

"O presente não existe. A vida é o passado e o futuro ; vivemos de lembranças e de ambições, entre a saudade e a esperança." - Olavo Bilac
“Viva o presente. O passado passou e o amanhã ninguém garante que chegará. ”
“Não deixe para amanhã o que você pode fazer hoje.” Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
“You can't change the past, but you can ruin the present by worrying about the future”
Yesterday's the past, tomorrow's the future, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present.


O Danilo está impossível com esse retrato fiel de muitas situações que enfrentamos!



The U-bend of life – Why, beyond middle age, people get happier as they get older
           ASK people how they feel about getting older, and they will probably reply in the same vein as Maurice Chevalier: “Old age isn’t so bad when you consider the alternative.” Stiffening joints, weakening muscles, fading eyesight and the clouding of memory, coupled with the modern world’s careless contempt for the old, seem a fearful prospect—better than death, perhaps, but not much. Yet mankind is wrong to dread ageing. Life is not a long slow decline from sunlit uplands towards the valley of death. It is, rather, a U-bend.
         When people start out on adult life, they are, on average, pretty cheerful. Things go downhill from youth to middle age until they reach a nadir commonly known as the mid-life crisis. So far, so familiar. The surprising part happens after that. Although as people move towards old age they lose things they treasure—vitality, mental sharpness and looks—they also gain what people spend their lives pursuing: happiness. 
       This curious finding has emerged from a new branch of economics that seeks a more satisfactory measure than money of human well-being. Conventional economics uses money as a proxy for utility—the dismal way in which the discipline talks about happiness. But some economists, unconvinced that there is a direct relationship between money and well-being, have decided to go to the nub of the matter and measure happiness itself.
       These ideas have penetrated the policy arena, starting in Bhutan, where the concept of Gross National Happiness shapes the planning process. All new policies have to have a GNH assessment, similar to the environmental-impact assessment common in other countries. In 2008 France’s president, Nicolas Sarkozy, asked two Nobel-prize-winning economists, Amartya Sen and Joseph Stiglitz, to come up with a broader measure of national contentedness than GDP. Then last month, in a touchy-feely gesture not typical of Britain, David Cameron announced that the British government would start collecting figures on well-being.  
[Read more: http://www.economist.com/node/17722567 ]
Keywords: Nadir (the lowest point [fundo do poço?]); GNHI (Gross National Happiness Index); cohort [A generational group as defined in demographics, statistics, or market research];



“Wrongly” always precedes the verb it modifies: “He was wrongly suspected of having used garlic powder in the lasagna.” “Wrong” is the word you want after the verb: “She answered wrong.”
Source: Common Errors in English


101 Tips to Succeed as a Freelance Translator



Some people get upset at the common pattern by which speakers frame a quotation by saying “quote . . . unquote,” insisting that the latter word should logically be “endquote”; but illogical as it may be, “unquote” has been used in this way for about a century, and “endquote” is nonstandard.
Source: Common Errors in English



Yesterday:                                                                                                                                  Today:
Take Bus 139 towards Waterloo: West Hampstead - St John's Wood - Baker Street - Oxford Circus - Trafalgar Square - Waterloo
(sempre aparece algum turista tentando reproduzir a foto acima)


Bread or cucumber slices with houmous or cream cheese and smoked salmon
Bread or cucumber slices with chick peas and mint pâté
Cheese twists (enroladinhos de queijo)
Parmesan straws
Frankfurter rolls (enroladinhos de salsicha)
Sausage rolls (enroladinhos de calabresa)
Chickpea & red pepper dip
Avocado & lime cream



           O “Boxing Day” acontece no dia 26 de Dezembro e é o início das liquidações em praticamente todas as lojas de Londres. Nesse dia, a Oxford Street (rua de compras que é a alegria dos turistas) vira simplesmente um inferno e para entrar e sair de cada loja é algo que requer muita calma, porque é tudo completamente lotado!
Today: Retailers and shopping malls have reported "record-breaking" levels of trade as Boxing Day bargain hunters kicked off the post-Christmas sales.




