

(noun) the act of preventing or excluding something (perempção; preclusão, impedimento) >< (aceitação, confissão, inclusão)

  • preclusion: “The preclusion of spousal testimony resulted in the charges being dropped."
  • prevention: "One of the purposes of international recognition of judgments is the prevention of repetitive litigation in several jurisdictions."
  • admission: "The admission of the testimony led to a conviction."
  • inclusion: "The law requires inclusion of students with disabilities in all assessment programs."

Other forms of the word

  • preclude (verb): "The gag order precluded the attorneys from discussing the case with the media."
  • preclusive (adjective): "Administrative decisions can have a preclusive effect on lawsuits for wrongful termination."

Related concept

  • estoppel (perempção; preclusão, impedimento): an impediment which precludes proceeding with a certain cause of action or presenting a certain fact or issue in litigation. "Collateral estoppel is a doctrine whereby a party is prevented from raising a legal issue that has previously been determined as between the parties."



1 KEuro = 1.000 Euros
A salary of 23KE = um salário de 23 mil euros



disclose (verb): "The parties agree not to disclose the contents of this agreement to any third party."divulge: "As a rule, a bank is not permitted to divulge information about its customers."
disclosure (noun): "The Prime Minister's stance against disclosure is threatened by...". Public policy considerations favoured disclosure rather than confidentiality." concealment (noun) : "The defendant was found guilty of fraud by concealment."

reveal: "The documents revealed that the builder knew that the construction failed to meet industry standards."

conceal (verb): to hide, to keep secret, to withhold from disclosure. "When he applied for a driving licence in England, he concealed the fact that his Mexican driving licence had been suspended."
conceal assets: to hide cash or other assets from a governmental authority. "In this jurisdiction, it is a crime to conceal assets from the court during divorce proceedings."
conceal the facts: to hide the truth. "One of the purposes of corporate governance statutes is to prevent companies from concealing the facts about intra-group transactions."
conceal sources: the refusal of a journalist to reveal the source of his or her information. "The court found that the reporter's right to conceal her sources was unequivocal in this case."
Source: Translegal and other



Pushing Your Edges - Gently
by Suzie Heumann

“Don’t reject anything you are experiencing. Meet it instead with a brief moment of non-judgmental awareness – touching it and letting it be.” From Perfect Love, Imperfect Relationships by John Welwood.
Tantric practice invites us to push our boundaries, just a bit, so that we experience something new and unique, not about the ‘thing’ we do but about the way in which we experience and then handle the situation. There is a profound practice that is essential for any Tantrica – nonjudgmental witnessing.
It looks like this: “I’m noticing that I’m beginning to raise my voice.” or “I’m really feeling grateful and happy right now.” Period. Nothing more - nothing less. It isn’t: “I’m raising my voice and that’s going to get me in trouble.” That statement is judgmental and inflicts a little ‘ding’ on your psyche whenever you speak it to yourself. In the same respect, it isn’t this either: “I’m really feeling grateful and happy right now and I deserve it.” Yes, you deserve it but even adding that piece to the simple acknowledged presence of the ‘feeling’ contains elements of judgment.
This is a practice that helps you pay attention to how you are feeling, to what your gut is telling you. You already know, in your psyche, that that means you are becoming angry or that you are feeling proud of being deserving. You can go on to simply notice that fact. Don’t judge your self, don’t think about what you should-of, could-of done, don’t do anything to take yourself out of the ‘feeling’ mode of the witnessing.When this ‘witnessing’ becomes second nature it will nurture your spirit and lead you to greater understanding of who you are. There is no higher goal in life than to find out the details of the real you. That is the beginning of a beautiful relationship – you loving you!"



*payoff* (Slang) =
1: A final payment or reward.E.g.: What's the payoff for finishing school? There are no good jobs even if you have your degree.
2: A bribe or illegal contribution of money to another; to bribe someone. E.g.: I wonder how much of a payoff the policeman got for not writing him a speeding ticket. You can't trust anyone these days--everyone has been paid off in one way or another.

Kickback = a return of a part of a sum received often because of confidential agreement or coercion. E.g.: Every city contract had been let with a ten percent kickback to city officials.

Hush money is an informal term for financial incentives or reward (bribery) offered in exchange for not divulging information.

