Não, este "COOL" não é o dos descolados, da brisa fresca, do relax. É uma sigla: "On September 30th, country of origin labels, also known as COOL, will become commonplace in the U.S.
Meat, poultry, produce and some nuts sold in the U.S. will require a label that states the product's origin."
"rótulos de país de origem"
plural: stone. (Abbr. st.) A unit of weight in Great Britain, 14 pounds (6.4 kilograms).
E a tradução? Uns recomendam que se mantenha "stone", outros, como o termo não é de conhecimento e uso geral no Brasil (e libras também não) , fazer a conversão. Assim, "I need to lose 4 stone", ficaria: "Preciso perder 25 kg" (4 x 6.4 = 25,6) (arredondado, porque ninguém diria "preciso perder 1 kg e 223 gramas", por exemplo.
- If you are not exactly 8 or 7 stone, you would say 8 stone 3 or 8 stone and three pounds.
- Women will put on a staggering 15.5 stone in their lifetimes, according to new research. But don't worry, dieting means the average British woman will also lose 10 stone.
- Lose Half Stone In a Week With a Healthy Diet! (Pois é o que estou tentando fazer!)
( Potatoes, for example, were traditionally sold in stone or half-stone (14-pound or 7-pound quantities).
(In the United States and Canada, where stone as a unit of weight is generally unknown, people would normally describe themselves as weighing "158 pounds" (using the same amount of weight as in the previous example).
Source: Various
E a tradução? Uns recomendam que se mantenha "stone", outros, como o termo não é de conhecimento e uso geral no Brasil (e libras também não) , fazer a conversão. Assim, "I need to lose 4 stone", ficaria: "Preciso perder 25 kg" (4 x 6.4 = 25,6) (arredondado, porque ninguém diria "preciso perder 1 kg e 223 gramas", por exemplo.
- If you are not exactly 8 or 7 stone, you would say 8 stone 3 or 8 stone and three pounds.
- Women will put on a staggering 15.5 stone in their lifetimes, according to new research. But don't worry, dieting means the average British woman will also lose 10 stone.
- Lose Half Stone In a Week With a Healthy Diet! (Pois é o que estou tentando fazer!)
( Potatoes, for example, were traditionally sold in stone or half-stone (14-pound or 7-pound quantities).
(In the United States and Canada, where stone as a unit of weight is generally unknown, people would normally describe themselves as weighing "158 pounds" (using the same amount of weight as in the previous example).
Source: Various
teto de vidro; barreira invisível; preconceito; discriminação
An unacknowledged discriminatory barrier that prevents women and minorities from rising to positions of power or responsibility, as within a corporation. This term describes the discrimination that women and minorities often experience when trying to advance into an organization's senior management levels.
- Mary knew she'd never be promoted--she would never get through the glass ceiling (ela nunca conseguiria atravessar a barreira da discriminação; ir além do teto determinado para uma mulher).
- Women are everywhere these days. Breaking so-called glass ceilings, making decisions of state, even appearing on a major American political party's national ticket.
An unacknowledged discriminatory barrier that prevents women and minorities from rising to positions of power or responsibility, as within a corporation. This term describes the discrimination that women and minorities often experience when trying to advance into an organization's senior management levels.
- Mary knew she'd never be promoted--she would never get through the glass ceiling (ela nunca conseguiria atravessar a barreira da discriminação; ir além do teto determinado para uma mulher).
- Women are everywhere these days. Breaking so-called glass ceilings, making decisions of state, even appearing on a major American political party's national ticket.
Grammar Tip: AND
Retain "and" before the last item in a series, even though that last item consists of two words joined by "and": We need to increase our expense budgets for advertising, staff training, and research and developent.
(NOT: We need to increase our expense budgets for advertising, staff training, research and development.) (research and development = R&D = expressão composta por duas palavras unidas por "and")
Note: Never use "and" before "etc."
Source: YourProofreadNow
(NOT: We need to increase our expense budgets for advertising, staff training, research and development.) (research and development = R&D = expressão composta por duas palavras unidas por "and")
Note: Never use "and" before "etc."
Source: YourProofreadNow
Com a crise mundial, a todo momento ouvimos repórteres falando "Fannie Mae / Freddie Mac", i.e.: os "apelidos" da Associação Hipotecária Federal (Federal National Mortgage Association) e da Sociedade Federal Hipotecária de Crédito Habitacional (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation-FHLMC), ambas dos EUA.
Códigos usados em transferências bancárias internacionais
IBAN = International Bank Account Number
BIC = Bank Identifier Code
IBAN/BIC = somente para bancos DENTRO da União Européia.