Yuletide: Christmas season
Yule: Christmas
Xmas: a shortening of the word Christmas, derived from the Greek letter chi (X), the first letter in the Greek word for Christ;
wassail: (a) to sing carols from house to house at Christmas;
simnel: a bun or bread of fine wheat flour;
shammes: the candle or taper used to light the other candles in a Hanukkah menorah;
noel: a Christmas carol
glogg: a hot spiced wine and liquor punch served in Scandinavian countries as a Christmas drink.
dreidel: a children's game of chance played especially at Hanukkah with a four-sided toy marked with Hebrew letters and spun like a top
Christmas pudding: plum pudding
Christmas club:  a savings account in which regular deposits are made year-round to provide money for Christmas shopping;
Boxing Day: the first weekday after Christmas, observed as a legal holiday in parts of the Commonwealth of Nations and marked by the giving of Christmas boxes to service workers (e.g., postal workers);
                 Christmas Day is the one day of the year when London practically shuts down. Major sights and shops close their doors, the Tube and buses come to a standstill, and most people are at home unwrapping presents. But it's also the ideal time to take advantage of the crowd-free streets and go for a stroll.



         When you offer to trade your vintage jeans for a handwoven shirt, you are engaged in barterno money is involved. One thing (or service) is traded for another.
           But when you offer to buy that shirt for less money than the vendor is asking, you are engaged in haggling or bargaining, not bartering.
Source: Common Errors in English



The adjective fiscal (as in fiscal year or FY) can be used to refer to all types of financial matters--those of governments and private businesses. However, with the exception of fiscal year, it is better to use fiscal only in connection with government matters and to use financial in all other situations.
Source: ProfreadNow


Use doubt that in negative statements and in questions.
       We do not doubt that she is capable. (Negative statement.)
       Does anyone doubt that the check was mailed? (Question.)
Use doubt whether in all other cases.
       I doubt whether I can go.
Source: ProofreadNow


“Actionable” is a technical term referring to something that provides grounds for a legal action or lawsuit. People in the business world have begun using it as a fancy synonym for “doable” or “feasible.” This is both pretentious and confusing.
Source: http://www.wsu.edu/~brians/errors/errors.html



           Those who study the history of English know that the word often misread as “ye” in Middle English is good old “the” spelled with an unfamiliar character called a thorn which looks vaguely like a Y but which is pronounced “TH.” So all those quaint shop names beginning with “Ye Olde” are based on a confusion: people never said “ye” to mean “the.” However, if you’d rather be cute than historically accurate, go ahead. Very few people will know any better.
Source: Common Errors in English
         Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese (London, UK) is one of the few pubs in London that can justify the 'Ye Olde' in its name. It was well known in the 17th century and many pubs have previously occupied this site, one of them, the Horn Tavern is recorded in 1538.
         Ye Olde Trip To Jerusalem – England’s oldest inn, a pub today,
         A Ye Olde Christmas Shoppe (Orlando, USA) é uma loja de Natal, que funciona durante todo o ano no Magic Kingdom, vendendo produtos de Natal, em qualquer época do ano.



1.  purple heart – "The US Army decorated me for bravery, a silver star for all the killing I did and a purple heart for a piece of shrapnel that punctured one of my lungs".: coração púrpura [Condecoração militar dada a membros das forças armadas feridos e mortos em serviço]
2.  purple prose – "So if big harangues and arguments and purple prose don't work, what does?".: floreado, palavras floreadas
3.  purple robe – "A Franciscan priest in a purple robe leads the special prayers called devotions".: dalmática roxa
4.  purple with rage – "His face was purple with rage, but every word he spoke was carefully shaped and controlled".: vermelho de raiva
Source: Migalaw English


              Regime (noun): A form of government: a fascist regime. A government in power; administration: suffered under the new regime. A prevailing social system or pattern.  The period during which a particular administration or system prevails. A regulated system, as of diet and exercise; a regimen.
             Regimen (noun): Governmental rule or control. The systematic procedure of a natural phenomenon or process.  A regulated system, as of diet, therapy, or exercise, intended to promote health or achieve another beneficial effect.   A course of intense physical training.
           Some people insist that “regime” should be used only in reference to governments and that people who say they are following a dietary regime should instead use “regimen”; but “regime” has been a synonym of “regimen” for over a century and is widely accepted in that sense.
Source: Answers.com / Common Errors in English



