour nous a chuchoté
D'en faire autant
Si cette histoire est éternelle
Pour en savoir le dénouement
Apprenez-en la ritournelle
Tout simplement
Et dans deux ans
Deux bébés roses faisant la ronde gentiment
Vous chanteront
Cerisier rose et pommier blanc
The spelling of “license” leads to some confusion because the spelling of
the noun is different in British and American English. The noun describing an
official document that grants you permission to own, do or use something is
spelled “licence” in the UK and “license” in the US. However, the verb is
spelled "license" in both countries.
Source: LexMail
Não tenho tido muito tempo livre mas, quando dá, gosto de ler John Grisham, que escreve
principalmente sobre o mundo dos escritórios de advocacia - sempre aprendo termos jurídicos novos. Já li "The Firm", "The Juror" e tenho esperando na minha estante: "The Associate" [quero reler], "The Partner", "The Broker" e "Theodore Boone".
Books by John Grisham: A Time to Kill (1989); The Firm (1991); The Pelican Brief (1992); The Client (1993); The Chamber (1994); The Rainmaker (1995); The Runaway Jury (1996); The Partner (1997); The Street Lawyer (1998); The Testament (1999); The Brethren (2000); A Painted House (2001); Skipping Christmas (2001); The Summons (2002); The King of Torts (2003); Bleachers (2003) [18]; The Last Juror (2004); The Broker (2005); The Innocent Man: Murder and Injustice in a Small Town (2006)[19]; Playing for Pizza (2007); The Appeal (2008); The Associate (2009); Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer (2010)[19]; The Confession (2010).
Outros autores na fila de espera: Mark Gimenez ("The Colour of Law"; "The Common Lawyer"; Ian Caldwell ("The Rule of Four").
Anti libel-tourism bill signed into law
Source: Migalhas
umbrella (noun): Something that encompasses or covers many different elements or groups
blanket agreement / contract ( an agreement that applies throughout an organisation, industry or geographical area) = contrato abrangente; contrato que rege um grupo de produtos ou serviços.
blanket insurance = seguro coletivo / genérico / global
blanket moratorium = moratória unilateral
blanket policy = apólice global; apólice cobrindo locais não especificados
blanket price = preço global
blanket vacations = férias coletivas
excess/umbrella coverage = cobertura excedente/compreensiva
umbrella brand = marca global
umbrella facility / funds = fundos globais ou não traduzir
umbrella insurance = seguro coletivo
umbrella organization = organização tutelar
Professor Schwartz said that such a blanket agreement could transform international privacy law.
• The courts have ruled that certain blanket agreements are not enforceable (=valid).
• Under the blanket agreement, employees were forced to sign away their rights to bring a legal claim.
• The Ministry of Defence has entered into blanket agreements with favoured defence companies.
• Nyeholt had twice signed a blanket agreement purporting to bind it to the terms of a collective bargaining agreement.
Additional notes
• The term blanket agreement commonly refers to collective bargaining agreements that apply to workers. However, it now has a more general meaning and can be used to refer to all types of agreement that apply to an identifiable group throughout an organisation, industry or geographical area.
• A blanket agreement can also be called a master agreement.
Source: Translegal et al
(Não traduzir por "Magistrado" que é [Aulete] "Autoridade investida de poderes, em determinada jurisdição, para governar ou distribuir justiça; ADMINISTRADOR; GOVERNADOR; PRESIDENTE. Autoridade do Poder Judiciário. Primeiro magistrado: 1 Aquele que exerce o mais alto cargo e detém a mais alta autoridade política e administrativa; presidente da República. )
Magistrate's Court: Juizado de Paz / Tribunais de Magistratura (Pertencem aos Tribunais Inferiores, 1.ª Instância com competência para julgar questões civis de menor importância; (quando estive em Londres, passava todos os dias por um "Magistrate's Court" na Mile End Road)
"We are now considering an appeal against the magistrate's decision."
