
As cores no inglês jurídico: Blue

           1. baby blues – "The magnitude of birth and the overwhelming responsibility that goes with being a new mom leave many women with the "baby blues": feeling sad and anxious for several days after giving birth". Tradução: melancolia pós-parto
           2. blue book – "Before we had the blue book, no one wanted to hear anything about obscenity and the Internet". Tradução: dados estatísticos
           3. blue collar – "How can we expect the great legal progress on civil rights to pay off... in a high tech society with one-third of black children without a blue collar education"? Tradução: formação em nível técnico
           4. blue ribbon – "Professor James H. Laue of George Mason University's Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution has suggested that true and full resolution of conflict occurs only through negotiation or some other form of joint problem-solving involving the parties to the conflict - not in any lasting or ultimate form, through military action, control, coercion, blue ribbon panels, or expert advice". Tradução: órgão consultivo comissionado formado por indivíduos de notável saber (Exemplos: Warren Commission, que investigou a morte de Kennedy, 9/11 Commission que investigou o atentado de 11 de setembro)
           5. blue sky laws – "Rediker's partner, Thomas L. Krebs, is intimately familiar with Alabama's blue sky laws. He's a former state securities director who helped write many of them".  Tradução: legislação regulando a circulação de valores mobiliários
           6. blue water – "China has yet to develop a blue water capability". Tradução: capacidade de navegar no mar internacional, marinha de guerra
Fonte: MIGALHAS n° 2.746 // http://www.migalhas.com.br/LawEnglish/74,MI144189,31047-As+cores+no+ingles+juridico+Blue
P.S.: Mais um termo lembrado pela nossa colega "Date":
BLUEPRINT - no sentido de cópia de projeto (lembrando do tempo em que era feito no mimeógrafo e, portanto, azul) - mas querendo também dizer PLANO / PROJETO (também de ação).
Lembrei também de:   to be left out in the blue = ficar de fora
Residents left out in the blue on city greening
Don't feel left out in the blue when The Festival of Sukkot arrives. Learn the ins and outs of choosing the ...
Is there another way to see where I left off or am I left out in the blue?
It occurred out of the blue (do nada?).
If your current account is in the black (no azul >< no vermelho) most of the time, it’s worth looking at what interest rate you can get a loan.


intr.v., busked, busk·ing, busks.
To play music or perform entertainment in a public place, usually while soliciting money.
        I thought it would be a good idea to start a thread about busking for people that want to go busking for the first time, people that busk and are looking for new spots and also for the people that have to listen to our crap day in day out and just long for someone else to busk there for a change....kind of like and spot swap idea really
         I'll post here all the places I have been busking and how good it is to busk so you can see the hot spots and the not spots to busk....
         Tonbridge - a really cool spot to busk is in the angel walk opposit superdrug. its perfectly legal and no licence is needed. you'll make good money here and all the surrounding shops nomally come out and make requests and leave you something except the hairdressers opposite. just ignore them.
        Tunbrige wells - another great place to busk especially if your music is very different. there is more cultural awareness here than tonbridge and you more likely to get a good response. i went busking here with fleassy with a drum and didge and it went down really well.
        Brighton - Brighton can be a really good place to busk but you have to be very picky on the time of day. there are two main places ive busked here. one is in the south lanes where two pathes meet at a t junction by the pub. Here is the favorite spot but make sure you go into the shops and ask how long you can busk for first as this spot is used by lots of buskers and they get a lot! as long as you play by thier rules then its all good. try to avoid days where is hot and sunny because it seems that people wont have the time of day for you.......fair enough i suppose
        The best busking times ive found to busk in anyplaces is between 12 and 3. this seems to be because its lunchtime and people have loads of change from their consumer culture lunches and want to throw their money around.....who am I to complain...
        I also busked in Staines yesterday and the day before. not actually that bad of a spot. £15 for 30 - 40 mins sounds pretty good for me  even the chavs were dancing and nodding and giving the thumbs up!"
Source: http://www.ukhippy.com/stuff/showthread.php?5731-places-to-go-busking&s=191a261ee2f76df4516f03f830b3a99e


Passeios de helicóptero não são agradáveis em dias de chuva...



Definition: (Of vehicles) To slow down and stop at the side of a road.
E.g.1. Bob pulled up when he saw the man waving for help.
E.g.2. Sally pulled up at a petrol station to ask for directions.

Source: Knights English



Definition: to find the solution to a problem, or manage to understand something.
(This verb has more than one meaning)

           E.g.1. I can’t work out why my computer keeps crashing.
        E.g.2. I can’t work this message out. What does ‘GR8′ mean? It means ‘great’ – you have to pronounce it!

This phrasal verb can be separated.
Source: Knights English



        Value your listening and reading time at roughly ten times your talking time.This will assure you that you are on a course of continuous learning and self-improvement. (Gerald McGinnis)
        Those who graduate today and stop learning tomorrow, are uneducated the day after. (Newton Baker)
         I've never learned anything while I was talking. (Larry King)
        It's what you learn after you think you know it all that counts. (Kim Hubbord)


A tidy desk is a tidy mind [?!?]