           You beggar people by impoverishing them, reducing them to beggary. This term now survives mainly in metaphorical expressions such as “it beggars description” (exhausts my ability to describe it) or “it beggars belief” (exhausts my ability to believe it).
          People who aren’t familiar with this meaning of the word “beggar” often substitute “beg,” saying of something implausible that it “begs belief.” This makes no sense, for it implies that the story is trying to persuade you to believe it.
Source: Common Errors in English



When baffled computer users phone Support they may say they have a Model AB “minus” 231. In the model name “AB-231” the linking character is a hyphen, though “dash” will do. “Minus” makes no sense in such contexts, but is so common that support personnel have begun to adopt it too.
Source: Common Errors in English



The Beatles: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8vy0maIWJs&feature=related


When the vibration of a wheel is reduced, it is damped, but when you drive through a puddle your tire is dampened. “Dampened” always has to do with wetting, if only metaphorically: “The announcement that Bob’s parents were staying home after all dampened the spirits of the party-goers.” The parents are being a wet blanket.
Source: Common Errors in English



Some people claim that “aggravate” can only mean “make worse” and should not be used to mean “irritate”; but the latter has been a valid use of the word for four centuries, and “aggravation” means almost exclusively “irritation.”
Source: http://www.wsu.edu/~brians/errors/errors.html



Entre outros significados:
(verb)  To arouse hope, desire, or curiosity in without affording satisfaction.
(noun)  An advertisement that attracts customers by offering something extra or free. Slang. An attention-getting vignette or highlight presented before the start of a television show.

Visite o site acima, clique em contos e, ao “tuitar” uma mensagem divulgando o autor (é fácil: é só seguir as instruções), você ganha o direito de baixar um dos seus contos. Obviamente, escolhi o conto abaixo “O Tradutor”. Só coloco o início, como “teaser”:

      Meu nome é João Karragota. Costumo dizer que há três coisas que o povo jamais deveria saber como são feitas: as salsichas, os acordos políticos e as traduções literárias. Falo com conhecimento de causa, pois sou tradutor. Não existe tradução perfeita. As línguas são diferentes, as culturas são diferentes. Por mais que nos esforcemos em sermos fiéis ao original, nunca conseguimos atingir a perfeição, porque ela é simplesmente impossível. Dizem que uma boa tradução é aquela que menos se afasta do original. O tempo inteiro estamos fazendo escolhas. O que é menos pior? Isso ou aquilo? Se traduzir assim, me aproximo do sentido original, mas perco a graça da aliteração feita pelo autor. Se traduzir assado, me afasto do sentido, mas respeito a forma. O tradutor é como um médico diante de um paciente sem cura.
     Sou filho de imigrantes cingaleses [nativo do Ceilão] e estudei em um colégio francês. Cursei Letras, morei na França por alguns anos e depois que voltei ao Brasil passei a trabalhar com traduções do francês para o português. Recordo muito bem o dia em que descobri como são feitas as traduções. Eu tinha dezoito anos. Era um leitor assíduo de Dostoievski. Já havia lido Os irmãos Karamazov, Crime e castigo, O idiota, Um jogador e vários outros títulos. Li todos em francês. Até que um dia me presentearam com uma versão traduzida direto do russo para o português. Foi aí que tive um choque. Era completamente diferente. Parecia outro autor. Pesquisei e descobri que os tradutores franceses rebuscavam o texto original. Deixavam-no mais elaborado, mais sofisticado. Para minha decepção, percebi que não gostava de Dostoievski. Eu gostava era das traduções francesas de Dostoievski. Foi ali também que aprendi que o tradutor é, de certa forma, um autor. Ele reescreve a história a seu modo, com as suas palavras. A maioria, como já disse antes, se esforça para ser fiel. Mas há aqueles que não ligam tanto para isso e preferem impor seu estilo próprio. Ou seguir um estilo imposto pelo mercado editorial, para agradar mais ao público de seu país. Eu sou um escritor frustrado. E talvez por isso tenha decidido ser tradutor: para me vingar dos autores bem-sucedidos e saciar a minha inveja.
       E não pensem que a vida de tradutor é cômoda do ponto de vista financeiro. Quando a língua escolhida é popular entre tradutores, a situação se complica. Há um monte de gente se oferecendo para traduzir livros do francês para o português. Disputar trabalho com jovens recém-formados na Aliança Francesa é difícil. Eles se vendem por pouco. Os preços caem. As traduções, naturalmente, ficam piores. Mas as editoras não parecem ligar muito para isso.
      Os trabalhos têm aparecido esporadicamente. E cada vez por valores mais baixos. Eu estava quase desistindo da minha carreira quando...”


