HIPSTER: One who is exceptionally aware of or interested in the latest trends and tastes, especially a devotee of modern jazz.
NERD: person who is single-minded or accomplished in scientific or technical pursuits but is felt to be socially inept. Basicamente, um nerd é um personagem cômico, com alguns problemas cognitivos para determinados assuntos. Os traços de um nerd incluem diversas características, entre elas: interesse extremo e obsessivo por livros e estudos, introversão, dificuldade para se relacionar socialmente; e diversas habilidades mais desenvolvidas devido ao gosto por games, filmes, ciência e computadores.
Descobri que já abordei este tópico anteriormente [parece que sempre surge uma palavra nova, ou a anterior assume um novo significado]:
A know-it-all translator? Nenhum tradutor é um especialista em tudo. É claro que, com os anos de trabalho duro, acumula-se um pouco de conhecimento. (E quanto mais se aprende, mais se descobre o quanto não sabemos ou quanto ainda temos que aprender – "Só sei que nada sei".[frase que Platão atribuía a Sócrates],) Mas, obviamente, ninguém consegue ser um especialista em tudo. E só conseguimos fazer certas traduções após muita pesquisa. Lembro que quando foi aprovado o novo código de trânsito (1997), uma grande montadora pediu que eu traduzisse um resumo de cerca de 30 páginas. Apenas para chegar à definição dos termos adequados para as multas (leve, grave, gravíssima), consultei mais de 400 páginas de códigos de trânsito de vários países.Know-it-all or know-all is an epithet applied to any person who exhibits the belief that he or she possesses a superior intellect and wealth of knowledge, and shows a determination to demonstrate his perceived superiority at every opportunity.
The whiz kid is usually a stock character, with a specific personality type. Traits tend to include; highly intelligent, lacking in physical strength, mentally intimidating, knowledgable and confident.[1] The term "whiz kid" can apply to both males and females.[2] They are usually characterized as wearing glasses, somewhat overdressed or touting an unusual style than the rest of the group (this may include button-up shirts, suspenders, and gelled, parted hair or other, slightly dated, wear). ... The whiz kid character usually takes pride in being smart, and often uses big words (sometimes to show off, or to confuse and manipulate other, less intelligent characters). Derogatory references may include: "geeks" or "nerds".
A "smart alec" or "smart aleck" is a person regarded as obnoxiously self-assertive and an impudent (=insolent, impertinent) person.
Source: Wikipedia
Nerd (noun) = A foolish, inept, or unattractive person. A person who is single-minded or accomplished in scientific or technical pursuits but is felt to be socially inept (nova gíria para "square", dos anos 50-70)Geek (noun) = young people who spend their youth studying at the expense of their social life (ou seja, um CDF)
Scenester (noun) = (Youthspeak) Someone intent on "making the scene," a really cool groupie always at the right band concerts, hanging with the right nest of other cool groupies. Scenesters are identified by their drab clothes, smoking, drug use (or talk of drug use), use of cool words from in(tellectual) magazines, which they don't know the meaning of, and lack of attention to the music at the concerts they attend. An offensive hair-do is a must, if not with spikes and bizarre colors, at least with highlights. The antonym is "geek."
Usage: This word refers to groupies or "band aids," young people who follow bands from concert to concert and who become disdainful in their knowledge of the lore of contemporary rock bands. Scenesters often end up working for geeks in later life. Ouch!
Dud = One that is disappointingly ineffective or unsuccessful.
Sucker (noun) = One who is easily deceived; a dupe. One that is indiscriminately attracted to something specified: “The nation's capital is a sucker for a symbolic gesture”.
Nerd (noun) = A foolish, inept, or unattractive person. A person who is single-minded or accomplished in scientific or technical pursuits but is felt to be socially inept (nova gíria para "square", dos anos 50-70)
Geek (noun) = young people who spend their youth studying at the expense of their social life (ou seja, um CDF).
Scenester (noun) = (Youthspeak) Someone intent on "making the scene," a really cool groupie always at the right band concerts, hanging with the right nest of other cool groupies. Scenesters are identified by their drab clothes, smoking, drug use (or talk of drug use), use of cool words from in(tellectual) magazines, which they don't know the meaning of, and lack of attention to the music at the concerts they attend. An offensive hair-do is a must, if not with spikes and bizarre colors, at least with highlights. The antonym is "geek."
Usage: This word refers to groupies or "band aids," young people who follow bands from concert to concert and who become disdainful in their knowledge of the lore of contemporary rock bands. Scenesters often end up working for geeks in later life. Ouch!
Dud = One that is disappointingly ineffective or unsuccessful.
Sucker (noun) = One who is easily deceived; a dupe. One that is indiscriminately attracted to something specified: “The nation's capital is a sucker for a symbolic gesture”