
Good Riddance Day (Times Square, New York)

       "On December 28, say goodbye to your worst memory from 2012 once and for all on Good Riddance Day.
        Whether you're bidding farewell to pink slips or parking tickets, credit cards or Valentine's Day cards, your bad memories from 2012 will be destroyed, never to be seen again. A Cintas secure, mobile shredding truck along with a dumpster and sledgehammer were on hand to discard any distasteful, embarrassing and downright depressing memories from 2012.
         Good Riddance Day is inspired by a Latin American tradition in which New Year’s revelers put artifacts from the previous year into giant dolls and set them on fire.


Twelve Days of Christmas (song)

           The "TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS" is an English Christmas carol that enumerates a series of increasingly grand gifts given on each of the twelve days of Christmas.
The twelve days in the song are the twelve days starting Christmas Day, or in some traditions, the day after Christmas (December 26) (Boxing Day or St. Stephen's Day, as being the feast day of St. Stephen Protomartyr) to the day before Epiphany, or the Feast of the Epiphany (January 6, or the Twelfth Day). The Twelfth Night is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as "the evening of the fifth of January, preceding Twelfth Day, the eve of the Epiphany, formerly the last day of the Christmas festivities and observed as a time of merrymaking."
           Currently, the twelve days and nights are celebrated in widely varying ways around the world. For example, some give gifts only on Christmas Day, some only on Twelfth Night, and some each of the twelve nights, with each day of the Twelve Days representing a wish for a corresponding month of the new year.
           The "Twelve Days of Christmas" is a cumulative song, meaning that each verse is built on top of the previous verses. There are twelve verses, each describing a gift given by "my true love" on one of the twelve days of Christmas ...and so forth, until the last verse:



capacidade de recuperação/adaptação
           "The resilience frame speaks not just to how buildings weather storms but to how people weather them, too. Here, psychologists, sociologists and neuroscientists are uncovering a wide array of factors that make you more or less resilient than the person next to you: the reach of your social networks, the quality of your close relationships, your access to resources, your genes and health, your beliefs and habits of mind.
          For example, “resilience thinking” is starting to shape how urban planners in big cities think about updating antiquated infrastructure, much of which is robust in the face of normal threats like equipment failures but — as was just demonstrated in the New York region — fragile in the face of unanticipated shocks like flooding, pandemics, terrorism or energy shortages.
          “After 9/11, Lower Manhattan contained the largest collection of LEED-certified, green buildings in the world,” he said, referring to a rating program for eco-friendly design. “But that was answering only part of problem. The buildings were designed to generate lower environmental impacts, but not to respond to the impacts of the environment” — for example, by having redundant power systems."
Source: NYT


“In behalf of” vs. “on behalf of”

Q: Which is proper, “on behalf of” or “in behalf of”?
A: Both expressions are correct, but they mean slightly different things.
“In behalf of” means “for the benefit of” or “in the interest of.”
“On behalf of” means “in place of” or “as the agent of.”
So I might give a donation, “on behalf of” my gardening club, to be used “in behalf of” tree restoration in the park.


Lei da Ficha Limpa

Clean Record Law



Ano Social / Exercício Social
ano / período contábil = accounting year / period
ano / exercício financeiro (período entre balanços) = financial year [UK]; fiscal year (US)
ano / exercício contábil = accounting year
ano / exercício social = corporate year
exercício / período contábil  =   accounting period, fiscal period
exercício fiscal =  fiscal year, tax year  



bank collection slip


XX, pessoa jurídica a ser citada na pessoa de um dos seus representantes legais = XX, a legal entity to be served on one of its legal representatives


The residents will sign a collective petition.



            location: A place where something is or could be located; a site. A tract of land that has been surveyed and marked off.
            place:  An area with definite or indefinite boundaries; a portion of space. A building or an area set aside for a specified purpose: a place of worship. A business establishment or office.  locality, such as a town or city: visited many places. A public square or street with houses in a town.
           site: The place where a structure or group of structures was, is, or is to be located: a good site for the school.  The place or setting of something: a historic site; a job site.

