Tort (noun): ato danoso que dá causa a reparação por responsabilidade civil , ato doloso (malicious act), delito civil, ilícito civil
Tortfeasor (noun): agressor, transgressor, delinqüente [Pronunciation: ['tort-fee-zê(r)]
Definition: One who is guilty of wrong-doing that is not in violation of a contract; a wrong-doer, or trespasser for which a civil remedy may be sought.
Usage: A tort is a wrong or harm other than breach of contract; Examples include negligence, product liability, cooking the company books (but not tarts), traffic violations, assault. Intentional torts are uninsurable crimes, libel and slander, the exceptions.
Companies and individuals may insure themselves against unintentional torts.
This word is brought to you as part of yourDictionary's unrelenting Campaign Against Profanity. Now you may say to people who mistreat you, "You dirty tortfeasor!" rather than resort to socially unapproved vocabulary. Remember, if the offense is a violation of a contract, you will misspeak yourself using this term. We might remember 2002 as the Year of the Tortfeasor in US business.
Fonte: YourDictionary
Torts = Tort law seeks to remedy civil wrongs that result in harm to person or property. The class will focus on basic concepts such as the intentional torts, negligence, strict liability, and products liability.
Ex.: Como se vê, o ato ilícito dá origem a deveres, que variam de conformidade com o prejuízo causado a outrem. As one may notice, the tort produces duties, which vary according to the damage caused to the other party.
danos de consumo em massa = mass tort litigation
débito/ilícito/responsabilidade civil (extrajudicial) = tort
processar por ilícito civil = sue in tort (to)
responsabilidade subjetiva = tort liability