It is tempting to think that your attention might be aroused to a high point by “peaking” your curiosity, but in fact, pique is a French word meaning “prick,” in the sense of “stimulate.” The expression has nothing to do with “peek,” either. Therefore the expression is “my curiosity was piqued [atiçada].”
Source: Common Errors



1.  grey area – "The fact is that there are still many grey areas in section 45 of the Act":: ponto obscuro, area nebulosa
2.  grey collar – "Grey collar refers to people in the workforce who are over 65, or the standard retirement age":: mão-de-obra acima de 65 anos, aposentados que continuam no mercado de trabalho
3.  grey collar work"We really have at least gray collar work, and skilled trades jobs are highly remunerative and available":: atividades que não são consideradas blue collar nem white collar, entre as quais as dos setores de agribusiness, saúde, segurança, alta tecnologia, alimentos
4.  grey goods – "These are cases of "grey goods". They may also be called cases of "parallel imports" where their importation has not been authorized by the local intellectual property owner and they thus flow in channels parallel to imports that are authorized by that owner":: produtos vendidos no mercado paralelo
5.  grey market – "This gray market benefits some Tibetans enormously, but transfers economic power in Tibet toward Chinese settlers":: mercado paralelo
6.  greymail – "Ferreting out whistleblowers was just part of each litigant's strategy to play on the other's fear of sensitive information becoming public. Lawyers on both sides used the words greymail or blackmail during conversations":: estratégia de defesa processual que consiste em ameaça, por parte do réu, de revelar informação sigilosa caso a ação contra ele seja continuada
7.  grey zone agreement – "We have the so-called Gray Zone agreements where people agree to restrict their exports or keep their prices at a certain level":: acordo para limitar exportação, acordo de preços 


           This word, which means “examine thoroughly” is often misused to mean “glance over hastily.” Although some dictionaries accept the latter meaning, it is not traditional. 
            When it is used to mean “look through” it is not standard to add “through” to “peruse.” It’s not “peruse through the records” but “peruse the records.”
Source: http://www.wsu.edu/~brians/errors/errors.html



Fã de artista, desportista ou outra personalidade / Agir como tiete; admirar incondicionalmente (alguém ou algo).


We, translators, have a pop idol: Yves Champollion!


dica, amostra, exemplo: "...você que olha e não vê, eu vou lhe dar uma pala, você vai ter que aprender" (Vinícius de Moraes, Toquinho, "A tonga da mironga do kabuletê") http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4b16M_J8l7o&feature=related
A Tonga da Mironga do Kabuletê
Vinicius de Moraes



(verb): to include in the list of trusted emailers: We recommend to whitelist this e-mail: ....