Warehouse vs. Depot

Warehouse:place where goods are stored for a business or organization that is a separate building.
Depot: place where goods are stored for distribution (however not for just a store but for many different places). 

Difference between Stock and Inventory

            While stock deals with products that are sold as part of the business's daily operation, inventory includes sale products and the goods and materials used to produce them.
              For example, the cars, car parts and accessories are sold during normal business practices, but the machines that run diagnostic tests on cars or the car lot itself are not. Inventory takes in account all of the assets a business uses to produce the goods it sells and determines the sale price for the stock. The stock determines the amount of revenue a business generates. The more stock that is sold, the higher the revenues


Difference between Finance / Financial Managers

            The Finance Manager does the general duties relating to the Finance Department, while the Financial Manager deals with the acquisationa and utilization of long and short term funds.
            In today's competitive global environment, financial managers are continually faced with the ability to engage in activities bringing value to the firm and the shareholders. In order to achieve their goals successfully, financial managers need to set strategies to influence the direction and success of the company. Such strategies include internal company
             Finance is the management of money and financial management shows the management of financial activities properly to achieve firm's goal ( wealth maximization). Actually financial management shows the techniques and strategies to determine the needs of the fund, to identify the possible and plausible sources of fund, to collect the necessary fund from the identified sources and to invest the collected fund in different profitable sectors by maintaining the principles of finance to achieve the goal of the business firm.


HEN PARTY = Despedida de Solteira

A party for a woman who is about to be married.
UK, Ireland:        hen(s) party/hen(s) night/hen(s) do
USA:                   bachelorette party
Canada:              also "stagette"
South Africa:       also girls' night out or kitchen tea [chá de cozinha]
bachelor's party: despedida de solteiro

Olympic [27 Jul-12 Aug] / Paralympic Games [29 Aug–9 Sep]

      Ancient Greeks used wreaths for decoration, as gifts, and to honor athletes and other heroes. Today, winning marathon runners are still crowned with fragrant laurel wreaths, and Olympic champions receive large floral bouquets. 
In addition to a medal, each winner is given a tiny bouquet. Why?
       Back in the day, the Ancient Greeks gave laurels to their Olympians. These bouquets, which have been used since at least the 1984 Winter Games, are the modern-day equivalent. British florist Jane Packer won the contract to make all 4,400 of them. The flowers within – four strains of English rose divided by lines of lavender, rosemary, mint and wheat – are supposed to evoke the British countryside, and they've been wrapped by students from three different schools in the south-east.

Origins of some U.S. state and territory names.

California      fictional Queen Califia
Carolinas    Charles I of England (Carolinus in Latin)
Florida         flowery land
Georgia       King George II of Great Britain;
Guam          Guahan is a native-language word for 'we have' or 'a place that has'
Iowa            Ioway people
Oklahoma   red people
Puerto Ricorich port
Utah            people of the mountains
Vermont      green mountains
Wyoming    at the big river flat




People in Northern Ireland annually celebrate Orangemen's Day to commemorate the Battle of Boyne, which occurred on Ireland’s east coast in 1690. It is a bank holiday on or after July 12 and often features marches. This day is known as "Orangemen's Day", "Orange Day", "the Glorious Twelfth" or just "the Twelfth".
What do people do?
In many towns in Northern Ireland, marches or walks are held by organizations with a Protestant orientation. The marching season lasts from April until August but the Glorious Twelfth (of July), or Orangemen's Day, is particularly important. Many marches are organized by Lodges of the Orange Order and are accompanied by a marching band.
         Participants in the walks, or marches, often wear dark suits, although they may remove their jackets if it is hot. Traditionally, they also wore black bowler hats and white gloves, although these are not as common now. The participants also wear collarettes. This type of collarette is made from a long thin piece of cloth, which is draped around the neck of the wearer and joined to form a “V” shape at the front. Many collarettes are made from orange cloth, although there may be other colors. The collarettes bear the number of the lodge that the wearer belongs to and a range of badges showing the person’s positions in or degrees from the lodge.
        Many lodges carry at least one flag during the marches. This is normally the Union Flag, sometimes known as the Union Jack, although some carry Scottish, Ulster or Orange Order flags. Many lodges also carry one or more banners. These display the name and number of the lodge on one side. The other side often displays images of William of Orange, deceased lodge members, local landmarks or the bible with a crown.



