sector: A part or division, as of a city or a national economy: the manufacturing sector; the private sector. industry: The sector of an economy made up of manufacturing enterprises: government regulation of industry
"Só sei que nada sei." // "I know that I know nothing." - Sócrates
"The optimist sees opportunity in every danger, the pessimist sees danger in every opportunity." - Winston Churchill
Go the extra mile. // Vá além do trivial.
"He who knows best knows how little he knows." Thomas Jefferson
‘The investigation of the meaning of words is the beginning of education.' - Antisthenes
'The writer must write what he has to say, not speak it.' Ernest Hemingway
“Lawyers with a weakness for seeing the merits of the other side... end up being employed by neither.” (Richard J. Barnet)
Veja abaixo nesta coluna:
1) Preços de Tradução Juramentada
2) Você sabe que é um tradutor quando . . .
Rose Polato
Experiência de mais de 30 anos: 10 anos na Divisão de Engenharia de empresa norte-americana; 5 anos no Iraque, como tradutora da Mendes Júnior (construção pesada); 3 anos em empresa de auditoria (uma das Big Six) (auditoria, contratos); 20 anos em diversas áreas (+-8.000 currículos para Catho e Manager; +-40.000 laudas de tradução). Tradutora Pública e Intérprete Comercial (Juramentada) aprovada em Concurso da JUCESP(Ano 2000), Certificate of Proficiency in English /University of Michigan [EUA-1973]; International Legal English Certificate-ILEC/University of Cambridge (Inglaterra-2007].
Atualizado sempre que possível.
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DISCLAIMER (ISENÇÃO DE RESPONSABILIDADE): This Internet site is for guidance only and does not unless stated otherwise form part of any contract or obligation. It is subject to change without notice. It intends to suggest possible meanings or translations for certain words but accuracy is not guaranteed. You should always check to see that any information of any sort is up-to-date and correct before relying on it. The reader should never assume that information supplied on this website applies to any specific text without consulting other sources. Caveat emptor (Let the reader beware!).
O QUE É TRADUÇÃO JURAMENTADA? “Tradução juramentada é aquela exigida legalmente no País, para que documentos em idioma estrangeiro tenham efeito perante órgãos federais, estaduais e municipais, em qualquer instância, juízo ou tribunal, tabelionatos e cartórios em geral, instituições de ensino, agências reguladoras e fiscalizadoras.” (ATPIESP)
PREÇOS DE TRADUÇÃO JURAMENTADA Valor Mínimo por Lauda (1000 Caracteres Sem Espaços) Tradução: Idioma Estrangeiro-Português:(IE-P) Versão: Português-Idioma Estrangeiro (P-IE)
a) Textos Comuns: passaportes, certidões dos registros civis, carteiras de identidade, habilitação profissional e documentos similares, inclusive cartas pessoais que não envolvam textos jurídicos, técnicos ou científicos: Tradução: R$63,94 / lauda Versão: R$89,51 / lauda
b) Textos Especiais: jurídicos, técnicos, científicos, comerciais, inclusive bancários e contábeis, certificados e diplomas escolares: Tradução: R$79,28 / lauda Versão: R$109,97 / lauda
The clock showed close to quitting time; my desk was almost clear; I thought perhaps I'd slip
around the corner for a beer - But the phone rang - and I answered - and a friendly voice said "Hi!" It was the secretary of a legal firm nearby. She said "Oh, please excuse me
for calling this late in the day, But we have a new petition
in a case that's under way; Can you translate it by tomorrow? Any time by five will do - 'Cause we wouldn't want to give the work
to anyone but you:
It's: only: Five thousand words
for tomorrow at five; I thought "I'll do that easily; I'll scarcely have to strive, " So I smiled and said
"No problem;
I'll just add it to my bill, And you'll send a check on Friday?" And she said "You know we will."
I set to work at eight AM;
I cut my lunch date short; By five the stuff was ready
to be filed before the Court; I sent it off by email and
I poured a cup of tea - And the phone rang -
and I answered - and a lawyer asked from me:
"I've just leafed through your translation,
and I think it's very good, And I'd like you to translate an affidavit,
if you could; It's the size of that petition -
well, perhaps a little more - And you know that I'd be grateful if
you'd have it in by four;
It's: only: Six thousand words
for tomorrow at four;" I thought "I'll get up early;
I've a longish day in store," And I shrugged and said
"No problem; I'll just add it to my bill And you'll send a check on Friday?" And he said "You know we will."
I hit the desk at seven and
I ate my lunch alone; I never touched the Solitaire or
gossiped on the phone; At four o'clock I sent it off and
shook my weary head -
And the phone rang -
and I answered - and the junior partner said: "I really have to thank you
for a job superbly done, And I'm sure you'll be delighted,
'cause we've got another one: I've just finished my summation,
and you know how glad I'd be
If your excellent translation
could be on my desk by three: It's: only: Eight thousand words
for tomorrow at three;"
I thought, "It won't be easy:
but I'll have the evening free," So I sighed and said
"No problem; I'll just add it to my bill,
And you'll send a check on Friday?" And she said "You know we will."
I started at five-thirty,
and my lunch was just a snack; At three I typed the last few words
and sent the email back; I flexed my aching fingers
and I silently rejoiced - And the phone rang - and I answered - and the senior partner's voice said:
"You really are a wonder,
and your talents are unique - In fact, that's why
we've kept you very busy all this week; Now, I know that it's short notice,
but I have to count on you -
For the Judge needs my rebuttal
to be on her desk at two: It's: only: Ten thousand words
for tomorrow at two;"
I thought, "How can I tell him that
it's just too much to do?"
But I groaned and said
"No problem; I'll just add it to my bill,
And you'll send a check on Friday?" And he said "You know we will."
I staggered in at four AM;
I never ate a bite; But I got it done by two,
although it was a trifle tight; I was dizzy, I was queasy,
and I thought I'd never budge - But the phone rang - and I answered - and by God, it was the Judge!
She said, "I know you're tired,
and I really hate to ask, But there's no one in the city
that can do this one last task: For I've handed down my ruling,"
and she gave a modest cough, "
And at one PM tomorrow,
the courier takes off: It's: only: Twelve thousand words
for tomorrow at one; " My mind screamed "No, Your Honor! There are things that can't be done!"
But the words came out "No problem; I'll just add it to my bill" And it's been four months since Friday, and the bastards owe me still!
Adam Kay & Suman Biswas - London underground (