"I give to you -- and you give to me"
Writer: PORTER, COLE  / http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHxNcquH29I


Plain English Movement Around the World

In addition to the history of the Plain English Movement in the United States, at this time we can also take a look at the impact it has had in countries such as Canada, Australia and England.
Several books were written to encourage the use of Plain English. Among the most representative, we can highlight:
- Legal Writing: Sense and Nonsense, 1982, David Melinkoff
- The Fundamentals of Legal Drafting, 1986, Reed Dickerson
- A Dictionary of Modern Legal Usage, 1987, Bryan A. Garner

The most important general recommendations that we can take away from this literature are:
-  Use the greatest clarity possible;
-  Use examples;
-  Use easily readable font sizes;
-  Leave enough space in the margins;
-  Use tables and diagrams;
-  Divide the document into sections;
-  Place related paragraphs close to each other;
-  Sort the content in a logical sequence: the general before the specific, and the ordinary before the extraordinary;
-  Omit unnecessary details;
-  Include a summary in the first paragraph;
-  Assign one idea to each paragraph;
-  Use connectors;
-  Use short sentences, not more than 25 words;
-  Put the subject at the beginning of the sentence and near the verb;
-  Preferably use the active voice;
-  Use familiar words;
-  Avoid repetitions;
-  In technical documents for the public, explain specialized terms whose use is unavoidable;
-  Prevent abuse of negative constructions;
-  Always use the same term to refer to the same concept.

Source: http://translation-blog.trustedtranslations.com/plain-english-movement-around-the-world-2011-12-05.html



       In the UK, the legal profession is divided into two kinds of lawyers: solicitors, who generally advise clients and prepare legal documents, and barristers (called advocates in Scotland) who argue cases in court.
      In cases where a trial is necessary, a client has to hire a solicitor, who will advise them and then retain a barrister on their behalf.
      Solicitors have traditionally dealt with any legal matter other than conducting proceedings in court, although nowadays solicitors may appear in the lower courts and also if they have higher “rights of audience” (i.e. the right to appear in court on behalf of another person) in the higher courts.
      Barristers, who have a general right of audience in all courts, represent clients in court and provide specialist advice on complex legal matters.
      The easiest way to distinguish the two is to look at how they dress – barristers are the ones wearing wigs and gowns (yes, even in the 21st century), whilst solicitors will invariably be decked out in a dark suit.
Source: Translegal



1. black box – "To some extent, the Austinian common-law judge was a "black box" already containing all the prior law and into which the new facts were put. 38 Almost magically, or, at least we might say, mindlessly, out came the proper legal answer to the instant dispute: caixa preta, mistério.
2. black codes – "The specific problem facing policymakers was to negate the black codes passed by the former Confederate states in an attempt to settle the question of the freed people's status and rights": leis americanas de discriminação racial estaduais e municipais aprovadas após a guerra civil.
3. black deed – "The black deeds are also attributable to nations": ato ilícito
4. black eye – "Former President George Bush broke his silence in January on Clinton's first term in office saying the U.S. presence in Somalia evolved from a humanitarian mission to a stumbling peacemaking effort that gave the United States a black eye all over the world": macular a reputação, perder o respeito.
5. black eye – "She came to work with a black eye": olho roxo
6. black gold – "Thanks to black gold, rapid affluence would be attained without resorting to the forced savings": ouro negro, petróleo
7. black letter law – "The term "black-letter law" is also used commonly in the American legal system to mean well-established case law2": jurisprudência pacífica
8. black letter laws – "Moynihan is not satisfied with the Reagan administration's compliance with the black letter laws pertaining to executive-legislative relations": princípios gerais [de direito]
9. black letter rules – "Assume that what we are after is some more-or-less general way of understanding what happens in the law that has more generality than the flat statement of black letter rules. 3 It is clear that law and economics offers some people a way of gaining that understanding": normas técnicas
10. black list – "Moreover, the Gulf states are said to maintain a so-called black list of Arab journalists who criticize their monarchies. lista negra
11. blackmail – "The battle for readers has created a proliferation of what is commonly referred to as "garbage news" - stories about crime, blackmail, corruption, kidnappings, and sex": chantagem
12. black market – "Because economists are unable to fit this phenomenon into their rigid framework, the vast majority of unregulated, tiny, family-owned businesses in developing countries are lumped into a category called the "informal sector". It is also called the "black market" and the " unregulated economy": mercado informal
13. black market – "Cubans receive a bar of soap every six months from the government, at a price of 20 Cuban centavos each, when there is soap to be had. In the dollarized black market, imported soap is easily available for 50 U.S. cents per bar, or 12.50 Cuban pesos": mercado negro
14. black money – "Some black money becomes legitimate through amnesty schemes announced periodically by the government to attract black money": dinheiro sujo
15. black rage – "That's exactly what San Francisco lawyer Paul Harris has been doing since the early 1970s when he developed the "black rage" defense, the subject of his 1997 book, Black Rage Confronts the Law": racismo contra negros
16. black robe – "Goodmark tells of one 5-year-old child who was so intimidated by the judge in his long, black robe that she refused to raise her head and look at him during her testimony": toga
17. black robe fever – "A Walla Walla, Wash., judge calls a defendant a "smart aleck" and yells, "Shut up before you go to jail". In St. Tammany Parish, La., a judge explains to a witness that she is on his turf and, in his venue at least, he is God. # From the odd to the bizarre, these are only a few examples of" black robe fever, "as Judge V. Robert Payant, president of the National Judicial College in Reno, Nev., has dubbed the behavior of some of his peers": juizite
18. black treason – "He looked like a professor, with his scholar's stoop, high forehead, black-rimmed glasses and short redish sic hair... but what he told was a tale of black treason in act and intent": traição      
Source: Migalaw