AKA (Also Known As, vulgo)
Trade / Commercial / Assumed / Fictitious Name
Fanciful Trademark/Mark
USA:                           DBA, dba, d/b/a – doing business as
Oregon:                     assumed business name
WA:                            trade name
Other U.S. States:   trade style; fictitious business name
Canada:                     o/a – operating as
UK, Australia, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Ireland, South Africa:  t/a – trading as
Japão:                        yago (屋号?)


Do what you know well

It is clear to me, and it is increasingly clear to clients, that no one is a "Jack of all trades." The ability of prospects to evaluate the service before committing to purchase, understand what they need, and crucially know what good looks like, will mean that many so called full service providers will fail, because they just can't do it all.
It's time to recognise the advantages of specialisation. Gone are the days when a generalist was seen as having an advantage. If you can be known as a specialist in one or two areas that are highly attractive to customers, then you are on the right track. But you have to be able to deliver, because clients now have all the information they need to make a judgment.”
by Chris Crossland


Surf and turf (US/UK) = Beef and Reef (Australia) meal = Mar e Terra (Brasil)

       ”Surf and turf” is a restaurant term referring to an entree which includes a portion of meat and a portion of seafood. Some people sneer at the concept, arguing that a surf and turf meal is simply a showy extravagance, since it usually incorporates expensive ingredients and can be the most expensive thing on the menu. Steak houses and mid-range restaurants, especially along the American coastline, frequently offer this main course, usually indicating that it is a surf and turf plate on the menu.
      The term appears to have originated along the Atlantic Coast of the United States. The “surf” in the title clearly refers to seafood, usually lobster or another crustacean. “Turf” is any type of grass-fed land animal, but usually refers specifically to beef in the form of steak. In the late 1960s, restaurants along both coasts were using the term, often in advertisements designed to highlight the range of offerings at the restaurant. In Australia, the dish is better known as “beef and reef.”


Dietitian vs Nutritionist

        nutricionista  (Brazil) = dietitian (EUA)
        nutrólogo = "nutritionist"; "medical nutritionist" (nutrição clínica)
When trying to choose between a nutritionist and a dietitian, know that there are important differences in their qualifications, scope of expertise and legal status as practitioners.


The Little Prince

"You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed."



Continuando o post abaixo: outro dia um cliente pediu a versão de uma apresentação em PowerPoint para o inglês com palavras bem “Plain English” porque ele tinha certeza que o nível de inglês da audiência, formada por brasileiros e cidadãos de várias outras nacionalidades, não ia além do “Book Two”.   O inverso também é verdadeiro: na tradução de manuais técnicos para o português, é preciso considerar que o manual será consultado pelo pessoal de manutenção e, portanto, o texto precisa ser simples e claro.


Double words - is is, had had, that that – are they correct?

Quando o texto requer uma palavra repetida acabo reescrevendo a frase porque, como muitos dos meus clientes tem um conhecimento  limitado do idioma, iriam certamente achar que era um erro e possivelmente eliminar a palavra repetida.
                    Exemplos de construções corretas:
had had
      If I had had the opportunities that you had I wouldn't have done what you did.
      She would have traveled around the world if she had had more money.
      We had had that car for ten years before it broke down
is is
      There is nothing between them and trying to imply there is is simply wishful thinking.
      Exactly how long a stadia is is unknown.
      Everything that is, is because other things are.
that that
      I know that that is not easy to understand.
      That that should be me is unbelievable.
      What you have to accept is that that talk exists in the community.
      I'm glad and sad that that's over.
      I know that that school is that famous because of its rules.



stance: (n): The attitude or position of a standing person or animal, especially the position assumed by an athlete preparatory to action. Mental posture; point of view: "It has also toughened its stance toward foreign investors"
stand (n):
A position or opinion one is prepared to uphold: must take a stand on environmental issues