SWIFT = Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication. Para bancos de qualquer outra parte do mundo Ex.: Bradesco [Brasil], banco na Argentina, etc.
Para que seja possível fazer uma transferência para um banco no Brasil, é preciso informar o SWIFT do banco brasileiro, mais o número da agência e o número da conta.
IBAN = International Bank Account Number
BIC = Bank Identifier Code
IBAN/BIC = somente para bancos DENTRO da União Européia.
SWIFT = Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication. Para bancos de qualquer outra parte do mundo Ex.: Bradesco [Brasil], banco na Argentina, etc.
Para que seja possível fazer uma transferência para um banco no Brasil, é preciso informar o SWIFT do banco brasileiro, mais o número da agência e o número da conta.
(verb) to change or revise a law or contract.
"After the victim had died from the stab wounds inflicted by the defendant, the prosecutor amended the indictment, which had charged the defendant with assault, to charge him with murder."
Synonyms: modify / alter
modify: "The parties modified the contract by changing the rates and delivery times."
alter: "There was no evidence to show that the contract had been altered as alleged by the plaintiff."
amendment (noun) the change made to a law or contract. "The 26th amendment to the US Constitution set the voting age at 18."
to amend a statute - to change a law. "The legislature decided to amend the privacy protection statute to prohibit disclosure of marital status."
to amend a complaint - to change the substance of the initial pleading filed in a lawsuit. "The plaintiff amended his complaint to include income lost as a result of the accident."
Related words
amends (noun) - redress for a wrong or
Source: Translegal
"After the victim had died from the stab wounds inflicted by the defendant, the prosecutor amended the indictment, which had charged the defendant with assault, to charge him with murder."
Synonyms: modify / alter
modify: "The parties modified the contract by changing the rates and delivery times."
alter: "There was no evidence to show that the contract had been altered as alleged by the plaintiff."
amendment (noun) the change made to a law or contract. "The 26th amendment to the US Constitution set the voting age at 18."
to amend a statute - to change a law. "The legislature decided to amend the privacy protection statute to prohibit disclosure of marital status."
to amend a complaint - to change the substance of the initial pleading filed in a lawsuit. "The plaintiff amended his complaint to include income lost as a result of the accident."
Related words
amends (noun) - redress for a wrong or
Source: Translegal
adj.: Relating to or divided into hundredths.
adv.: centesimally With divisor/multiplier steps of 100.
IN BRIEF: Coming after ninety-nine others. Also: One of 100 equal parts of something.
hundredth (noun): (1) The ordinal number matching the number 100 in a series. (2) One of 100 equal parts.
hundredth adj.
- I think and think for months and years. Ninety-nine times, the conclusion is false. The hundredth time I am right. — Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
[Quando eu trabalhava no Iraque, na década de 80, eu e meus colegas de várias nacionalidades comemoramos com um jantar a milésima tradução em terras árabes. Anos depois, quando comecei a fazer traduções juramentadas (2000), comemorei o primeiro livro, a milésima tradução juramentada, etc. Agora, quase trinta livros depois, já não parece grande coisa. Mas na época foi muito bom. Por isso, carpe diem, i.e., aproveite cada oportunidade de ser feliz.]
"Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero." (Colha o dia, confia o mínimo no amanhã.) (Odes - Horacio) (Em suma, o "espírito" da frase pode ser entendido como "aproveitar as oportunidades que a vida lhe oferece no momento em que elas se apresentam" ou ainda "aproveitar a vida - o dia de hoje - e não ficar apenas pensando no futuro - no dia em que você sonha que, finalmente, será feliz' - seja feliz HOJE!) . Source: Wikipedia
(A felicidade está nas pequenas coisas: ficar em casa fazendo uma tradução em um dia de chuva ou frio (em Londres), saborear uma xícara de chá ou café (preferencialmente no Nicola, em Lisboa ou, em Paris), ler um bom livro (o problema é ter tempo!), perambular pelos labirintos (de Veneza), entrar na Primark (Londres) para ver o que há de bom e barato lá. Simples, né?)
adj.: Relating to or divided into hundredths.
adv.: centesimally With divisor/multiplier steps of 100.
IN BRIEF: Coming after ninety-nine others. Also: One of 100 equal parts of something.
hundredth (noun): (1) The ordinal number matching the number 100 in a series. (2) One of 100 equal parts.
hundredth adj.
- I think and think for months and years. Ninety-nine times, the conclusion is false. The hundredth time I am right. — Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
[Quando eu trabalhava no Iraque, na década de 80, eu e meus colegas de várias nacionalidades comemoramos com um jantar a milésima tradução em terras árabes. Anos depois, quando comecei a fazer traduções juramentadas (2000), comemorei o primeiro livro, a milésima tradução juramentada, etc. Agora, quase trinta livros depois, já não parece grande coisa. Mas na época foi muito bom. Por isso, carpe diem, i.e., aproveite cada oportunidade de ser feliz.]
"Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero." (Colha o dia, confia o mínimo no amanhã.) (Odes - Horacio) (Em suma, o "espírito" da frase pode ser entendido como "aproveitar as oportunidades que a vida lhe oferece no momento em que elas se apresentam" ou ainda "aproveitar a vida - o dia de hoje - e não ficar apenas pensando no futuro - no dia em que você sonha que, finalmente, será feliz' - seja feliz HOJE!) . Source: Wikipedia
(A felicidade está nas pequenas coisas: ficar em casa fazendo uma tradução em um dia de chuva ou frio (em Londres), saborear uma xícara de chá ou café (preferencialmente no Nicola, em Lisboa ou, em Paris), ler um bom livro (o problema é ter tempo!), perambular pelos labirintos (de Veneza), entrar na Primark (Londres) para ver o que há de bom e barato lá. Simples, né?)
Allegedly (adverb) = claimed or stated to be so or true. "He was allegedly involved in some illegal deals."
Synonym: reputedly: "The property is reputedly owned by a foundation based in Switzerland."
Antonym: definitively: "It was definitively established that the contract had been entered into under duress."
Other forms of the word:
allegation (noun) - a statement claimed to be true. "The plaintiff's allegation is that the defendant failed to deliver the goods in a timely fashion."
allege (verb) - to claim that something is true. "The prosecutor alleged that the CEO had engaged in insider trading."
Source: Translegal
Synonym: reputedly: "The property is reputedly owned by a foundation based in Switzerland."
Antonym: definitively: "It was definitively established that the contract had been entered into under duress."
Other forms of the word:
allegation (noun) - a statement claimed to be true. "The plaintiff's allegation is that the defendant failed to deliver the goods in a timely fashion."
allege (verb) - to claim that something is true. "The prosecutor alleged that the CEO had engaged in insider trading."
Source: Translegal
(Relembrar um pouco de gramática não faz mal nenhum)
GROUP I - 1. Determiners, Ordinal Numbers, Cardinal Numbers and Quantity Words
1. Determiners: The
2. Ordinal Numbers: first
3. Cardinal Numbers and Quantity Words: two
Noun or Noun-Noun Compound: houses or plantation houses
The first two plantation houses...
GROUP II - Descriptive Modifiers
4. Quality words, words of general description or characters: good
5. Size, height, length, etc.: big
6. Age, temperature: old
7. Shape: square
8. Color: red
9. Participle: neglected
10. Origin or location: Jamaican
11. Material: stone
Noun or Noun-Noun Compound: houses or plantation houses
The first two good big old square red neglected Jamaican stone houses or plantation houses.
GROUP I - 1. Determiners, Ordinal Numbers, Cardinal Numbers and Quantity Words
1. Determiners: The
2. Ordinal Numbers: first
3. Cardinal Numbers and Quantity Words: two
Noun or Noun-Noun Compound: houses or plantation houses
The first two plantation houses...
GROUP II - Descriptive Modifiers
4. Quality words, words of general description or characters: good
5. Size, height, length, etc.: big
6. Age, temperature: old
7. Shape: square
8. Color: red
9. Participle: neglected
10. Origin or location: Jamaican
11. Material: stone
Noun or Noun-Noun Compound: houses or plantation houses
The first two good big old square red neglected Jamaican stone houses or plantation houses.
to make someone feel very shocked or upset (chocar, ficar abalado)
Infelizmente, eis um exemplo da vida real: "Yesterday, my sister had her car and handbag stolen, at gunpoint, when she was leaving her home, at 7 o' clock. She was very shook up." (Ela ficou abaladíssima).
(This phrasal verb has more than one meaning)
E.g.1: He was very shaken up by the accident, but he wasn't seriously injured.
E.g.2: I think the news shook him up.
Source: Knights English
Infelizmente, eis um exemplo da vida real: "Yesterday, my sister had her car and handbag stolen, at gunpoint, when she was leaving her home, at 7 o' clock. She was very shook up." (Ela ficou abaladíssima).
(This phrasal verb has more than one meaning)
E.g.1: He was very shaken up by the accident, but he wasn't seriously injured.
E.g.2: I think the news shook him up.
Source: Knights English
Noun: desafio
Verb: contestar, desafiar, impugnar, questionar, embargar
(verb) to object to; to question the legality of something or the legal qualifications of someone.
"The defendant challenged the qualifications of the expert witness."
