Denizen (n): An inhabitant; a resident: denizens of Monte Carlo. One that frequents a particular place: a bar and its denizens. Ecology. An animal or a plant naturalized in a region. Chiefly British. A foreigner who is granted rights of residence and sometimes of citizenship. /// (v): tr.v. Chiefly British, -zened, -zen·ing, -zens. To make a denizen of; grant rights of residence to.
Dweller (n): dweller - a person who inhabits a particular place. (v): To live as a resident; reside. To exist in a given place or state: dwell in joy. To fasten one's attention: kept dwelling on what went wrong. Synonym: brood. To speak or write at length; expatiate: dwelt on the need to trim the budget.
Inhabitant (n): One that inhabits a place, especially as a permanent resident: the inhabitants of a fishing village; snakes, lizards, and other inhabitants of the desert.
Local (n): Informal. A person from a particular locality. The locals.