

Ano Social / Exercício Social
ano / período contábil = accounting year / period
ano / exercício financeiro (período entre balanços) = financial year [UK]; fiscal year (US)
ano / exercício contábil = accounting year
ano / exercício social = corporate year
exercício / período contábil  =   accounting period, fiscal period
exercício fiscal =  fiscal year, tax year  



bank collection slip


XX, pessoa jurídica a ser citada na pessoa de um dos seus representantes legais = XX, a legal entity to be served on one of its legal representatives


The residents will sign a collective petition.



            location: A place where something is or could be located; a site. A tract of land that has been surveyed and marked off.
            place:  An area with definite or indefinite boundaries; a portion of space. A building or an area set aside for a specified purpose: a place of worship. A business establishment or office.  locality, such as a town or city: visited many places. A public square or street with houses in a town.
           site: The place where a structure or group of structures was, is, or is to be located: a good site for the school.  The place or setting of something: a historic site; a job site.

Warehouse vs. Depot

Warehouse:place where goods are stored for a business or organization that is a separate building.
Depot: place where goods are stored for distribution (however not for just a store but for many different places). 

Difference between Stock and Inventory

            While stock deals with products that are sold as part of the business's daily operation, inventory includes sale products and the goods and materials used to produce them.
              For example, the cars, car parts and accessories are sold during normal business practices, but the machines that run diagnostic tests on cars or the car lot itself are not. Inventory takes in account all of the assets a business uses to produce the goods it sells and determines the sale price for the stock. The stock determines the amount of revenue a business generates. The more stock that is sold, the higher the revenues


Difference between Finance / Financial Managers

            The Finance Manager does the general duties relating to the Finance Department, while the Financial Manager deals with the acquisationa and utilization of long and short term funds.
            In today's competitive global environment, financial managers are continually faced with the ability to engage in activities bringing value to the firm and the shareholders. In order to achieve their goals successfully, financial managers need to set strategies to influence the direction and success of the company. Such strategies include internal company
             Finance is the management of money and financial management shows the management of financial activities properly to achieve firm's goal ( wealth maximization). Actually financial management shows the techniques and strategies to determine the needs of the fund, to identify the possible and plausible sources of fund, to collect the necessary fund from the identified sources and to invest the collected fund in different profitable sectors by maintaining the principles of finance to achieve the goal of the business firm.