

"... 11) Por ser vocábulo pertencente a outro idioma, não deve ser acentuado (já que não o era na língua mãe), e deve ser grafado entre aspas, em itálico, negrito, sublinhado ou qualquer outro modo indicador de ser alheio ao vernáculo.
14) Assim, o Código Eleitoral (lei 4.737, de 15/7/65 - clique aqui), no art. 28, § 1º, traz o acerto parcial do legislador, que grafa o vocábulo sem acento gráfico, mas esquece o sinal indicador de estrangeirismo.
15) A Lei das Sociedades por Ações (lei 6.404, de 15/12/76 - clique aqui), não mostra sequer uniformidade de uso do vocábulo: a) na rubrica que encima o art. 125, emprega-o corretamente, sem acento gráfico e entre aspas; b) acerta, de outro modo, o emprego no art. 136, caput, em redação conferida pela Lei 9.457/97 (clique aqui), quando deixa de empregar o acento gráfico e escreve o vocábulo em itálico; c) no art. 129, § 1º, entretanto, utiliza-o sem acento gráfico, mas também sem elemento algum indicador de estrangeirismo, equívoco esse que se repetia na redação original do art. 136 caput, hoje revogada, e que continua na redação do art. 136, § 2º, ainda em vigor, e no art. 140, IV, e 141, § 5º (ambos com redação conferida pela lei 10.303/01 - clique aqui).
16) A Constituição Federal de 1988 (clique aqui), por seu lado, evitou seu uso e preferiu expressões substitutivas (voto da maioria, por exemplo).
17) O Código Civil de 2002 (lei 10.406, de 10/1/02 - clique aqui) alterna critérios em tal emprego: a) no art. 59, parágrafo único, acerta pela metade, ao deixar de usar o acento gráfico, mas ao esquecer os elementos indicadores de estrangeirismo (com redação dada pela lei 11.127/05 - clique aqui); b) no art. 1.094, acerta integralmente, grafando o vocábulo sem acento e em itálico; c) no art. 1.334, III, volta a acertar parcialmente, ao grafar sem acento gráfico e sem aspas ou sinal indicador de estrangeirismo; c) tal conduta de acerto parcial, em tais moldes, volta a repetir-se no art. 1.352 e 1.353.”
Fonte: Veja o artigo completo em: http://www.migalhas.com.br/mig_gramaticais.aspx?lista=S&cod=95396



NASCENT (adj): Coming into existence or having recently come into existence.
This word suggests a point in time when an object or idea is just being formed or has just been formed, but has not been fully realized. Thus, the noun, "nascency" (or simply "nascence"), can refer to a time of great hope or a missed opportunity.
When something undergoes change: "Her nascent cynicism about relationships came as a surprise to friends.
Situations that have just come to light:   "A nascent toadyism (puxa-saquismo?) is developing around our new manager, but he's not playing favorites yet."
XY brings spark to India’s nascent (emerging?) electric car market.
He expressed caution about the nascent (recente?) economic recovery.
Mobile social networking is a nascent market.
 (noun):  State of being nascent; birth; beginning; origin.
His career began at the nascency (nascimento/surgimento?) of
A speaker at the 2006 NATPE Mobile show said, “at the nascent side of nascency”?
A corollary of the market's nascency is that it is often difficult to gauge the significance of many of the developments that are occurring in it.


posição/orientação solar: nascente/ poente
Orthopedics is located off the East Wing = A ortopedia fica na ala leste/nascente.
The east central concourse is just off the Grand Entrance. O corredor/salão central leste/centro-leste fica logo após a entrada principal ....
A ala poente (da esquerda para a direita) do Palácio Nacional de Belém
Casa de banho completa (voltada a poente. ..
Escada virada a poente
The East side... = O Lado Nascente (da direita para a esquerda) é constituído por dois dois edifícios
The East Wing ... A “ala nascente” da casa possui quatro quartos
A Ala Leste estende-se das escadarias de pedra até .



when or if push comes to shove: when or if matters are ultimately confronted or resolved; when or if a problem must be faced; in a crucial situation:

“If push comes to shove, the government will impose quotas on imports.”
"When the pressure is on; when the situation is critical or urgent; when the time has come for action, even if it is difficult)
“He's not an extremely talented builder, but when push comes to shove, he can usually get the job done.”

Traduções sugeridas: “na hora do aperto”, "quando o caldo engrossa", "quando a coisa fica preta" ou "quando o bicho pega" ou “quando a água bate na bunda...” quando não há saída, quando não há outra solução, no frigir dos ovos (se correr o bicho pega; se parar o bicho come) (catch 22?)
Sources: Dictionary/Wikipedia/Lista “tradutores@yahoo”



(noun) an explanation of the fundamental reasons or basis for something
"The judge crafted a compelling rationale for the court's decision."
justification: "The legal justification for the statute was that the legislature had not previously addressed the issue of hate crimes."
grounds: "Increases in airport waiting times are justified on the grounds of national security."
Common phrases
legitimate rationale: "Is there a legitimate rationale for such regulation?"
the rationale behind: "He explained the rationale behind the tests."
develop a rationale: "They developed a rationale to explain the change in prices from year to year."

REASON  (n.)
1.----The basis or motive for an action, decision, or conviction.
2.----A declaration made to explain or justify action, decision, or conviction: inquired about her reason for leaving.
3.----An underlying fact or cause that provides logical sense for a premise or occurrence: There is reason to believe that the accused did not commit this crime.
4.----The capacity for logical, rational, and analytic thought; intelligence.
5.----Good judgment; sound sense.
6.----A normal mental state; sanity: He has lost his reason.
7.----Logic. A premise, usually the minor premise, of an argument.

n. An emotion, desire, physiological need, or similar impulse that acts as an incitement to action. A motif in art, literature, or music.
adj. Causing or able to cause motion: motive power. Impelling to action: motive pleas. Of or constituting an incitement to action.

n. A recurrent thematic element in an artistic or literary work. A dominant theme or central idea. Music. A short rhythmic or melodic passage that is repeated or evoked in various parts of a composition. A repeated figure or design in architecture or decoration.


1. ------A melodic passage or phrase, especially in Wagnerian opera, associated with a specific character, situation, or element. A frequently repeated phrase, image, symbol, or situation in a literary work, the recurrence of which usually indicates or supports a theme. The term (German, ‘leading motif’) comes from music criticism, where it was first used to describe the repeated musical themes or phrases that Wagner linked with particular characters and ideas in his operatic works. The repeated references to rings and arches in D. H. Lawrence's novel The Rainbow (1915) are examples of the use of a leitmotif
2. ------Related to hexa (six), not to the word hex (curse), hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia, the fear of 666, makes for quite a chilling leitmotif, or theme — perfect for a scary cinematic experience:
"Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia is a fear found in the Western Christian world, which originates in the belief that the Biblical verse, Revelation 13:18, indicates that the number 666 is linked to Satan or the Anti-Christ. Outside the Christian faith, the phobia has been further popularized as a leitmotif in various horror films."
3. -- ---Recurring themes or subjects in other forms of art or literature are sometimes also called leitmotifs.
Sources: YourDictionary; Answers.com