        They say a tidy desk is a tidy mind - but do you need either to run a successful business? Or can a down and dirty approach sometimes help you clean up?
        Most of us seem to think that successful people have a clear vision - and a clear desk. But we also associate messiness with creativity - and successful business leaders usually need plenty of that. It seems that tidy minds and tidy desks don't necessarily go together, after all.
Source: Migalhas


Cidadão Kane é supostamente baseado na vida do magnata do jornalismo William Randolph Hearst (publicamente, Welles negava), e conta a história de Charles Foster Kane, um menino pobre que acaba se tornando um dos homens mais ricos do mundo.
            O filme inicia com a sua morte, momentos antes da qual pronuncia a palavra "Rosebud". Após dias de sensacionalismo em cima da notícia de sua morte, o jornalista Jerry Thompson é enviado por seu chefe para investigar a vida de Kane, a fim de descobrir o sentido de sua última palavra, a qual ninguém sabia. Entrevistando pessoas do passado de Kane, o jornalista mergulha na vida de um homem solitário, que desde a infância é obrigado a seguir a vontade alheia. Ninguém a seu redor importa-se com Kane, que busca por meio da aquisição de bens e pessoas a adoração das pessoas.
            Ao final, Thompson, após a exaustiva investigação da vida de Kane através de entrevistas, se vê incapaz de descobrir o significado da palavra, concluindo que "Charles Foster Kane foi um homem que possuiu tudo o que quis, e depois perdeu tudo. Talvez Rosebud seja algo que ele nunca tenha possuído, ou algo que tenha perdido.". Ao final do filme, o significado de "rosebud" é revelado.

Cada um tem o seu “Rosebud”...


sm. =  Ling.  Língua falada nos Países Baixos, o mesmo que holandês [Cf. flamengo.] Ref. aos Países Baixos ou ao seu povo; HOLANDÊS /  Dos Países Baixos, típico desse país ou de seu povo: "...
[Só não entendo por que não é “nirlandês”!]


Comer de capitão. Você sabe o que é isso?
Capitão: Porção de alimento que se amassa com farinha e leva à boca com a mão
          “...o guia tuaregue convida o repórter para jantar em sua casa um prato típico, arroz integral com carneiro desfiado. Sem talheres à vista, o repórter se mostrou atrapalhado, até ser instruído a comer com a mão, fazer um bolinho de comida com a ponta dos dedos e levá-lo à boca. O fino da etiqueta tuaregue.”
        “Não se faz capitão com comida ensopada, macarrão, salada... Tem de ter uma base moldável. O melhor capitão se fazia com arroz, feijão, farofa, carne moída e couve. De cada coisa um pouquinho, que os dedos ágeis iam puxando, agregando, amassando. Os mais aplicados davam um acabamento na palma da mão: ora alongado como um quibe, ora oval, ora redondo. O bolinho habilmente formado vinha rico de sabores e chegava à boca com a ajuda dos cinco dedos irmanados.”



(Gilbert Becaud)


“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” – Steve Jobs



adj. In great numbers; in abundance: "with balloons and hot dogs . . . and fireworks galore"
(palavrinha esquecida e que aparece hoje em um anúncio/e-mail do Tesco): Offers galore on grocery goodies!
You can develop echnologies galore in labs / Em laboratório, é possível desenvolver tecnologias em abundância
Green Papers and action plans galore point the way forward / Uma fartura de Livros Verdes e planos de ação apontam o caminho a seguir
You've got options galore / São muitas as opções ...


Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Florida at Tallahassee, the Capitol (ou seja, capital da Flórida) this fifth day of October, 2011.


New gTLD (Generic Top Level Domains) for the Internet

On the 20th June 2011, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), announced its decision to allow applications for generic Top Level Domains – gTLDs. In essence, this decision opens the floodgates of domain name creativity; this is no longer a <.com> world, restricted by locality (<.br>, <.uk>) by classification (<.edu>, <.mil>) or by company structure (<.com>, <.org>, <.biz>). The revolution has begun! Own a restaurant? Apply for <.food>, <.menu>, <.eat>, <.dine>. Run your own clinic? Apply for <.med>, <.doc>, <.cure>. In the adventure industry? Look at <.snow>, <.ski>, <.dive>!

The new gTLD process has been a work in progress – but the finishing touches are now being made, and the world is preparing for the emergence of a revolutionised internet directory.



What is the one thing you can do this week to work towards your dreams?
Then, get ready, get set and GO! Do it!


If you look it up in a dictionary you will find it means “wear”, or “wastage”, or “attrition”, or “wear and tear”. But in the political context, it means something like “erosion of trust”. If the president sacks a corrupt minister, this provokes an erosion of trust among political allies.