Additional notes:
◦In the US, a magistrate can generally hear criminal-minor offences and some civil cases. A magistrate's decisions, unlike those of the judges, do not set precedents for other courts to follow.
◦In the UK, the Magistrate's court is the court of first instance for all criminal cases and some civil and family cases.
Source: Translegal
• The ski boat has been in use continually [on and off] over the past week.
Use continual when describing something that goes on frequently, but in fits and starts.
• The skiers have been practicing continuously all morning and I haven't been in the boat even once!
Source: Proofread
• I understand that Harrison's historical society [people interested in history] met yesterday in their new headquarters.
Use historical when that event--or any event you may be referring to--warrants mention in a history book.
• What a historic [monumental] occasion that was! [Ed. note: In American form, NEVER use an before historic.
Source: Proofread
UK (e em mais de 50 países, inclusive EUA) : 3º. domingo de junho
Portugal (Dia do Pai) e mais 7 países (entre os quais: Itália – Festa Del Papá; Espanha: Dia Del Padre): 19 de Março
Fonte: Wikipedia.com
A series of overnight attacks on cars in County Antrim has been described as "wanton vandalism".
◦These cases typically involve wanton and willful misconduct.
◦There has been a backlash (= strong negative reaction) against the group's use of wanton violence as a political tool.
◦The defendants showed reckless and wanton disregard for the lives or safety of the public.
◦Plaintiffs sued the school for gross and wanton negligence.
Additional notes
◦Wanton is similar in meaning to reckless, but is a stronger word that implies that it is worse behavior. The difference, in criminal law, is that someone who acts wantonly has intent to harm whereas someone who acts recklessly does not.
Source: Translegal
Venue clauses relate to the proper geographical location of the court of jurisdiction. A typical venue clause may read “Any litigation arising out of this Agreement shall be filed in the appropriate Court of jurisdiction in Orange County, California.” However, the choice of venue must be appropriate under the law. In a contract action, venue is appropriate where the contract was entered into, where one of the defendants resides, or where the contract is to be performed.
Source: http://www.martendale.com/business-law/article_Wealth-Strategies-Counsel_762406.htm
• the three Rs
• the 1990s
• IRAs for retirement
• vol., vols.
• URLs
• ed., eds.
• p. (page), pp. (pages)
• n. (note), nn. (notes)
• MS (manuscript), MSS (manuscripts)
Use of apostrophe. To avoid confusion, lowercase letters and abbreviations with two or more interior periods or with both capital and lowercase letters form the plural with an apostrophe and an s.
• x's and y's
• M.A.'s and Ph.D.'s (or MAs and PhD's)
Words in quotation marks. The plural of a word or phrase in quotation marks may be formed by the addition of an apostrophe before the s, with the closing quotation marks following the s (though rewording is usually a better option). A plural ending should never follow closing quotation marks.
• How many more "To be continued's" can we expect? (not "To be continued"s)
Noun coinages. Words and hyphenated phrases that are not nouns but are used as nouns form the plural by adding s or es. To avoid an awkward appearance, an adjustment in spelling (or sometimes an apostrophe) may be needed.
• ifs, ands, or buts
• dos and don'ts
• threes and fours
• thank-yous
• maybe's
• yesses and noes (or yes's and no's, especially if maybe's is also used)
Source: Proofreading
ESSA (anáfora) ou ESTA (catáfora)?
catáfora: ESTA carta deve ser enviada hoje
It must have been difficult. On the contrary it was easy.
To the contrary is when you prove the opposite:
Show me some evidence to the contrary (which proves this is wrong).
Daí lembrei que eu também tinha um causo parecido: Há uns trocentos anos, quando eu trabalhava em uma empresa brasileira, ouvi dois executivos conversando:
"Então a gente queria aproveitar a viagem para a Itália para conhecer a fábrica deles. Mandamos um fax para lá. E não é que esses italianos são uns folgados! Disseram para a gente pagar a viagem deles - olha aqui: "Pay us a visit!". Querem fazer turismo no Brasil às nossas custas. Nem vou responder!"
pay (someone or something) a visit and pay a visit to someone or something
pay (somebody/something) a visit (slightly formal) also pay a visit (to somebody/something)
to go to see someone or something; to visit someone or something.