CONTÍNUO: Funcionário encarregado de transportar papéis e documentos, ir a bancos etc.; BÓI; OFFICE-BOY
COURIER: Coleta e entrega rápida de correspondência e encomendas. Mensageiro.
ESTAFETA:  Indivíduo que faz serviço de correio (transporte ou entrega de cartas, encomendas etc.). MENSAGEIRO.
MENSAGEIRO:  Aquele que entrega mensagens. Estafeta.
OFFICE-BOY:  Funcionário encarregado dos pequenos serviços (pagamento de contas, distribuição de correspondência, compra de lanches etc.) em escritório ou empresa [e se o office-boy é um aposentado? Office-man?]
MOTOBOY: Funcionário encarregado de fazer entregas rápidas de motocicleta, para bancos, empresas comerciais, farmácias, restaurantes etc
MOTOCLISTA: .1.  Pessoa que dirige motocicleta, motociclo.  2  Esp.:  Desportista que pratica motociclismo.
MOTOQUEIRO – V. Motociclista. [acho que o termo "motoboy" é melhor aceito]


Figura de linguagem baseada na substituição de palavra ou expressão que possa ter sentido triste, grosseiro, ou seja apenas desagradável, por outra de sentido mais suave ou conveniente (p.ex.: traseiro no lugar de bunda, esguio no lugar de magro, descuidado no lugar de irresponsável etc.). Palavra usada como eufemismo: Usou o eufemismo 'forte' para não chamá-la de 'gorda'
         A faixa em letras garrafais dizia:
         Seria um leilão de mercadorias abandonadas, confiscadas, perdidas? De perto lia-se:
Edifício Bolsa de Mercadorias
         Abandono? O prédio até parece bem cuidadinho... Aí caiu a ficha: Treino de Evacuação (e para evitar piadinhas, usaram um eufemismo: ”Abandono”)
       A fire drill is a method of practicing the evacuation of a building for a fire or other emergency. Generally, the emergency system (usually an alarm) is activated and the building is evacuated as though a real fire had occurred. Usually, the time it takes to evacuate is measured to ensure that it occurs within a reasonable length of time.
Outros eufemismos:
colaboradores = funcionários = associates
secretária do lar = empregada doméstica = maid

differently abled, physically challenged/disabled: These rather awkward euphemisms for “disabled” have attracted widespread scorn and mockery. They have achieved some limited currency, but it’s generally safer to use “disabled.”



Expressions like “twenty-odd years,” “a dozen-odd people,” and “two hundred-odd mistakes” are usually written with a hyphen before the “odd” to indicate that the exact number is unknown—perhaps a bit higher than the stated number.
        If you omit the hyphen, as in “a dozen odd people attended my birthday party,” you risk giving the impression that the people who came were odd rather than that you can’t be sure of the precise number of your guests.



