
TV Pitchman

There is a growing demand for no-longer-ready-for-prime-time celebrities willing to vouch for products in ads often shown during reruns of movies and TV shows they made during their salad days.


When a lawyer decides he wants to attend medical school, his girlfriend must decide if their relationship can survive a career change. He was contemplating a do-over — about his choice of career.
In the end, she resolved that choosing between losing the best man she had ever met and adjusting to a career change was a no-brainer.



The politician chose to keep mum [ficar calado] on the facts when submitted to questioning. He invoked the right to be silent and that he could not be compelled to incriminate himself.
Relator: Rapporteur
The Senator was the rapporteur. He reported on the findings directly to the inter-Ministerial group.


Relationship agreements are a stripped-down version of cohabitation agreements
The parties in a "Relationship Agreement" are "The Girlfriend and the Boyfriend"
Relationship agreements also have contemporary currency [the state of being in common or general use – pertinência contemporânea?]
prenuptial agreements are used to protect marital assets


define/discuss the relationship = discutir a relação



What is the difference between TRADEMARK and BRAND?
Pelo que li e entendi até agora, Trademark seria a marca geral (o nome do fabricante, por exemplo) e Brand seria a marca específica (por exemplo, dos produtos). Corrijam-me se esse entendimento estiver errado.


Abbey Road today: A sunny day in London


To enter information into a machine by pressing keys or numbers.
You just have to put your credit card into the slot and tap your personal identification number in.
-  To log in, tap in your user name and password and click on the ‘login’ button.

-  Enter your data in the proper field.
This phrasal verb can be separated.
Source: Knight's English



Dime qué textos traduces y te diré qué tipo de traductor eres.
Dime cuanto cobras y te diré para quien traduces
No dejes para mañana lo que deberías haber traduido ayer
No dejes para mañana lo que puedas traducir pasado mañana!
Soy traductor pero no se lo digas a mi madre. Cree que toco el piano en un burdel.
No, no hago clases de inglés. ¿Has dicho que eres diseñador web? ¿Por qué no das clases de diseño gráfico?
A buen traductor poco contexto le basta
Todos los Cat son iguales, pero algunos son más iguales que otros.

Yo no trabajo: gano tanto traduciendo, que no me hace falta.
No-match, no-match... assim voce me mata.. ai se eu te pego..




           Abbreviations consisting of capital letters do not have full stops (GNP, USA, US). For abbreviating United States either as a noun or an adjective, use "US" without full stops. Contractions ending with the same letter as the original word do not take terminal full stops (St, Mr, Dr).
          Abbreviations where the last letter of the singular word is not included take a full stop (vol., vols./ed., eds.). The abbreviation for  umber is no./nos. Abbreviated unit of measurements do not take a full stop (lb, mm, kg) and do not take a final 's' in the plural.
         1. Number: pegue a primeira e a última letra - Nr (não precisa ponto)
         2. Mister: idem - Mr
         3. Professor: Prof. (precisa ponto pois a palavra foi cortada ao meio).
         4. Et coetera: etc. (precisa ponto pois a palavra foi cortada ao meio).
Por que "No" no Reino Unido? Porque a abreviação vem do Latim "numero".
UK:  nao se usa ponto numa abreviatura se a última letra da abreviatura for a mesma que a última letra da palavra (Mister - Mr; Doctor - Dr; Numero - No). No entanto, há quem use "No." para nao confunfir com "no" (nao).



Before signing, read the fine print.
(Antes de assinar, leia tudo/o texto em letras pequenas)
        Fine print, small print, or "mouseprint" is less noticeable print smaller than the more obvious larger print it accompanies that advertises or otherwise describes or partially describes a commercial product or service.  The larger print that is used in conjunction with fine print is used by the merchant in effect to deceive the consumer into believing the offer is more advantageous than it really is, via a legal technicality which requires full disclosure of all (even unfavorable) terms or conditions, but does not specify the manner (size, typeface, coloring, etc.) of disclosure.
       Fine print often says the opposite of what the larger print says. For example, if the larger print says "pre-approved" the fine print will say "subject to approval." Especially in pharmaceutical advertisements, fine print may accompany a warning message, but this message is often neutralized by the more eye-catching positive images and pleasant background music (eye candy). Sometimes, television advertisements will flash text fine print in camouflagic colors, and for notoriously brief periods of time, making it difficult for the viewer to read.
      The use of fine print has become a standard method of advertising in certain industries, particularly those selling a higher-priced product or service, or a specialty item not found on the mainstream market, or involving a signed contract.  The practice, for example, can be used to mislead the consumer in reference to an item's price, its value, or the nutritional content of a food product.
      US (FTC) regulations state that, for an advertised offer to be lawful, the terms of the offer must be clear and conspicuous, not relegated to fine print.



to wear warm clothes = agasalhar-se
(This verb has more than one meaning)

    -  Make sure you wrap up – it’s very cold today!
  - She wrapped herself up warm and left the house.

This phrasal verb can only be separated by a reflexive pronoun.
Source: Knight's English



The First of May is a Public Holiday in France, officially known as La Fête du Travail (National Labour Day) but also called La Fête du Muguet (Lily of the Valley Day).
        It is a tradition on this day to offer a sprig of lily-of-the-valley (“muguet” in French) to loved ones, to bring them luck and health in the coming year.