Bill paid a visit to his aunt in Seattle.
Please pay a visit to our house whenever you are in town.
Yesterday a police detective paid us a visit and asked a lot of questions.
The three elderly women decided to pay a visit to a spa and had a great time.
"The company had a generous parental leave policy."
guidelines: "The Government has issued guidelines for the reporting of business expenses."
standard: "The case could set a national standard for how far school officials can go."
principle: "The Commission has always followed the principle that the public interest is best served when regulatory affairs are open to the fullest extent possible."
norm: "Trial by jury is set to become the norm in all major civil cases from July next year."
Common phrases
"The government's economic policies are very unpopular."
"The internal problems were affecting US foreign policy."
"The city made a policy decision not to enforce marijuana laws."
"Drug safety laws involve significant public policy issues."
"Government policy is to increase university attendance."
Source: Translegal
Understanding the FREE in Freelance
(...) A lot of people have a very wrong attitude towards what it means to be a freelancer. They don't seem to be living the part, although they probably harbour, somewhere at the back of their imaginations, the dream of somehow being FREE. But they don't actually live it out. They feel enslaved to accept the rates and onerous terms, that anyone wielding a job tries to slap upon them.
Now it may be partly to do with fear, or inability to negotiate, but I think it's also partly to do with not quite having grasped what the FREE in freelance actually means. Think for a moment. What are the benefits of being freelance? You are FREE to accept or reject any project which is offered to you. You are FREE to set your own rates (the client is FREE to accept or reject them). You are FREE to work (or not) for anyone you choose. You are also FREE to persuade clients to accept your higher rates and that you are worth what you are asking for.
Your Self-Worth Really Matters - But you won't be able to do that unless you truly believe it yourself. In sales and marketing, a lot of importance is attached to your self- worth. It's talked about a lot in marketing courses. It's something very personal and it fluctuates during your life, according to your levels of confidence and your (often most recent) experiences. That's a bit like a free market. Free to rise and fall according to changing times, circumstances and situations.
(...) You're a freelancer, a FREE agent. You are FREE. That means you are FREE to accept or reject any terms, any payment levels, any projects - and let's go further. You are also FREE to reject any crap from clients. If you decide "I'm not taking that" you can say "bye bye. I'm not working for you any more. Get lost!" I've done it before. And believe me, people aren't used to it.
(...) Employment VS Freelance
What's the difference between employment and freelancing? Well the difference is huge actually. Your client won't pay you any benefits and won't deduct any of your taxes. They won't pay any of your insurance or pension contributions. They won't give you any perks. You tell them how much you want them to pay. If it's too much, they'll negotiate or walk away.
(...) But do you know what? Not everybody can handle the responsibilities that go with freedom. "Freedom is a battle that must be fought and won each day" (Sartre). It's the ultimate performance-related pay, but not everybody can cope with it alone. Not everybody is cut out to be a business person.
But it does require work, effort, sometimes a little bit of luck. But ALWAYS a lot of skill and a lot of hard application over a sustained period of time. And that's where many people fall by the wayside. Some FREE lance warriors get defeated and captured in battle.
Com letra em inglês (Karaokê): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tF4Im8Gexs&NR=1
Com tradução: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRxV0kBNPyk
Outra apresentação - hilária - do Meatloaf:
'I think therefore I am' - Rene Descartes
THEREFORE : For that reason or cause; consequently or hence. This adverb has 2 meanings:
Meaning #1: (from that fact or reason or as a result - used to introduce a logical conclusion - Synonyms: hence, thence, thus): 'I think therefore I am'
Meaning #2: (as a consequence - Synonym: consequently):
It is therefore concluded that in this respect XYZ breached the Code in failing to declare and take the proper action in respect of Personal Interest.