Synonym: object: "The plaintiff objected to the witness' testimony on the grounds that it was hearsay."
challenge (noun) - objection or question. "The international treaty was not open to challenge in the Supreme Court."
legal challenge - an adversarial proceeding. "The statute was subject to a legal challenge in the district court."
to challenge the law - to bring legal action to have a law repealed. "The Association of Nurses challenged the law which required them to report the immigration status of patients."
ação contestada = the action was challenged
valor questionado = the amount was challenged
Verb: contestar, desafiar, impugnar, questionar, embargar
(verb) to object to; to question the legality of something or the legal qualifications of someone.
"The defendant challenged the qualifications of the expert witness."
Synonym: object: "The plaintiff objected to the witness' testimony on the grounds that it was hearsay."
challenge (noun) - objection or question. "The international treaty was not open to challenge in the Supreme Court."
legal challenge - an adversarial proceeding. "The statute was subject to a legal challenge in the district court."
to challenge the law - to bring legal action to have a law repealed. "The Association of Nurses challenged the law which required them to report the immigration status of patients."
ação contestada = the action was challenged
valor questionado = the amount was challenged
Definition: A dangerous risk, a peril. (risco, perigo, acaso))
Usage: Unlike "jeopardy," "hazard" may be used as a countable noun. One can say that a job is "full of hazards" but not "full of hazard" nor that it places you "in hazard." A job may place you in jeopardy, peril or danger, for these nouns are mass nouns. "Peril" and "danger" may be used either way: inactivity may represent a peril (or danger) to your health. "Hazard" may also function as a verb meaning "to risk." The adjective is "hazardous."
Suggested Usage: If I may hazard a few suggestions, I would recommend that you use today's word in a narrowed sense of "risk," e.g. when a physical object is involved, as in "road hazards" or "workplace hazards." A risk is almost always abstract. "Risk" also does not necessarily imply danger or a threat. You could risk your life or just risk being late for dinner and, while "risky weather" implies it might rain or be cloudy, "hazardous weather" implies a life-threatening storm. (Source: Your Dictionary)
windstorm hazard risk = risco de vendaval
hazard insurance = seguro contra acidentes (bens - desabamento, incêndio, etc.)
hazard (luck) = sorte
hazardous operations = HAZOP (Operações de Risco) (Hazard & Operability Studies) = Estudo de Perigo e Operabilidade
health hazard allowance/bonus = adicional de insalubridade
hazardous contract = contrato de risco; contrato aleatório (aleatory contract (insur.))
collapse and underground hazard coverage = cobertura de danos ao subsolo e desabamentos
occupational hazard/accident = risco profissional
occupational hazard table = tabela de incapacidades profissionais
hazardous/dangerous work premium = adicional de periculosidade
hazardous/wanton negligence = negligência temerária
moral hazard = risco moral
safety hazards = riscos de segurança
hazard insurance = seguro contra imprevistos
Hazard Pay = is a supplemental amount paid to individuals in positions eligible for such pay, such as police officers.
Usage: Unlike "jeopardy," "hazard" may be used as a countable noun. One can say that a job is "full of hazards" but not "full of hazard" nor that it places you "in hazard." A job may place you in jeopardy, peril or danger, for these nouns are mass nouns. "Peril" and "danger" may be used either way: inactivity may represent a peril (or danger) to your health. "Hazard" may also function as a verb meaning "to risk." The adjective is "hazardous."
Suggested Usage: If I may hazard a few suggestions, I would recommend that you use today's word in a narrowed sense of "risk," e.g. when a physical object is involved, as in "road hazards" or "workplace hazards." A risk is almost always abstract. "Risk" also does not necessarily imply danger or a threat. You could risk your life or just risk being late for dinner and, while "risky weather" implies it might rain or be cloudy, "hazardous weather" implies a life-threatening storm. (Source: Your Dictionary)
windstorm hazard risk = risco de vendaval
hazard insurance = seguro contra acidentes (bens - desabamento, incêndio, etc.)
hazard (luck) = sorte
hazardous operations = HAZOP (Operações de Risco) (Hazard & Operability Studies) = Estudo de Perigo e Operabilidade
health hazard allowance/bonus = adicional de insalubridade
hazardous contract = contrato de risco; contrato aleatório (aleatory contract (insur.))
collapse and underground hazard coverage = cobertura de danos ao subsolo e desabamentos
occupational hazard/accident = risco profissional
occupational hazard table = tabela de incapacidades profissionais
hazardous/dangerous work premium = adicional de periculosidade
hazardous/wanton negligence = negligência temerária
moral hazard = risco moral
safety hazards = riscos de segurança
hazard insurance = seguro contra imprevistos
Hazard Pay = is a supplemental amount paid to individuals in positions eligible for such pay, such as police officers.
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