

              Citizen (n): A person owing loyalty to and entitled by birth or naturalization to the protection of a state or nation. A resident of a city or town, especially one entitled to vote and enjoy other privileges there. A civilian.  A native, inhabitant, or denizen of a particular place: "We have learned to be citizens of the world, members of the human community" (Franklin D. Roosevelt).
            Denizen (n):  An inhabitant; a resident: denizens of Monte Carlo. One that frequents a particular place: a bar and its denizens. Ecology. An animal or a plant naturalized in a region. Chiefly British. A foreigner who is granted rights of residence and sometimes of citizenship. /// (v): tr.v. Chiefly British, -zened, -zen·ing, -zens. To make a denizen of; grant rights of residence to.
          Dweller (n): dweller - a person who inhabits a particular place. (v): To live as a resident; reside. To exist in a given place or state: dwell in joy.  To fasten one's attention: kept dwelling on what went wrong. Synonym: brood. To speak or write at length; expatiate: dwelt on the need to trim the budget.
           Inhabitant (n): One that inhabits a place, especially as a permanent resident: the inhabitants of a fishing village; snakes, lizards, and other inhabitants of the desert.
            Local (n):
Informal. A person from a particular locality. The locals.

ABBEY ROAD now - also a rainy day!


"MOCK English food all you like. But the local food thing is almost as inbred in England as it is in France; it just sometimes hides behind poverty, war or a fatal attraction to (as they call it) America. Today there are literally dozens of restaurants featuring not only fish from the Channel, the North Atlantic and the North Sea, but local beef and pork. Meanwhile, there is lamb from Wales and Scotland, and produce from everywhere. "



Segundo o livro Dim Sum – The Essential Kitchen (algo como "Dim Sum – A Cozinha Essencial"), de Vicki Liley, a iguaria foi popularizada pelas casas de chá, mas há quem diga que foi criada pelo chef de um imperador chinês que queria conhecer a comida de todos os cantos de seu império. Para agradá-lo, o cozinheiro reuniu todos os sabores e preparou uma espécie de menu degustação: recheou pequenos pastéis de massa fina com um pouquinho de cada prato. Hoje, as casas de chá chinesas servem a combinação chá+dim sum em todos os horários do dia, principalmente pela manhã.” http://revistaepoca.globo.com/Revista/Epoca/0,,EMI97895-15228,00.html
             Servidos sempre em três ou quatro unidades, os dim sums também podem constituir toda a refeição. Um dos melhores restaurantes chineses de Londres, o “Royal China” abre às 11h30. A partir das 11h00, principalmente aos domingos, já começa a se formar uma fila imensa na porta do restaurante, Quem chegar após o meio-dia, provavelmente só será atendido depois de horas de espera. “A dim sum meal at the Royal China is the ideal Sunday afternoon treat - but it's probably best to book ahead; the queues can be extensive.”
            Uma boa idéia é visitar o site do restaurante, fazer uma lista dos que parecem mais apetitosos e levar ao restaurante. Trarão à mesa um ou dois pratos de cada vez. Um dos que eu mais gosto  é o Peking Duck [pancakes with thin strips of duck meat, scallion and hoisin sauce – Coloque uma panquequinha no prato, lascas de pato por cima, molho e cebolinha verde. Enrole ou faça uma trouxinha e aí é só comer]. Outro é este: “xiao long bao (soup dumplings made of balls of pork or crab, encased in a wrapper that holds the soup inside¨. No Brasil, há o Ping Pong, filial de um restaurante de Londres, que serve dim sums tipo "fast food". Lá o Peking Duck é o "crisp duck spring roll".



There are about 500 taxi ranks in the London area. Their purpose is to provide the public with set locations where they can hire licensed taxis.  A rank is the only place where you can hire a taxi while it's stationary.  Ranks are located in places where people most need taxis, including mainline railway stations, hotels and major shopping areas.


Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da

Traduzi os documentos de uma empresa cujo nome era muito parecido com o título da música abaixo. E durante o dia todo, enquanto durou a tradução, essa música não parava de tocar no no “background” da minha cachola! Chicletou!
       The Beatles: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OseAzFvSo48&feature=related
        Paul McCartney in Brazil: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvbs07wwBjo&feature=related



PICAYUNE - adj.: Of little value or importance; paltry. See synonyms at trivial. Petty; mean.
n.> A five-cent piece.Something of very little value; a trifle: not worth a picayune.
The judge in the case criticized English divorce law for allowing such picayune matters to become an issue at all.       



Daí, no café da manhã. enquanto comia minha fatia de mamão sem açúcar:
This is a no-brainer! É mamão com açúcar!
no-brainer: n. Informal. Something so simple or easy as to require no thought.


Pede cachimbo
o cachimbo é de barro
Bate no jarro
o jarro é fino
Bate no sino
O sino é de ouro
Bate no touro
O touro é valente
Bate na gente
A gente é fraco
Cai no buraco
O buraco é fundo
Acabou-se o mundo!
[Ao acordar hoje, pensei: "Hoje é domingo... e o restante veio "tomaticamente"...]
[Será que um dia terei netos e vou ensinar-lhes essa antiga ladainha?]



Filme: Quando Setembro Vier
Tema original do filme (orquestrado):  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obAeZPfSMwk
E já que o assunto é filme:  Bridge on the River Kwai
[My God! This is a dead giveaway about my age!]
(A giveaway refers to a usually, but not always, unintentional disclosure or revelation. Dead in this idiom makes the term emphatic, and means certain.)


No longer the dismal science?

Puxa... bem que eu gostaria de ser um "happiness expert". Mais agradável do que ser um "sadness expert..."
            "One of the more surprising growth industries to have taken off during the current period of economic downturn and austerity has been “the happiness industry”—the increasing activity of economists (not philosophers) who study what constitutes happiness and make recommendations to governments about how best to increase it. This industry has recently achieved an early pinnacle of success with the publication of the first World Happiness Report. Commissioned for a United Nations Conference on Happiness, under the auspices of the UN General Assembly, it bears the imprimatur of Columbia University’s Earth Institute and is edited by the institute’s director, Jeffrey Sachs, and two happiness experts, Richard Layard of the London School of Economics and John Helliwell of the University of British Columbia. The report unmemorably finds that the world’s happiest countries world are in northern Europe (Denmark, Norway, Finland, Netherlands) and the most miserable are in Africa (Togo, Benin, Central African Republic, and Sierra Leone). "
[More: The Economist - http://www.economist.com/blogs/newsbook/2012/04/happiness-0?fsrc=nlw|newe|4-6-2012|1317139|35191642|


Sexta-feira Santa
          Good Friday (from the senses pious, holy of the word "good"), is a religious holiday observed primarily by Christians commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary. The holiday is observed during Holy Week as part of the Paschal Triduum on the Friday preceding Easter Sunday, and may coincide with the Jewish observance of Passover. It is also known as Black Friday, Holy Friday, Great Friday, or Easter Friday,though the latter normally refers to the Friday in Easter week.
From: Wikipedia



Definition: to do something that others may disapprove of. This disapproval is often serious, but can also be mock or humorous disapproval. [British]
E.g.1. I don’t want my boyfriend to go on holiday on his own. I am worried about what he might get up to.
E.g.2. The children are very quiet upstairs; I wonder what they’re getting up to.
E.g.3 Hi Paul! How are you? What have you been getting up to recently?

This phrasal verb can’t be separated.
Source: Knight's English