

These two terms are still in everyday use in Northern Britain, and used extensively in Scotland (for example: “it will take months, nay years”). "See here for aye, and there for nay". Both terms are still used in the British Parliament.


Expressão do francês bas-fond [bá-fôn] cujo significado, entre outros, é "as camadas miseráveis e moralmente degradadas da sociedade", ou seja, o submundo; sinônimo de baixaria: bafão.


Dia de Lazer / Dia Feliz
How to run Away Days
These guidelines are for HoDs [Heads Of Department], facilitators and organisers.
Away Days are good for:
- Visioning (how could/should the dept look in 5/10 years time)
- Broad brush, long term planning
- Improving communications
- Improving teamworking and problem solving
- Helping staff to feel valued and to value their job
- Standing back from the situation (seeing the 'wood for the trees')




  • - often against all odds - // - muitas vezes contra todas as evidências --
  •  members of the squad won their way through to the World Cup against all odds.// os integrantes da equipe conquistaram, de forma improvável/inesperada/inacreditável, a vaga na Copa do Mundo
  • Against all odds he has made considerable progress // Contra tudo o que seria de esperar, ele conseguiu progressos consideráveis
  • Against all odds, broadband internet continues to grow // Contra todas as expectativas, a Internet de banda larga continua a crescer
  • Against all odds, we hit it off instantly // Contra todas as probabilidades, nós nos demos bem instantaneamente
  • an attempt against all odds to defend the idea of a more cosmopolitan Europe // uma tentativa desesperada de defender a ideia de uma Europa mais cosmopolita
  • Are we not called to be the light of the world when, against all odds, we keep hoping in the midst of difficulties? //
  • committed to respecting human and civil rights against all odds // empenhados, apesar de tudo, no respeito dos direitos humanos e cívicos,
  • fighting against all odds.//lutando contra todas as adversidades.
  • However, and against all odds,  // No entanto, e contra todos os prenúncios/prognósticos  negativos,
  • However, if against all odds, the economic situation changes, // Se entretanto, e contra todas as previsões, a conjuntura mudar, e
  • I have deep respect for small enterprises which, against all odds, try to survive. //Tenho o maior respeito pelas pequenas empresas que, contra todos os obstáculos, lutam pela sobrevivência.
  • Não seremos chamados a ser luz do mundo, quando, contra tudo e contra todos, mantemos uma esperança apesar das dificuldades ?
  • only express the hope, should closer cooperation be achieved against all odds, that // apenas manifestar a esperança de que, no caso de, mesmo contra todas as expectativas, se conseguir uma cooperação mais estreita,
  • Success against all odds, that's probably the best way to describe what the // Sucesso apesar de tudo, essa é provavelmente a melhor maneira de descrever o que
  • They would be amazed that their vision, despite all of the odds against it at the beginning and all of the resistance that has been mounted against it [...] // Ficariam surpreendidos de que sua visão, apesar de todas as dificuldades do início e de toda a resistência contra ela, tenha conseguido tanto.
  • Those who had enough courage to attend matches "against all odds" //Aqueles que tinham bastante coragem para assistir a jogos "apesar de tudo"
  • to defend against all odds the project that  //defender a todo custo o projeto que
Source: Linguee



Purview means the range of control, concern or function. (noun). An example of purview is the extent to which a local government has power over the citizens. 
      -  Immigration policy is the purview (seara, competência, esfera, âmbito) of the federal government.
     -  It is not within my purview to answer that question (não cabe a mim responder a essa pergunta).



Mais uma brincadeira invade locais famosos: Tebowing, que consiste em tirar uma foto com um joelho apoiado no chão, um cotovelo na perna e a mão na cabeça, é inspirada na estrela do time de futebol americano Denver Broncos Tim Tebow. Católico, o jogador se ajoelha em oração a cada início e fim de jogo da NFL.