Novilíngua da Diplomacia Ambiental no G20

CBDR = principle of Common But Differentiated Responsibilities
G-77 = Grupo dos 130 países pobres e emergentes; inclui Brasil e China
JUSCANZ =Japão, Estados Unidos, Canada, New Zealand
LDC = países mais pobres
MOI = meios de implementação
ODA = assistência oficial ao desenvolvimento (Nações em ascensão passam de recebedoras a prestadoras de ODA
ODS = Objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentável
PNUMA = Programa das Nações Unidas para o Meio Ambiente
SCP =padrões sustentáveis de produção e consumo
agreed ad ref = acordado por todos
economia verde = correto: “economia verde no contexto do desenvolvimento sustentável e da erradicação da pobreza”
“Assim, o Juscanz afirma ao G-77 que não quer saber de dar dinheiro para o MOI porque afinal já contribui com ODA, que vai quase toda para os LDCs. O G-77, por sua vez, alega as CBDR e reclama dos SCP.”



Beverage coaster

A coaster, drink coaster, beverage coaster, drink mat, dripmat, or beermat [bolacha], is an article used to rest beverages upon. The main purpose is to protect the surface of a table or any other surface where users might place their beverage.



blog on
call me
code on
cook on
do it yourself
marry on
muddle on
say it plainly
waltz on



Top XX banks accused of colluding on ATM fees
The lawsuit, filed in federal court, alleges Bank of XX, YYY and ZZZ worked with XXCredit Card to artificially set high rates on ATM transactions. They were able to collude successfully for some time to increase their profits.
An agreement among firms over production and price is called collusion, and the group of firms acting in unison is called a cartel.
collusion = conivência
collude = atuar em conluio
em conluio = in collusion with


The Queen's Diamond Jubilee - 2 - 5 June

                Celebrations and Events:
Marking 60 years of The Queen's reign, the Diamond Jubilee celebrations will centre around an extended weekend on 2, 3, 4 and 5 June.
Comemore com um sanduíche real de pepino!
"We tend to get what we  expect." ( Norman Vincent Peale)


TV Pitchman

There is a growing demand for no-longer-ready-for-prime-time celebrities willing to vouch for products in ads often shown during reruns of movies and TV shows they made during their salad days.


When a lawyer decides he wants to attend medical school, his girlfriend must decide if their relationship can survive a career change. He was contemplating a do-over — about his choice of career.
In the end, she resolved that choosing between losing the best man she had ever met and adjusting to a career change was a no-brainer.



The politician chose to keep mum [ficar calado] on the facts when submitted to questioning. He invoked the right to be silent and that he could not be compelled to incriminate himself.
Relator: Rapporteur
The Senator was the rapporteur. He reported on the findings directly to the inter-Ministerial group.


Relationship agreements are a stripped-down version of cohabitation agreements
The parties in a "Relationship Agreement" are "The Girlfriend and the Boyfriend"
Relationship agreements also have contemporary currency [the state of being in common or general use – pertinência contemporânea?]
prenuptial agreements are used to protect marital assets


define/discuss the relationship = discutir a relação



What is the difference between TRADEMARK and BRAND?
Pelo que li e entendi até agora, Trademark seria a marca geral (o nome do fabricante, por exemplo) e Brand seria a marca específica (por exemplo, dos produtos). Corrijam-me se esse entendimento estiver errado.


Abbey Road today: A sunny day in London


To enter information into a machine by pressing keys or numbers.
You just have to put your credit card into the slot and tap your personal identification number in.
-  To log in, tap in your user name and password and click on the ‘login’ button.

-  Enter your data in the proper field.
This phrasal verb can be separated.
Source: Knight's English



Dime qué textos traduces y te diré qué tipo de traductor eres.
Dime cuanto cobras y te diré para quien traduces
No dejes para mañana lo que deberías haber traduido ayer
No dejes para mañana lo que puedas traducir pasado mañana!
Soy traductor pero no se lo digas a mi madre. Cree que toco el piano en un burdel.
No, no hago clases de inglés. ¿Has dicho que eres diseñador web? ¿Por qué no das clases de diseño gráfico?
A buen traductor poco contexto le basta
Todos los Cat son iguales, pero algunos son más iguales que otros.

Yo no trabajo: gano tanto traduciendo, que no me hace falta.
No-match, no-match... assim voce me mata.. ai se eu te pego..




