1. black box – "To some extent, the Austinian common-law judge was a "black box" already containing all the prior law and into which the new facts were put. 38 Almost magically, or, at least we might say, mindlessly, out came the proper legal answer to the instant dispute: caixa preta, mistério.
2. black codes – "The specific problem facing policymakers was to negate the black codes passed by the former Confederate states in an attempt to settle the question of the freed people's status and rights": leis americanas de discriminação racial estaduais e municipais aprovadas após a guerra civil.
3. black deed – "The black deeds are also attributable to nations": ato ilícito
4. black eye – "Former President George Bush broke his silence in January on Clinton's first term in office saying the U.S. presence in Somalia evolved from a humanitarian mission to a stumbling peacemaking effort that gave the United States a black eye all over the world": macular a reputação, perder o respeito.
5. black eye – "She came to work with a black eye": olho roxo
6. black gold – "Thanks to black gold, rapid affluence would be attained without resorting to the forced savings": ouro negro, petróleo
7. black letter law – "The term "black-letter law" is also used commonly in the American legal system to mean well-established case law2": jurisprudência pacífica
8. black letter laws – "Moynihan is not satisfied with the Reagan administration's compliance with the black letter laws pertaining to executive-legislative relations": princípios gerais [de direito]
9. black letter rules – "Assume that what we are after is some more-or-less general way of understanding what happens in the law that has more generality than the flat statement of black letter rules. 3 It is clear that law and economics offers some people a way of gaining that understanding": normas técnicas
10. black list – "Moreover, the Gulf states are said to maintain a so-called black list of Arab journalists who criticize their monarchies. lista negra
11. blackmail – "The battle for readers has created a proliferation of what is commonly referred to as "garbage news" - stories about crime, blackmail, corruption, kidnappings, and sex": chantagem
12. black market – "Because economists are unable to fit this phenomenon into their rigid framework, the vast majority of unregulated, tiny, family-owned businesses in developing countries are lumped into a category called the "informal sector". It is also called the "black market" and the " unregulated economy": mercado informal
13. black market – "Cubans receive a bar of soap every six months from the government, at a price of 20 Cuban centavos each, when there is soap to be had. In the dollarized black market, imported soap is easily available for 50 U.S. cents per bar, or 12.50 Cuban pesos": mercado negro
14. black money – "Some black money becomes legitimate through amnesty schemes announced periodically by the government to attract black money": dinheiro sujo
15. black rage – "That's exactly what San Francisco lawyer Paul Harris has been doing since the early 1970s when he developed the "black rage" defense, the subject of his 1997 book, Black Rage Confronts the Law": racismo contra negros
16. black robe – "Goodmark tells of one 5-year-old child who was so intimidated by the judge in his long, black robe that she refused to raise her head and look at him during her testimony": toga
17. black robe fever – "A Walla Walla, Wash., judge calls a defendant a "smart aleck" and yells, "Shut up before you go to jail". In St. Tammany Parish, La., a judge explains to a witness that she is on his turf and, in his venue at least, he is God. # From the odd to the bizarre, these are only a few examples of" black robe fever, "as Judge V. Robert Payant, president of the National Judicial College in Reno, Nev., has dubbed the behavior of some of his peers": juizite
18. black treason – "He looked like a professor, with his scholar's stoop, high forehead, black-rimmed glasses and short redish sic hair... but what he told was a tale of black treason in act and intent": traição
Source: Migalaw