


This phrase is easier to understand if it is read as "You can't eat your cake, and have it too". Obviously once you've eaten your cake, you won't have it any more. Used for expressing the impossibility of having something both ways, if those two ways conflict.  E.g.:  He works so hard to pay for that fancy house of his that he never has any time to stay home and enjoy it.

GIGO: Garbage In, Garbage Out

                Garbage In, Garbage Out (abbreviated to GIGO, coined as a pun on the phrase First-In, First-Out) is a phrase in the field of computer science or information and communication technology. It is used primarily to call attention to the fact that computers will unquestioningly process the most nonsensical of input data (garbage in) and produce nonsensical output (garbage out).
                It was most popular in the early days of computing, but applies even more today, when powerful computers can spew out mountains of erroneous information in a short time. The term was coined as a teaching mantra by George Fuechsel, an IBM 305 RAMAC technician/instructor in New York. Early programmers were required to test virtually each program step and cautioned not to expect that the resulting program would "do the right thing" when given imperfect input.
                It is also commonly used to describe failures in human decision making due to faulty, incomplete, or imprecise data.
              Garbage In, Gospel Out is a more recent expansion of the acronym. It is a sardonic comment on the tendency to put excessive trust in "computerized" data, and on the propensity for individuals to blindly accept what the computer says. Because the data goes through the computer, people tend to believe it.
                Decision-makers increasingly face computer-generated information and analyses that could be collected and analyzed in no other way. Precisely for that reason, going behind that output is out of the question, even if one has good cause to be suspicious. In short, the computer analysis becomes the gospel.
Source: Wikipedia


Have Gun — Will Travel is an American Western television series that aired on CBS from 1957 through 1963. The title was a catch phrase used in personal advertisements in newspapers like The Times, indicating that the advertiser was ready for anything. It was used in this way from the early 1900s. A form common in theatrical advertising was "Have tux [a man's outfit], will travel," and this was the inspiration for the writer Herb Meadow. The TV show popularized the phrase in the sixties, and many variations of it were used as titles for other works such as Have Space Suit—Will Travel by Robert Heinlein.
Have Cake, Will Travel
Have Webcast, Will Travel
Have Pen, Will Travel
Have Dreams, Will Travel
Have Netbook, Will Travel
Have Gym, Will Travel
Have Diabetes, Will Travel
Have Surfboard, Will Travel
Have Passport, Will Travel
What is yours?
Tem festa? Então eu vou!



While both 'by' and 'until' are used to indicate actions in time, there are essential difference between the two usages.
'until': an action or event which will occur any time before the time period that usually follows the word, but not beyond that time. The word 'until' is used to indicate the time period that a situation or event has been going on for. E.g.: I worked until 3 a.m. last night. It is also used to denote negativity. E.g.: There will be no voting until the day after tomorrow. Rate is valid until 31st March 2009 or Rate is valid up to 31st March 2009
'by': an event or a situation that happens at or before a given time. For example - You have to close your shop by 9 p.m.


phase: • A distinct stage of development: "The American occupation of Japan fell into three successive phases" (Edwin O. Reischauer).
• A temporary manner, attitude, or pattern of behavior: just a passing phase.
• An aspect; a part: every phase of the operation.
stage: • A level, degree, or period of time in the course of a process: the toddler stage of child development; the early stages of a disease.
• A point in the course of an action or series of events: too early to predict a winner at this stage.



sector: A part or division, as of a city or a national economy: the manufacturing sector; the private sector.
industry: The sector of an economy made up of manufacturing enterprises: government regulation of industry



What’s protectyourvision.org:   Protectyourvision.org is a free online application aimed at protecting eyes from a Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS).
            What’s CVS ?
Around 70% people in developed countries experience eye discomfort and vision problems when viewing a computer screen for more than 2 hour daily. The level of discomfort appears to increase with the amount of computer use.
           The most common symptoms of CVS are:
eyestrain - headaches - blurred vision - dry, irritated eyes - double vision - difficulty refocusing the eyes - neck and shoulder pain
           If any of these sounds familiar to you it’s about time to take care of your eyes.
           How to use ?
           Switch on your personal eyes assistant (EVO) every time when your’re going to use computer for more than 2 hour. Simply go to www.protectyourvision.org website and click “Start EVO”.
          You can choose between 3 different modes:
1. 20-20-20 – after every 20 min spent in front of a computer a 20 sec break is signalized, in this time focus the eyes on an object 20 feet (6 meters) away, or just close your eyes.
2. 60-5 - after every hour spent in front of a computer a 5 min break is signalized with a sound alarm.
3. Custom – define by yourself break's frequency and length. By default: after every hour spent in front of a computer a 5 min break is signalized with a sound alarm.
          Find out which mode suits you.
          During the break avert your eyes from a computer screen, close them or do eyes gymnastics.
Enjoy safe computer use.