Os leitores do blog ("menos a Luisa, que está voltando hoje do Canadá") talvez se lembrem de uma postagem anterior ("go viral = virar febre na Internet") sobre "memes", parcialmente reproduzida abaixo:
Meme = A unit of cultural information, such as a cultural practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another (a replicator).
               A hashtag #LuizaEstaNoCanada ficou em 1º lugar nos trend topics do Twitter no Brasil na tarde desta quinta-feira (12). A hashtag se refere a uma frase dita em um comercial veiculado em algumas TVs da Paraíba, onde o colunista Gerardo Rabello é o garoto propaganda de uma construtora. No comercial ele apresenta a família e em um momento ele diz “fiz questão de reunir toda a minha família, menos Luiza que está no Canadá…”. Luiza é filha do colunista e não participou do comercial. A frase "bombou" na internet, em todas as variações possíveis e imagináveis e rendeu inúmeros artigos na Internet ("Dez passeios para fazer com a Luisa no Canadá”; charges (Obama no Canada: “Vim conhecer a Luisa”); Cantor Lenine para a platéia:“Que maravilha, está todo mundo aqui, rapaz! Só não está a Luiza, que está no Canadá”) e propaganda (“Que tal visitar a Luisa no Canadá “ - Decolar.com). Dizem que ela volta hoje e já tem várias entrevistas agendadas e muitos jornalistas à sua espera no aeroporto!
             Outra hashtag (#) surgiu esta semana na Itália: "Vada a bordo, cazzo!" e camisetas foram impressas com esse grito e palavrão dirigidos ao capitão do navio acidentado.



PENSAR FORA DA CAIXINHA (?? Isso faz sentido no Brasil?)
              Thinking outside the box (sometimes erroneously called "thinking out of the box" or "thinking outside the square") is to think differently, unconventionally, or from a new perspective. This phrase often refers to novel or creative thinking.
              Out of the box is the term used to denote items, functionalities, or features that do not require any additional installation. In addition to being used for tangible products, the phrase is often used in a less literal sense for software, which may not be distributed in an actual box but offer certain functions "out of the box," i.e. without modification. In the case of implementation of products that use other products, out of the box also has the connotation of using a system without customization, such that it is usable with a Vanilla Software installation. When a device fails when brand new, it is known as Out of Box failure.
              Vanilla software is computer software that is not customized from its delivered form - i.e. it is used without any customizations applied to it. Vanilla software can become a widespread de facto industry standard, widely used by businesses and individuals.



green area/green belt [cinturão verde] = A green belt or greenbelt is a policy and land use designation used in land use planning to retain areas of largely undeveloped, wild, or agricultural land surrounding or neighbouring urban areas. In essence, a green belt is an invisible line encircling a certain area, preventing development of the area allowing wildlife to return and be established.
green beret"In addition to the training on Mexican soil, U.S. Army Green Berets have been training in the United States hundreds of Mexican troops who form elite counter-narcotics and counterinsurgency battalions": forças especiais do exército, boinas verdes
green card – "Shusterman says that under the current rules, he advises such people not to apply for citizenship and not to leave the country expecting to re-enter on their permanent citizenship papers, commonly known as a green card": visto permanente
greenfield - área de terra sem infraestrutura construída, mas com projetos de obra no local
green light – "The county gave them a green light to do whatever they wanted": sinal verde, carta branca
green line – "The unprecedented evacuation of settlements in Sinai predicted the same alarming prospect for the settlers of Yesha (Judea, Samaria, and Gaza) on the other side of the Green Line": Linha Verde
green paper – "The EC Commission is presently at the early stages of preparing a Green Paper on liability for environmental damage": Livro Verde, proposta do governo, declaração do governo
green party – "Failure could also have a negative impact on green parties' election polls": partido verde
green plan – "The Green Plan is the federal government's five year environmental plan": plano ambiental
green revolution – "The techniques whose adoption is shown here are the "green revolution" crop varieties developed through international exchange of materials, cross-breeding and local seed multiplication": revolução agrícola
green space – "In sum, the Plan's 30/30/30 strategy (30 acres of green space, 30,000 jobs, $30 million new tax revenues) would bring to the Site the kind of economic and community development and environmental protection never before seen in Somerville": área verde, vegetação
green water – "The green water environment extends from the outer edge of the brown-water layer past any continental shelves, archipelagos and islands; perhaps a thousand miles from shore": águas verdes
green-water navy – "A "green-water navy" is capable of defense of its nation in depth and is a significant offensive force within its territory": marinha de guerra que mantém alguma capacidade de operar nos oceanos, mas que não conta com navios de grande porte nem goza de grande autonomia, marinha de água verde
greenways [pista de bicicleta] or green wedges have a linear character and may run through an urban area instead of around it. They are long, narrow pieces of land, often used for recreation and pedestrian and bicycle user traffic, and sometimes for streetcar, light rail or retail uses.
Source: Migalaw et al
A lista acima não esgota as inúmeras possibilidades com “green”.