Baksheesh is a Persian word, written بخشش and originating from the Pahlavi (Middle Iranian) language. It is a term used to describe tipping, charitable giving, and certain forms of political corruption and bribery in the Middle East and South Asia.



Veja no link abaixo: Aspectos lingüísticos da procuração "ad judicia".
NBR 6023:2002 da Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas(ABNT), o texto científico publicado em periódico eletrônico deve ser citado da seguinte forma:
VIANA, Joseval. Aspectos lingüísticos da procuração "ad judicia". Disponível em http://www.abdir.com.br/doutrina/ver.asp?art_id=911&categoria=Linguagem%20Forense



“O comprador que se cuide." (Por conta e risco do comprador)
A Latin term that means “Let the buyer beware”. It is typically used in reference to consumer transactions.
The legal principle that, unless the quality of a product is guaranteed in a warranty, the buyer purchases the product as it is and cannot hold another liable for any defects. Statutes and court decisions concerning products liability and implied warranties have substantially altered this rule.
Source: YourDictonary


This Internet site is for guidance only and does not unless stated otherwise form part of any contract or obligation. It is subject to change without notice. It intends to suggest possible meanings or translations for certain words but accuracy is not guaranteed. You should always check to see that information of any sort is up-to-date and correct before relying on it. The reader should never assume that information supplied on this website applies to any specific text without consulting other sources. Caveat emptor (Let the reader beware!).


tique-taque ou tiquetaque = ticking sound made by a clock / the heart.



BREACH = A breach is a party's failure to perform some contracted-for or agreed-upon act, or his failure to comply with a duty imposed by law, which is owed to another or to society.

ANTICIPATORY BREACH = (arrependimento contratual; ocorrência de tentativa de violação) breach committed before the arrival of the actual time of required performance. It occurs when one party by declaration repudiates his contractual obligation before it is due, so that he refuses to honor the contract. The repudiation required is 'a positive statement indicating that the promisor will not or cannot substantially perform his contractual duties.' A repudiation will justify a demand by the aggrieved party for an 'assurance of performance.' Or an action for relief in a breached contract.

ANTICIPATORY REPUDIATION = a refusal by one party to a contract to perform his or her future obligations under the contract that is expressed either by a clear statement of refusal or by a statement or action that clearly implies refusal . Where the anticipatory repudiation is by the party's conduct rather than by declaration it is called VOLUNTARY DISABLEMENT. For example, if A promises to give B a unique sculpture in exchange for B painting A's house, but A then sells the sculpture to C before B completes the job, this act by A constitutes an anticipatory repudiation which excuses B from completing the job. Once the sculpture has left A's possession, there is no way that A can fulfill the promise to give the sculpture to B. See:"The Convention on the International Sale of Goods: Anticipatory Repudiation Provisions and Developing Countries". Upon breach of contract, the aggrieved party is entitled to damages and, depending upon the nature of the breach, may also be discharged from performing its remaining obligations under the contract. May these same remedies be invoked prior to the time that performance is due if a party obligated to perform states that it does not intend to perform or cannot perform or if it becomes apparent that the party obligated to perform cannot perform? The doctrine of anticipatory repudiation responds to this question. Hochster v. DeLaTour, involving a courier discharged by his employer prior to the time employment was to start, is the classic case on anticipatory repudiation. Short of an indication that one party does not intend to perform or will not be able to perform, the other party nevertheless may become insecure about the prospect of receiving the benefit of its promised performance. For transactions in goods, where there are reasonable grounds for such insecurity, U.C.C. 2-609 provides a right of the insecure party to demand and receive adequate assurance of performance from the other.

EFFICIENT BREACH = breach of contract in economic theory in which it is more profitable for the breaching party to breach the contract and pay damages than to perform under the contract

MATERIAL BREACH = a breach of contract that is so substantial that it defeats the purpose of the parties in making the contract and gives the non breaching party the right to cancel the contract and sue for damages. Whether a breach is material is a question of fact. Under the Restatement (Second) of Contracts, a material breach gives rise to the right to suspend performance but not to cancel the contract until there is a total breach.

PARTIAL BREACH = a breach of contract in which the breaching party's nonperformance is minor and gives rise to the right to sue for damages but not to suspend performance or cancel the contract, since it does not substantially impairs the value of the contract and does not give the injured party cause to abandon the whole contract. For example, you order a white yacht, and the seller delivers a yellow yacht; you may seek damages for the cost of painting the yacht white.