           Abbreviations consisting of capital letters do not have full stops (GNP, USA, US). For abbreviating United States either as a noun or an adjective, use "US" without full stops. Contractions ending with the same letter as the original word do not take terminal full stops (St, Mr, Dr).
          Abbreviations where the last letter of the singular word is not included take a full stop (vol., vols./ed., eds.). The abbreviation for  umber is no./nos. Abbreviated unit of measurements do not take a full stop (lb, mm, kg) and do not take a final 's' in the plural.
         1. Number: pegue a primeira e a última letra - Nr (não precisa ponto)
         2. Mister: idem - Mr
         3. Professor: Prof. (precisa ponto pois a palavra foi cortada ao meio).
         4. Et coetera: etc. (precisa ponto pois a palavra foi cortada ao meio).
Por que "No" no Reino Unido? Porque a abreviação vem do Latim "numero".
UK:  nao se usa ponto numa abreviatura se a última letra da abreviatura for a mesma que a última letra da palavra (Mister - Mr; Doctor - Dr; Numero - No). No entanto, há quem use "No." para nao confunfir com "no" (nao).



Before signing, read the fine print.
(Antes de assinar, leia tudo/o texto em letras pequenas)
        Fine print, small print, or "mouseprint" is less noticeable print smaller than the more obvious larger print it accompanies that advertises or otherwise describes or partially describes a commercial product or service.  The larger print that is used in conjunction with fine print is used by the merchant in effect to deceive the consumer into believing the offer is more advantageous than it really is, via a legal technicality which requires full disclosure of all (even unfavorable) terms or conditions, but does not specify the manner (size, typeface, coloring, etc.) of disclosure.
       Fine print often says the opposite of what the larger print says. For example, if the larger print says "pre-approved" the fine print will say "subject to approval." Especially in pharmaceutical advertisements, fine print may accompany a warning message, but this message is often neutralized by the more eye-catching positive images and pleasant background music (eye candy). Sometimes, television advertisements will flash text fine print in camouflagic colors, and for notoriously brief periods of time, making it difficult for the viewer to read.
      The use of fine print has become a standard method of advertising in certain industries, particularly those selling a higher-priced product or service, or a specialty item not found on the mainstream market, or involving a signed contract.  The practice, for example, can be used to mislead the consumer in reference to an item's price, its value, or the nutritional content of a food product.
      US (FTC) regulations state that, for an advertised offer to be lawful, the terms of the offer must be clear and conspicuous, not relegated to fine print.



to wear warm clothes = agasalhar-se
(This verb has more than one meaning)

    -  Make sure you wrap up – it’s very cold today!
  - She wrapped herself up warm and left the house.

This phrasal verb can only be separated by a reflexive pronoun.
Source: Knight's English



The First of May is a Public Holiday in France, officially known as La Fête du Travail (National Labour Day) but also called La Fête du Muguet (Lily of the Valley Day).
        It is a tradition on this day to offer a sprig of lily-of-the-valley (“muguet” in French) to loved ones, to bring them luck and health in the coming year.



              Citizen (n): A person owing loyalty to and entitled by birth or naturalization to the protection of a state or nation. A resident of a city or town, especially one entitled to vote and enjoy other privileges there. A civilian.  A native, inhabitant, or denizen of a particular place: "We have learned to be citizens of the world, members of the human community" (Franklin D. Roosevelt).
            Denizen (n):  An inhabitant; a resident: denizens of Monte Carlo. One that frequents a particular place: a bar and its denizens. Ecology. An animal or a plant naturalized in a region. Chiefly British. A foreigner who is granted rights of residence and sometimes of citizenship. /// (v): tr.v. Chiefly British, -zened, -zen·ing, -zens. To make a denizen of; grant rights of residence to.
          Dweller (n): dweller - a person who inhabits a particular place. (v): To live as a resident; reside. To exist in a given place or state: dwell in joy.  To fasten one's attention: kept dwelling on what went wrong. Synonym: brood. To speak or write at length; expatiate: dwelt on the need to trim the budget.
           Inhabitant (n): One that inhabits a place, especially as a permanent resident: the inhabitants of a fishing village; snakes, lizards, and other inhabitants of the desert.
            Local (n):
Informal. A person from a particular locality. The locals.