THEREFORE, it is concluded that they are, and have been for years, ...
Therefore, it is concluded that further measures might be needed for the protection of these features..
This adverb has one meaning):
Meaning #1: (in formal usage; especially legal usage) "for that" or "for it"
For that: ordering goods and enclosing payment therefor.
For it: "Thrice thereafter the temple was rebuilt, each time greater and more elaborately than before, but always on the site of the original shrine, though men forgot the reason therefor."
Fellowship = bolsa de pesquisa
Scholarships and fellowships are very similar. They are both grants of money to help you get an education. The money can be paid directly to you, or to the institution, on your behalf.-A scholarship is designed to help you pursue undergraduate or graduate studies at a college or other educational institution. Scholarships are generally given with the requirement that the student enroll in a particular course of study and may require certain outcomes.
A fellowship is designed to help you pursue your studies—or some form of research. They are generally given with less stipulations and are typically awarded based on prior qualifications and achievements.
Some scholarships and fellowships do require a commitment of service after the award period. For example, NASA sometimes requires a student to work at a NASA center following graduation for a period of time in recompense for receiving the fellowship.
Source: Proz.com
n. : The act of remunerating. Something, such as a payment, that remunerates.
Payment or compensation received for services or employment. This includes the base salary and any bonuses or other economic benefits that an employee or executive receives during employment.
n. The act of compensating or the state of being compensated. Something, such as money, given or received as payment or reparation, as for a service or loss. Biology. The increase in size or activity of one part of an organism or organ that makes up for the loss or dysfunction of another. Psychology. Behavior that develops either consciously or unconsciously to offset a real or imagined deficiency, as in personality or physical ability.
This term often refers to the total compensation received by an executive, which includes not only the base salary but options, bonuses, expense accounts and other forms of compensation.
Direct and indirect monetary and nonmonetary rewards given to employees on the basis of the value of the job, their personal contributions, and their performance. These rewards must meet both the organization's ability to pay and any governing legal regulations.
Source: Answers.com
HEADQUARTER = STATION = ASSIGN (em alguns casos - v. abaixo)
v.intr.: To establish headquarters.
Headquartered in Dublin, Ireland, the company has an innovative business model, based on the concept of total service.
The company is headquartered at its warehouse facility on the edge of Dublin...
USAGE NOTE The verb headquarter occurs in both transitive and intransitive senses: The magazine has headquartered the reporter in a building that houses many foreign journalists. The European correspondent will headquarter in Paris. In an earlier survey a majority of the Usage Panel found both these examples to be unacceptable in formal writing. Although ample citational evidence exists for these usages, writers who wish to avoid criticism should consider the use of alternative expressions, for example: The magazine has just assigned the reporter to (or has stationed the reporter in) a building that houses many foreign journalists. The European correspondent will make her headquarters in Paris (or will make Paris her headquarters).
noun: Where is the headquarters of WHO (OMS)? Answer: Geneva ( Switzerland).
What is induction? The term ‘induction’ is generally used in a workplace context to describe the whole process whereby employees adjust or acclimatise to their jobs and working environment. As part of this process, ‘orientation’ can be used to refer to a specific course or training event that new starters attend, and ‘socialisation’ can be used to describe the way in which new employees build up working relationships and find roles for themselves within their new teams1. Some people use the term ‘onboarding’ to describe the whole process from an individual’s contact with the organisation before they formally join, through to understanding the business’ ways of working and getting up to speed in their job.
Every organisation, large or small, should have a well-considered induction programme. However, designing an appropriate and cost-effective induction package is a complex task. The induction programme has to provide all the information that new employees and others need, and are able to assimilate, without being overwhelming or diverting them from the essential process of integration into a team.
Induction calculator = probationary period (?)
