"Tenet" comes from the Latin word "tenere," meaning "to hold." It refers to any opinion, principle, belief or doctrine that is held to be or maintained as true by a person or a group. It is generally used in connection with religion, politics and philosophy.
Core Value - In a political system or government, or in a company or organization, a tenet is a core value. For example, freedom of speech is a tenet of democracy, while the provision of top quality customer service is a tenet of many businesses.
Personal Tenets - An individual may possess his or her own tenets, such as always looking on the "bright side" or never being late for appointments.
Usage in Sports - The word tenet is also used in the sports world. Keeping your "eye on the ball" is a baseball tenet, while "keep your head up" is a tenet used in basketball.
- "Paradox" is a tenet contrary to received opinion.
Source: www.answers.com / ehow.co.uk