Thanksgiving Day is a holiday celebrated primarily in the United States and Canada.  Thanksgiving is celebrated each year on the second Monday of October in Canada and on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States.
         In Canada, Thanksgiving falls on the same day as Columbus Day in the United States. Because of the longstanding traditions of the holiday, the celebration often extends to the weekend that falls closest to the day it is celebrated.
        At the White House today, President Obama gave one lucky turkey a second chance at life, saving it from ending up as Thanksgiving dinner. Obama issued a presidential pardon to Courage, a 20-week-old, 45-pound turkey from Princeton, N.C .
        It has become tradition that every year around Thanksgiving, the President of the United States issues a pardon to a turkey. While no one seems to be sure as to the history or reasoning for pardoning the Thanksgiving turkey, the custom has many roots in various aspects of American history.
        The Harry Truman Presidential Library says that the earliest claim of presidents pardoning turkeys was mentioned by George W. Bush in 2001. According to Bush's statement, the origins of the president pardoning a turkey date back to Abraham Lincoln, who pardoned his son Tad's pet turkey while Lincoln was president.
          The most popular belief is that the first presidential pardon of a turkey was in 1947 by President Harry S. Truman. However, the Harry Truman Presidential Library debunks that myth due to the lack of papers or other documents saying that Truman actually pardoned a turkey.
Source: Answers.com



Santa Claus is writing his notes in his book on who has been naughty or nice!


             Black Friday is the day following Thanksgiving Day, traditionally the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. In 2011 it is on November 25. On this day, most major retailers open extremely early, often at 4 a.m., or earlier, and offer promotional sales to kick off the shopping season, "Black Friday" indicates the point at which retailers begin to turn a profit, or are "in the black". In recent years, retailers have been trending towards opening on Black Thursday, the evening before Thanksgiving.
            O Boxing Day acontece no dia 26 de Dezembro e é o início das liquidações em praticamente todas as lojas de Londres. Nesse dia, a Oxford Street (rua de compras de Londres, uma espécie de – mal comparando – 25 de março que é a alegria dos turistas) vira simplesmente um mar de gente com sacolas.



Many times continuous and continual are treated as interchangeable, but they are not. They are commonly used whenever the passage of time is involved in legal documents, for example, in contracts of employment or loan documentation.
continual (adj): happening repeatedly; always happening - The company will not tolerate an employee's continual absence for reasons other than disability or sickness.

          continuance(n): to delay an event such as a trial and to decide that it should happen at a later date; a postponement; an adjournment - To change your trial date you must file a Motion for Continuance along with a $40 fee.
          continuous (adj(: without interruption - Investor's continuous employment shall cease when Investor ceases to be actively employed by the Company.
         continuing (adj): continuing shareholder
Fonte: Lexmail


There are legitimate uses for the passive voice:
           “This absurd regulation was of course written by a committee.”
But it’s true that you can make your prose more lively and readable by using the active voice much more often.
         “The victim was attacked by three men in ski masks” isn’t nearly as striking as “Three men in ski masks attacked the victim.”
The passive voice is often used to avoid taking responsibility for an action:
         “My term paper was accidentally deleted” avoids stating the truth: “I accidentally deleted my term paper.”
Over-use of passive constructions is irritating, though not necessarily erroneous. But it does lead to real clumsiness when passive constructions get piled on top of each other:
           “No exception in the no-pets rule was sought to be created so that angora rabbits could be raised in the apartment” can be made clearer by shifting to the active voice: “The landlord refused to make an exception to the no-pets rule to allow Eliza to raise angora rabbits in the apartment.”
Visit Paul Brians’ Common Errors in English Usage Web site: http://www.wsu.edu/~brians/errors/errors.html

EDITOR’S NOTE: A sentence that does not emphasize the important actor in it is not necessarily passive. The passive voice is constructed by using the verb “be” or “get” with what is known as the past participle form of the verb, as in “Hamburgers are served at Wendy’s” or “Elaine’s flight got delayed.” It is surprising how many people, even professional educators and writers, do not understand the grammatical structure of the passive voice. Geoff Pullum of Language Log discusses one recent example here [Drones and passivity]:  http://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll/?p=3549.