ABBEY ROAD now - also a rainy day!


"MOCK English food all you like. But the local food thing is almost as inbred in England as it is in France; it just sometimes hides behind poverty, war or a fatal attraction to (as they call it) America. Today there are literally dozens of restaurants featuring not only fish from the Channel, the North Atlantic and the North Sea, but local beef and pork. Meanwhile, there is lamb from Wales and Scotland, and produce from everywhere. "



Segundo o livro Dim Sum – The Essential Kitchen (algo como "Dim Sum – A Cozinha Essencial"), de Vicki Liley, a iguaria foi popularizada pelas casas de chá, mas há quem diga que foi criada pelo chef de um imperador chinês que queria conhecer a comida de todos os cantos de seu império. Para agradá-lo, o cozinheiro reuniu todos os sabores e preparou uma espécie de menu degustação: recheou pequenos pastéis de massa fina com um pouquinho de cada prato. Hoje, as casas de chá chinesas servem a combinação chá+dim sum em todos os horários do dia, principalmente pela manhã.” http://revistaepoca.globo.com/Revista/Epoca/0,,EMI97895-15228,00.html
             Servidos sempre em três ou quatro unidades, os dim sums também podem constituir toda a refeição. Um dos melhores restaurantes chineses de Londres, o “Royal China” abre às 11h30. A partir das 11h00, principalmente aos domingos, já começa a se formar uma fila imensa na porta do restaurante, Quem chegar após o meio-dia, provavelmente só será atendido depois de horas de espera. “A dim sum meal at the Royal China is the ideal Sunday afternoon treat - but it's probably best to book ahead; the queues can be extensive.”
            Uma boa idéia é visitar o site do restaurante, fazer uma lista dos que parecem mais apetitosos e levar ao restaurante. Trarão à mesa um ou dois pratos de cada vez. Um dos que eu mais gosto  é o Peking Duck [pancakes with thin strips of duck meat, scallion and hoisin sauce – Coloque uma panquequinha no prato, lascas de pato por cima, molho e cebolinha verde. Enrole ou faça uma trouxinha e aí é só comer]. Outro é este: “xiao long bao (soup dumplings made of balls of pork or crab, encased in a wrapper that holds the soup inside¨. No Brasil, há o Ping Pong, filial de um restaurante de Londres, que serve dim sums tipo "fast food". Lá o Peking Duck é o "crisp duck spring roll".



There are about 500 taxi ranks in the London area. Their purpose is to provide the public with set locations where they can hire licensed taxis.  A rank is the only place where you can hire a taxi while it's stationary.  Ranks are located in places where people most need taxis, including mainline railway stations, hotels and major shopping areas.


Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da

Traduzi os documentos de uma empresa cujo nome era muito parecido com o título da música abaixo. E durante o dia todo, enquanto durou a tradução, essa música não parava de tocar no no “background” da minha cachola! Chicletou!
       The Beatles: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OseAzFvSo48&feature=related
        Paul McCartney in Brazil: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvbs07wwBjo&feature=related



PICAYUNE - adj.: Of little value or importance; paltry. See synonyms at trivial. Petty; mean.
n.> A five-cent piece.Something of very little value; a trifle: not worth a picayune.
The judge in the case criticized English divorce law for allowing such picayune matters to become an issue at all.       



Daí, no café da manhã. enquanto comia minha fatia de mamão sem açúcar:
This is a no-brainer! É mamão com açúcar!
no-brainer: n. Informal. Something so simple or easy as to require no thought.


Pede cachimbo
o cachimbo é de barro
Bate no jarro
o jarro é fino
Bate no sino
O sino é de ouro
Bate no touro
O touro é valente
Bate na gente
A gente é fraco
Cai no buraco
O buraco é fundo
Acabou-se o mundo!
[Ao acordar hoje, pensei: "Hoje é domingo... e o restante veio "tomaticamente"...]
[Será que um dia terei netos e vou ensinar-lhes essa antiga ladainha?]