

Eusebius Sophronius Hieronymus was born at Stridon around 347.

He was a Christian priest, confessor, theologian and historian, who also became a Doctor of the Church. The son of Eusebius, of the city of Stridon, on the border of Dalmatia and Pannonia, he led a life of incessant activity in literary production and is best known for his translation of the Bible into Latin (the Vulgate), and his commentaries on the Gospel of the Hebrews. His list of writings is extensive.

Recognised as a saint by the Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Lutheran Church, and the Church of England (Anglican Communion). Saint Jerome's Day is commemorated on 30 September with a memorial. 
He is recognized as the patron saint of translators, librarians and encyclopedists.


City, town, village or hamlet?

In the UK:
A CITY has a cathedral or a university or both.
A TOWN has a market
A VILLAGE doesn’t have a cathedral or a market but it will have a church
A HAMLET is very small with only a handful of houses and usually doesn’t have any shops or other services.

A Hamlet is a small settlement that does not contain a place of worship.
It becomes a village when a church is founded.
A village becomes a town when an administrative body exists, e.g. a Town Council, by which time several differing denominations of Church might exists.
A city is anywhere with a Cathedral.

In the USA:
Generally in the urban heirarchy, villages are smaller than towns and towns are smaller than cities but each country has its own definition of a city and an urban area.
Hamlet - 1,000 - 9,999 
Village - 10,000 - 99,999 
Town - 100,000 - 999,999 
City - 1,000,000 - 9,999,000 
Metropolis - 10,000,000+