You may want to complete your Newly-Qualified Teachers-NQT induction on a part-time basis. The induction calculator will help you work out how long this will take. If you work part time, the length of your induction is calculated pro rata. For example, working on a 0.5 contract, induction lasts six terms instead of the standard three. You may be working in two schools simultaneously across a term or more. This calculator will show you how much induction you have left to complete and how long this will take on any contract rate. It will also calculate when your formal assessments are due.
Induction Training is absolutely vital for new starters. Good induction training ensures new starters are retained, and then settled in quickly and happily to a productive role. Induction training is more than skills training. It's about the basics that seasoned employees all take for granted: what the shifts are; where the notice-board is; what's the routine for holidays, sickness; where's the canteen; what's the dress code; where the toilets are. New employees also need to understand the organisation's mission, goals, values and philosophy; personnel practices, health and safety rules, and of course the job they're required to do, with clear methods, timescales and expectations.
Chico Xavier lhe disse que passou por grandes sofrimentos. E por isso sempre pediu ao seu guia, Emmanuel, que lhe desse um recado dos espíritos superiores que o estimulasse a cada leitura. Atendendo a Chico, Emmanuel lhe deixou uma simples afirmação, que serviria tanto para momentos tristes, de problemas e dificuldades, como também para momentos alegres, sorridentes e felizes, pois garantiria maior moderação: "Isso também passa!"
Daí que, em uma das vezes em que foi aclamado e se sentiu envaidecido, voltou para a cabeceira da sua cama e leu: "Isso também passa!"
INTERFACE MEETINGS: Reuniões de acompanhamento (?) The noun interface has been around since the 1880s, meaning "a surface forming a common boundary, as between bodies or regions." But the word did not really take off until the 1960s, when it began to be used in the computer industry to designate the point of interaction between a computer and another system, such as a printer. The word was applied to other interactions as well-between departments in an organization, for example, or between fields of study. Shortly thereafter interface developed a use as a verb, but it never really caught on outside its niche in the computer world, where it still thrives. The Usage Panel has been unable to muster much enthusiasm for the verb. Thirty-seven percent of Panelists accept it when it designates the interaction between people in the sentence The managing editor must interface with a variety of freelance editors and proofreaders. But the percentage drops to 22 when the interaction is between a corporation and the public or between various communities in a city. Many Panelists complain that interface is pretentious and jargony. Certainly, it has no shortage of acceptable synonyms; cooperate, deal, exchange information, interact, and work present themselves as ready substitutes.
SHE MEETINGS: [Me Tarzan, You Jane?] Environment Health and Safety – SHE meetings include a safety walkabout to review safety performance and progress on improvement initiatives. At these meetings, the Business Unit General Manager also presents the safety performance of the previous six months and provides a progress report on the implementation of safety plan. All employees are required to attend these SHE meetings.
TOOLBOX MEETINGS = Why is safety toolbox meeting named as toolbox meeting? Safety Toolbox meetings are designed to address:Safety Issues; Safe Work Procedures and Safe Work Method Statements; Any suggestions for work safety and productivity. The meetings are an open discussion type where any incidents, specific work problems and general occurrences of the week are discussed and appropriate decisions, control measures or alternative work procedures are suggested. Different safety issues are also discussed in these meetings either from work related issues that the manager has chosen or about a topic that one of the employees feels there is a need to be trained in. For example, checking the safety of erected scaffolding before commencement of work. All minutes form safety toolbox meetings are documented and distributed on notice boards.
Source: Wiki
"The value of a Mio euro in US dollars will change with the exchange rate, which was recently about .71 euros per dollar. The prefix Mio is a German abbreviation for Million so at the recent exhange rate there would be about 1.4 Million dollars per 1 Mio Euro. If you have a few Mios lying about - I would be happy to take them off your hands."[ http://wiki.answers.com/Q/One_mio_euro_is_how_much_in_us_dollars]
M: A Nasdaq stock symbol specifying that it is the company's fourth class of preferred shares. Investopedia Says: Nasdaq-listed securities have four or five characters. If a fifth letter appears, it identifies the issue as other than a single issue of common stock or capital stock.
