Definition: A dangerous risk, a peril. (risco, perigo, acaso))
Usage: Unlike "jeopardy," "hazard" may be used as a countable noun. One can say that a job is "full of hazards" but not "full of hazard" nor that it places you "in hazard." A job may place you in jeopardy, peril or danger, for these nouns are mass nouns. "Peril" and "danger" may be used either way: inactivity may represent a peril (or danger) to your health. "Hazard" may also function as a verb meaning "to risk." The adjective is "hazardous."
Suggested Usage: If I may hazard a few suggestions, I would recommend that you use today's word in a narrowed sense of "risk," e.g. when a physical object is involved, as in "road hazards" or "workplace hazards." A risk is almost always abstract. "Risk" also does not necessarily imply danger or a threat. You could risk your life or just risk being late for dinner and, while "risky weather" implies it might rain or be cloudy, "hazardous weather" implies a life-threatening storm. (Source: Your Dictionary)
windstorm hazard risk = risco de vendaval
hazard insurance = seguro contra acidentes (bens - desabamento, incêndio, etc.)
hazard (luck) = sorte
hazardous operations = HAZOP (Operações de Risco) (Hazard & Operability Studies) = Estudo de Perigo e Operabilidade
health hazard allowance/bonus = adicional de insalubridade
hazardous contract = contrato de risco; contrato aleatório (aleatory contract (insur.))
collapse and underground hazard coverage = cobertura de danos ao subsolo e desabamentos
occupational hazard/accident = risco profissional
occupational hazard table = tabela de incapacidades profissionais
hazardous/dangerous work premium = adicional de periculosidade
hazardous/wanton negligence = negligência temerária
moral hazard = risco moral
safety hazards = riscos de segurança
hazard insurance = seguro contra imprevistos
Hazard Pay = is a supplemental amount paid to individuals in positions eligible for such pay, such as police officers.