O noticiário de hoje da BBC destaca os cortes nos orçamentos do Reino Unido, entre os quais:
"Administration costs to be cut by £400m with 24 quangos axed. The Train to Gain programme to be axed. University funding to be cut and reform of student tuition fees building on Browne review. ..."
quango = A quasi non-governmental organization is one created and funded by government, and, therefore, held to account for its expenditure, but given operational independence. The term was invented by Alan Pifer, President of the Carnegie Corporation, to describe such organizations which were appearing in the United States. Subsequently, political scientists, observing the closeness to government of some quangos in their operations, have preferred the term to mean quasi-governmental rather than non-governmental. In the United Kingdom the term has been applied to many forms of arms-length public provision showing a great diversity of purpose, including the BBC, the Welsh Development Agency, and the Commission for Racial Equality. Concern has recently been expressed at the tendency for power to flow from elected public bodies to unelected quangos, derisively dubbed ‘quangocracy’ by some.
Source: BBC, Answers.com
Do site "Migalhas": A administração pública inglesa sempre foi caracterizada pela autonomia de seus órgãos, denominados de Quasi Autonomous non Governamental Organizations (QUANGOS). No entanto, o projeto de lei "Public Bodies Bill", considerado uma violação à Constituição segundo célebres advogados, está prestes a ser debatido no Parlamento Inglês.
[The Public Bodies Bill - The bonfire of the quangos is one thing, but violating the constitution is quite another. What do plans to sell off 150,000 hectares of England's precious woodland, the ability of people from small islands in the Caribbean to represent themselves in Whitehall, and the future of legal aid funding have in common? The answer is they are all public bodies axed in the so-called "bonfire of the quangos" – the Public Bodies Bill which is about to be debated in parliament."