M: Abbreviation for one thousand. M is used after a slash mark to indicate a per-thousand price or rate. For example, the price of renting a list might be expressed as $50/M names. See also mm.
M = a Roman numeral for 1000
MM: The year 2000 (MM) was a leap year that started on a Saturday
M also means thousand, and has often been used so in various business and other writing.
MM: A million (USA) - the construct mm is often used in technical business writing in North America to mean a million.
Não esquecer:
billion (USA) = a cardinal number followed by 9 zeros (E.g.: 1,000,000,000)
billion (UK) = a cardinal number followed by 12 zeros (E.g.: 1,000,000,000,000)
Source: Answers.com; Investopedia, etc.
"The European Court of Justice has overturned a ban on tobacco advertising across Europe."
reverse (reformar, reverter, estornar): "The decision was reversed on appeal." "We hereby reverse the trial court's judgment". -> reformamos a sentença; damos provimento ao recurso.
overrule (revogar, anular): "The Court of Appeal overruled the preliminary injunction granted by the District Court."
invalidate (invalidar): "Choosing to travel to a certain country against government or World Health Organization advice could invalidate a travel or health insurance policy."
affirm (reafirmar, confirmar, ratificar): "The court of appeal affirmed the judgment of the lower court."
uphold (manter): "The Supreme Court upheld the law permitting the distribution of campaign flyers on city streets on the grounds of freedom of speech."
Common phrases
"The Court of Appeal overturned the decision of the High Court."
"The judgment was overturned on appeal."
"His conviction was overturned after 5 years."
"The court overturned the ban on the new drug."
Usage note
Overturn is a broad term that can refer to either a single act or a process; for example a series of court decisions can have the effect of overturning another decision.
Overrule is narrower and refers to what a higher court does when it abolishes a lower court's decision.
Source: Translegal
How to translate, according to Maimonides / Como traduzir, segundo Maimônides
-----------“Anyone who wishes to translate from one language to another, and tries to do so word by word, maintaining the order of the subject and that of the words, will face a very difficult task that will lead to a confused and questionable translation.
-----------On the contrary, the translator must at first try to understand the author’s idea and then report and explain the subject according to his understanding, clearly exposing the language in which the translation is being made. And that is impossible without changing the order of the words.
-----------The translator may use many words to translate just one word, while in other instances he will use only one word instead of many in the original text. He will have to add or delete words as necessary for the context to be clearly expressed.”
Maimonides (1135-1204), in a letter to Shmuel ibn Tibon (Kaplan, ix)
Como traduzir, segundo Maimônides
-----------“Aquele que deseja traduzir de uma língua para outra, e tenta fazê-lo palavra por palavra, mantendo a ordem tanto do assunto como das palavras, terá grande dificuldade em sua tarefa, e acabará chegando a uma tradução confusa e questionável.
-----------Ao contrário, o tradutor deve primeiro procurar entender a idéia do autor, e então relatar e explicar o assunto de acordo com seu entendimento, expondo claramente a linguagem em que a tradução está sendo feita. E isto é impossível sem mudar a ordem das palavras.
-----------O tradutor poderá usar muitas palavras para traduzir uma só palavra, enquanto em outros momentos utilizará apenas uma palavra em vez das muitas que estão no texto original. Ele terá de acrescentar ou eliminar palavras, onde for necessário, de modo a fazer com que o conceito seja claramente expresso”.
Maimônides (1135-1204), em carta a Shmuel ibn Tibon
Googol / Googolplex / Google
A googolplex is ten raised to the power of one googol: 10googol = 10(10100).
In popular culture:
• Googol was the answer to the million-pound question: "A number one followed by 100 zeros is known by what name?" on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? when Major Charles Ingram attempted to defraud the quiz show on 10 September 2001. The other options were a megatron, a gigabit or a nanomole.