Blaving = twitter por voz
               Muitos de nós poderia achar que teria problemas de comunicação no Japão. Nem tanto, já que o idioma japonês está permeado de palavras oriundas do inglês. Será que isso já não vem acontecendo com o português do Brasil? Vem aí um "Brasish"? Porque em Portugal resistem bastante aos novos vocábulos. Lá "mouse" é "rato", tela é "ecrã" (embora essa daqui tenha chegado bem perto...), etc. Veja abaixo uma lista de Japlish:
Ansa = Answer
Apato = apartment
arubamu = album [fotos]
Bosu = boss
Doraggu = drugs
famiresu = family restaurant
Gurin-Piisu = green peas
Haado-uea = hardware
Hanbaagaa = hamburger
Happi-endo = happy ending
hotto rain = hotline [Observe que os "L" são transformados em "R"]
konbini = convenience store
kurippu = paper clip
Muudi = moody (pleasant and cosy)
Nekutai = neckties
Nyuu takkusu = new tax
ofisu = office
OL = Office Lady, a female company employee
pasokon = personal computer
posutokaado = postcard
purintaa = printer
Puroguraame = program
Rabu hoteru = Love Hotel (motel)
Rajio = radio
Saidaa = cider (lemonade)
Sandoicchiman = sandwichman
Sarariman = salaryman (i.e. company worker)
Sekuhara = Sexual Harassment
supana = spa
Suteshon = station
Sutoraki = strike
Tafu = tough (meaning strong)
Taipuraita = typewriter
Teberu = table
Waa-puro :word processor
[Suteshon/sutoraki: O árabe também ponuncia assim esse "s" inicial [street = sitrit]



Em relação ao “Termo de Ajustamento de Conduta – TAC”, usei em traduções antigas “Compliance Commitment”, o que poderia não ser bem entendido por estrangeiros.
              O termo “Consent Decree”, recomendado em alguns dicionários, é um pouco diferente no Direito Internacional (vide definição abaixo do Black’s) já que pressupõe que nenhuma parte confessa culpa (“without admitting guilt or wrongdoing”, enquanto que o TAC no Brasil não menciona isso expressamente e tem “eficácia de título executivo extrajudicial".
              “No direito brasileiro, mais especificamente na lei que disciplina a ação civil pública (Lei nº 7347/85, art. 5º, § 6º), pressupõe-se a existência de uma conduta que precisa ser corrigida, mas que nem sempre menciona expressamente o fato de que uma das partes acordantes possa ter agido com culpa, no sentido estrito do termo.
              “LEI N° 8.078, DE 11 DE SETEMBRO DE 1990 - Dispõe sobre a proteção do consumidor e dá outras providências. Art. 113. Acrescente-se os seguintes §§ 4°, 5° e 6° ao art. 5º. da Lei n.° 7.347, de 24 de julho de 1985: § 6° Os órgãos públicos legitimados poderão tomar dos interessados compromisso de ajustamento de sua conduta às exigências legais, mediante combinações, que terá eficácia de título executivo extrajudicial".
              CONSENT DECREE: A judgment entered by consent of the parties whereby the defendant agrees to stop alleged illegal activity without admitting guilt or wrongdoing. Agreement by defendant to cease activities asserted as illegal by government (e.g. deceptive advertising practic¬es as alleged by F.T.C.). Upon approval of such agreement by the court the government's action against the defendant is dropped. Also, a decree entered in an equity suit on consent of both parties; it is not properly a judicial sentence, but is in the nature of a solemn contract or agreement of the parties, made under the sanction of the court, and in effect an admission by them [ambas as partes] ;' that the decree is a just determination of their rights apon the real facts of the case, if such facts had been proved. It binds only the consenting parties; and is not binding upon the court."
              Essa diferença na definição legal poderia causar um mal-entendido entre advogados brasileiros e estrangeiros, já que o advogado brasileiro não recomendaria a assinatura do TAC por entender que poderia ser uma confissão de culpa enquanto que o pessoal lá fora não entenderia o motivo de não assinar porque, para eles, o Consent Decree não é uma admissão de culpa.
              Porisso, nem sempre o nome usado lá fora pode ser adotado "ipsis litteris" no Brasil. Temos as nossas peculiaridades e, sem um profundo conhecimento dos dispositivos, isso pode até causar confusão.
              Talvez o melhor seja mesmo fazer uma tradução meio "at the foot of the letter", como "CONDUCT ADJUSTMENT AGREEMENT" e incluir uma nota explicativa. Pode até ser sugerido que é um instrumento parecido com um "Consent Decree" mas com a ressalva de que cada país tem as suas especificidades.



(Slang): Food, with the implication that the food is basic and simple, 'earthy' food, like carrots and potatoes.
     The grub [grude] they serve in the cafeteria is pretty good!
     Nice hotel but the eats are slim. They are in a trendy area and the eats are expensive.
     I must say that the chow here is a lot better than I expected. ...... Reminds me of the cafeteria in elementary school.


Triple A aims to pass texting-while-driving laws in all 50 states by 2013.
[Triple A = AAA = American Automobile Association]
             American Automobile Association (AAA) is beginning a nationwide effort to pass federal and state laws, which would ban texting while driving in all 50 states by 2013. Some people don't need two thumbs to do it, they can manage one handed. But nobody can read and write and drive at the same time. Studies have shown that text messaging takes the driver's eyes off the road an average of 4.6 seconds, or as long as it takes to travel the length of a football field at 55 miles per hour. Interestingly, a number of surveys indicate that 80 to 90 percent of the people approve the bans.


Encouragement comes in bits and pieces.
New signs that recovery may come in dribs and drabs.New figures on home sales and manufacturing activity suggested on Friday that economic recovery was likely to occur in fits and starts [trancos e barrancos] because of high unemployment, a mercurial [volátil] stock market and shaky consumer demand.



Todas as grafias acima estão corretas: Queijo de leite de búfala ou vaca usado na culinária italiana