TOTAL BREACH = a breach of contract under the Restatement (Second) of Contracts that is so substantial that it gives rise to the right to cancel the contract and sue for damages.

BREACH OF DUTY -= a failure to perform a duty owed to another or to society; a failure to exercise that care which a reasonable man would exercise under similar circumstances.

BREACH OF TRUST = a violation by a trustee of a duty which equity lays upon him, whether willful and fraudulent, or done through negligence, or arising through mere oversight and forgetfulness.

BREACH OF WARRANTY = an infraction to an express or implied agreement as to the title, quality, content or condition of a thing sold or bailed. A warranty is a guarantee and is breached when the thing so guaranteed is deficient according to the terms of the warranty. A seller may be liable for a breach of warranty even without any negligence or misconduct.

action for breach = ação por violação
anticipatory breach = (arrependimento contratual; ocorrência de tentativa de violação) occurs when a party indicates in advance, by words or conduct, that it does not intend to fulfill an obligation when it falls due under a contract. (withdrawable)
breach of bank secrecy = violação de sigilo bancário (sentido negativo)
breach of close = invasão de domicílio
breach of confidence occurs when a person who has been entrusted with confidential information uses that information improperly 370
breach of confidentiality = violação de sigilo
breach of confidentiality = violação de sigilo
breach of contract / default / noncompliance = inexecução da obrigação, violação de contrato, dano de confiança, culpa contratual; inadimplemento; incumprimento do contrato, quebra/rompimento de contrato, inadimplemento contratual, falta de cumprimento de um contrato ou qualquer de suas condições, culpa contratual, quebramento, ruptura
breach of duty to take care / negligent bailee / unfaithful depositary inbreach of duty / = violação do dever de vigilância (faulty bailee depositário infiel)
breach of peace; tumult; street riot; brawl. arruaça
breach of prison = fuga da prisão
breach of representation. incumprimento de representação
breach of rules of procedure (penalty for) = sanções processuais
breach of the right to jurisdictional protection by the courts = violação à irrecusabilidade da jurisdição estatal
breach of trust, betrayal of confidence, detournment, embezzlement, treachery; perfidy = abuso de confiança, aleivosia
breach of warranty of authority occurs when an agent indicates that it is authorized to act for a principal when it is not.
constructive breach of contract. incumprimento implícito
damage resulting from breach of contract. prejuízo positivo
defense of breach of contract. exceção do contrato não cumprido
direct inducement to breach of contract occurs when the defendant directly persuades a third party to break its contract with the plaintiff
indirect inducement to breach of contract occurs when the defendant indirectly persuades a third party to break its contract with the plaintiff
knowing or fraudulent breach = violação dolosa ou fraudulenta
material breach = violação significativa; grave infração contratual
perfect law; law that sanctions breach with nullity = lei perfeita
willful breach = violação intencional
Source: Various



ee is widely used in the payroll processing industry as an abbreviation for employee (cf. er (employer))
E.g.: Pennsylvania Unemployment EE
Source: Answers.com


convidar = to invite someone to visit you in your house.

E.g.1. John and Sue have invited us round to their house for dinner on Friday.
E.g.2. Shall we invite the new neighbours round for coffee?
This phrasal verb can be separated
Source: Knights' English



Pink slip: Notice of termination of employment; a note from your employer telling you that you've lost your job. (USA)
P45: In the United Kindgom and Ireland, P45 is the reference code of a form titled Details of employee leaving work.

In the 1920's, large corporations developed color-coded paper communication systems. Pink paper was used to send the message "you're fired."
1) I think our boss enjoys handing out pink slips.
2) The factory is closing next week, and all 500 employees received pink slips today.
3) On June 27, 2007, the day of his resignation as Prime Minister, Tony Blair jokingly remarked during his final Prime Minister's Questions about receiving his P45: “I received the following communication by urgent letter yesterday: “Details of employee leaving work: Surname Blair. First name T”
4) "A hora do bilhete azul pode ser cor-de-rosa... Investe-se de forma a tornar o tão temido bilhete azul em algo menos traumático para o funcionário. "
Source: Knights English and Other