• Google began in January 1996 as a research project by Larry Page and Sergey Brin when they were both PhD students at Stanford University in California. Page and Brin originally nicknamed their new search engine "BackRub", because the system checked backlinks to estimate the importance of a site. Eventually, they changed the name to Google, originating from a misspelling of the word "googol", the number one followed by one hundred zeros, which was meant to signify the amount of information the search engine was to handle. So "Google" was a misspelling!
Source: Wiki
"you feel like you just want to lie and stare at nothingness and be oblivious of your surroundings and really do nothing ..."
"The parties were unable to reach an out-of-court settlement, so the case proceeded to trial."
Other forms of the word
settle (verb): "The insurance company was eager to settle the dispute and avoid trial."
Related words and phrases
settlement conference: a court-ordered meeting between the parties where they determine whether settlement is possible and, if so, on what terms. "The court held a settlement conference with the parties."
settlement agreement: the written document in which the parties agree to the terms of the settlement. "The bank announced that it had entered into a settlement agreement with the state banking authority."
Common phrases
"The parties attempted to reach a settlement."
"Since the facts were clear and the amount in dispute was rather small, the case was amenable to settlement."
The phrase compromise and settlement can be used regarding any legal dispute in contrast to accord and satisfaction which only applies to contract disputes.
Settlement may be reached at any time, including during the appeal phase of the case.
Source: YourDictionary
a. A joining of causes of action or defense in a suit.
b. A joining of parties in a suit.
c. Formal acceptance of an issue offered.
Joinder of Agreement = Acordo de Adesão (geralmente acompanha um Acordo de Acionistas)
More: http://www.answers.com/topic/joinder]
"The Impossible Dream" from Man of La Mancha (1972)
To dream the impossible dream
To fight the unbeatable foe
To bear with unbearable sorrow
To run where the brave dare not go
To right the unrightable wrong
To love pure and chaste from afar
To try when your arms are too weary
To reach the unreachable star
This is my quest
To follow that star
No matter how hopeless
No matter how far
To fight for the right
Without question or pause
To be willing to march into Hell
For a heavenly cause
And I know if I'll only be true
To this glorious quest
That my heart will lie peaceful and calm
When I'm laid to my rest
And the world will be better for this
That one man, scorned and covered with scars
Still strove with his last ounce of courage
To reach the unreachable star
Intention simply signifies a course of action that one proposes to follow: It is my intention to take a vacation next month.
Intent more strongly implies deliberateness: The executor complied with the testator's intent.
Purpose strengthens the idea of resolution or determination: "His purpose was to discover how long these guests intended to stay" (Joseph Conrad).
Goal may suggest an idealistic or long-term purpose: The college's goal was to raise ten million dollars for a new library.
End suggests a long-range goal: The candidate wanted to win and pursued every means to achieve that end.
Aim stresses the direction one's efforts take in pursuit of an end: The aim of most students is to graduate.
An object is an end that one tries to carry out: The object of chess is to capture your opponent's king.
Objective often implies that the end or goal can be reached: The report outlines the committee's objectives.
Source: Answers.com
allow: "The seller allowed the buyer to make late payment."
acquiesce: "The court acquiesced to the defendant's request for an extension of time."
accede: "All of the countries at the conference acceded to the treaty."
object: "I object to the introduction of evidence of my client's prior crimes."
refuse: "The seller refused to allow the buyer to make late payment."
oppose: "He opposed any change to the terms and conditions of the agreement."
Related word
Assent is close in meaning, but implies a more active, voluntary and enthusiastic agreement, than consent, which can be reluctant. "The President gave her assent last week to a bill to impose stricter environmental standards on oil refineries."
Common phrases
"The landlord refused to consent to an extension of the lease."
"The seller consented to the buyer's request to delay payment."
"A patient must consent to medical treatment."
"The company consented to the use of their name on the website."
Source: Your Dictionary
Embora continue escrevendo com uma mão só, já estou me recuperando bem do acidente na semana passada (tropecei em um buraco na calçada, “voei” para Av Brig L Antonio, quebrei o braço esquerdo – úmero - em 3 partes, 4 hs de cirurgia, placa e 15 pinos de titânio, 3 dias de hospital).
Estou me sentindo muito bem hoje.
Obrigada a todos!
Synonym: set aside: "The Court granted the plaintiff's motion to set aside the jury's verdict."
Antonym: affirm: "Since the Court of Appeal affirmed the trial court judgment against the plaintiff, the plaintiff decided to appeal to the Supreme Court."
Alternative definition: to move out of real estate so that you no longer occupy that real estate: "The tenant refused to vacate the premises."
Common phrases
The appeals court would be within its power to vacate its ruling.
The court is going to vacate the rules.
Unless they vacate their homes in 48 hours, they will be evicted.
The owners agreed to vacate the property.
The disqualified board member should vacate his seat.
Source: YourDictionary
Um estudante de inglês desavisado poderia ficar chocado com esse “Formidável! Ótimas notícias”.
Brasileiros já foram apresentados na Venezuela como “aquele pessoal que come abacate com açúcar”!
Em Londres, uma brasileira resolveu incrementar o churrasco caseiro com alguns espetos de coração de frango. Foi um escândalo! Os ingleses ficaram chocados ao ver alguém comer coração de galinha!
Pois é: choque cultural é isso!
Obama's bogus job summit announcement. = What do you do when you need to act like you are doing something but you are actually not doing anything? Call a summit. President Obama plans to hold a White House forum on job creation next month, an attempt to signal his concern about the growing ranks of the unemployed and build consensus on future action to stoke the economy. The summit will bring together small-business owners, corporate executives, economists, financial experts and union leaders to discuss ideas for accelerating job creation during the worst labor market conditions in a generation, Obama said Thursday. (http://www.narbosa.com/2009/11/obamas-bogus-job-summit-announcement.html)
Computer programs: Not working. Court Halts Bogus Computer Scans = According to the FTC, the scheme has tricked more than one million consumers into buying computer security products such as WinFixer, WinAntivirus, DriveCleaner, ErrorSafe, and XP Antivirus. The court also froze the assets of those responsible for the scheme.
Bogus callers: Most people who call at your home will be genuine. But sometimes, people turn up unannounced with the intention of tricking their way into your home to steal your valuables and money. It's a common scenario: somebody knocks on your door and tells you their car has broken down, and asks to use your phone to call the recovery service. Whilst inside your home, they distract you and steal your belongings.The only problem? It's a scam.
Source: Various,
≠ inequation: is not equal to; does not equal
[More... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Math_symbols]
Usage: Longevity has two specific meanings. The first is the length of life, but the noun specifically refers to a life that is already quite long. "She has enjoyed health and longevity" means that her life has extended farther than most in terms of length. In a second context, generally in employment, longevity refers to the length or duration of one's tenure in a certain capacity. Employee bonuses based on longevity are given in larger amounts to those who have spent the most time with the company.
Suggested Usage: It's easy to use the word longevity incorrectly, since it appears by its nature to refer to length. "I didn't enjoy the
Source: YourDictionary
Transient is a word that describes the ephemeral state of something -- that is, it is not meant to last. The object described by the word exists only for a brief period of time, either in its physical form or in a certain time and place. More often than not, the "thing" being referred to is a person or group of people. The student population at a college is transient; they are only around for a few years. In its noun form, a transient is a person (a laborer or even the homeless) not expected to stay for too long in one place.
"Transient population leaves elderly alone: It's a symptom of the transient population. What we're seeing is family units are not staying together - a combination of the job market, the housing market. A whole number of factors come into play here. “
“For the purposes of this information sheet, a transient construction site is where short duration construction work is carried out by people working at one or many locations (typically short duration work covers work of up to a week’s duration). For example, emergency works, small-scale maintenance at fixed premises, maintenance work carried out by or on behalf of utilities, etc. Construction work of a longer duration carried out while moving over a continuous geographical area, eg major roadworks, cable laying contracts, etc, is also considered a transient construction site.
Source: YourDictionary