cobertura do déficit; operação de socorro; pacote de ajuda
"First it was financial institutions, then the automotive industry. Now it seems as if "la crisi finanziaria mondiale" has even hit Parmigiano-Reggiano. According to The Wall Street Journal, "...though demand for parmigiano is strong in Italy and abroad, producers have been struggling for years to make money, putting the future of Italy's favorite cheese at risk." So in an effort to help producers of the cheese commonly grated over spaghetti, fettuccine, and other pastas, the Italian government has decided on a bailout plan and is buying 100,000 wheels of Parmigiano-Reggiano and donating them to charity. What's next? Who will need a bailout too?"
O noticiário de hoje comenta as medidas que serão tomadas para coibir, na escola, comportamentos caracterizados como “bullying”. O site “” trata disso especificamente e dá a seguinte conceituação:
"O termo BULLYING compreende todas as formas de atitudes agressivas, intencionais e repetidas, que ocorrem sem motivação evidente, adotadas por um ou mais estudantes contra outro(s), causando dor e angústia, e executadas dentro de uma relação desigual de poder. Portanto, os atos repetidos entre iguais (estudantes) e o desequilíbrio de poder são as características essenciais, que tornam possível a intimidação da vítima.
Por não existir uma palavra na língua portuguesa capaz de expressar todas as situações de BULLYING possíveis, o quadro, a seguir, relaciona algumas ações que podem estar presentes: Agredir - Ameaçar - Amedrontar - Assediar - Aterrorizar - Bater - Chutar - Colocar apelidos - Discriminar - Dominar - Empurrar - Encarnar - Excluir - Fazer sofrer - Ferir - Gozar - Humilhar - Ignorar - Intimidar - Isolar - Maltratar - Ofender – Oprimir - Perseguir - Quebrar pertences - Roubar - Sacanear - Tiranizar - Zoar."
O termo “BULLY” também pode significar:
Bravo! Muito bem! (Bully for you!)
Carne Salgada (Bully beef)
Início do jogo de hóquei (Bully-off)
Apesar de ter tantos sinônimos em português, parece que o termo em inglês ("bullying") é o único a comunicar exatamente a qual comportamento estamos nos referindo. Mais uma vez caminhamos para o bilinguismo (bilingualism). Isso é bom ou ruim?
"O termo BULLYING compreende todas as formas de atitudes agressivas, intencionais e repetidas, que ocorrem sem motivação evidente, adotadas por um ou mais estudantes contra outro(s), causando dor e angústia, e executadas dentro de uma relação desigual de poder. Portanto, os atos repetidos entre iguais (estudantes) e o desequilíbrio de poder são as características essenciais, que tornam possível a intimidação da vítima.
Por não existir uma palavra na língua portuguesa capaz de expressar todas as situações de BULLYING possíveis, o quadro, a seguir, relaciona algumas ações que podem estar presentes: Agredir - Ameaçar - Amedrontar - Assediar - Aterrorizar - Bater - Chutar - Colocar apelidos - Discriminar - Dominar - Empurrar - Encarnar - Excluir - Fazer sofrer - Ferir - Gozar - Humilhar - Ignorar - Intimidar - Isolar - Maltratar - Ofender – Oprimir - Perseguir - Quebrar pertences - Roubar - Sacanear - Tiranizar - Zoar."
O termo “BULLY” também pode significar:
Bravo! Muito bem! (Bully for you!)
Carne Salgada (Bully beef)
Início do jogo de hóquei (Bully-off)
Apesar de ter tantos sinônimos em português, parece que o termo em inglês ("bullying") é o único a comunicar exatamente a qual comportamento estamos nos referindo. Mais uma vez caminhamos para o bilinguismo (bilingualism). Isso é bom ou ruim?
Suffuse: To spread throughout or all over, to permeate or infuse thoroughly (impregnar, derramar, cobrir, molhar, difundir). suffusion/suffusive ("tending to suffuse") as a suffusive sense of happiness at the arrival of spring. Examples: "The sky above the roof is suffused with deep colors”. "The soil was suffused with so much mercury that nothing could be built on it." "Her every word was suffused with warmth and understanding."
Perfuse: To pour all over or throughout (perfundir, derramar, aspergir). Force a fluid through (a body part or tissue); 'perfuse a liver with a salt solution'
Infuse: To infuse is to pour into so as to permeate (infundir, administrar, inspirar). Ex.: Remove from the heat, cover and leave to infuse for 30 minutes.This strike will infuse new life into their ranks. She even manages to infuse warmth and humanity into her novel.
Effuse: to pour forth, usually profusely, as blood from a serious wound or good spirits from a happy person (efundir, emitir / irradiar (metaforicamente) derramar, verter, despejar). Effusive (efusivo). Ex.: His walk, talk and actions seem to effuse comedy. 'The room effuses happiness' .
Source: / YourDictionay / Et al
Perfuse: To pour all over or throughout (perfundir, derramar, aspergir). Force a fluid through (a body part or tissue); 'perfuse a liver with a salt solution'
Infuse: To infuse is to pour into so as to permeate (infundir, administrar, inspirar). Ex.: Remove from the heat, cover and leave to infuse for 30 minutes.This strike will infuse new life into their ranks. She even manages to infuse warmth and humanity into her novel.
Effuse: to pour forth, usually profusely, as blood from a serious wound or good spirits from a happy person (efundir, emitir / irradiar (metaforicamente) derramar, verter, despejar). Effusive (efusivo). Ex.: His walk, talk and actions seem to effuse comedy. 'The room effuses happiness' .
Source: / YourDictionay / Et al
Este artigo, do site, além de interessante, contém um bom vocabulário na área farmacêutica.
"In answering the question "What are Generic Drugs?" on its Web site, the Food and Drug Administration states unequivocally: "A generic drug is identical, or bioequivalent to a brand name drug in dosage form, safety, strength, route of administration, quality, performance characteristics and intended use." But just how true is that?
If you check the Oxford Dictionary, you will find this definition for the word "identical": adj. 1. agreeing in every detail. 2. one and the same. The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines "identical" as 1: being the same 2: having such close resemblance as to be essentially the same.
Given such definitions, it's only logical that patients, physicians and pharmacists would assume that all generic drugs are exactly the same as their brand-name counterparts. The reality, however, is not so clear. For one thing, the FDA does not require generic drugs to contain the same inactive ingredients as the brand-name products. That means colors, binders and fillers (that often make up the majority of the pills) can be quite different. In some cases, this may mean someone is allergic to one formulation of a generic drug even though he tolerates the brand name. Many pills are designed to release the active ingredient over a sustained period of time. Generic products may use a different formulation. This may alter the way in which the medicine gets into the bloodstream. "
"In answering the question "What are Generic Drugs?" on its Web site, the Food and Drug Administration states unequivocally: "A generic drug is identical, or bioequivalent to a brand name drug in dosage form, safety, strength, route of administration, quality, performance characteristics and intended use." But just how true is that?
If you check the Oxford Dictionary, you will find this definition for the word "identical": adj. 1. agreeing in every detail. 2. one and the same. The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines "identical" as 1: being the same 2: having such close resemblance as to be essentially the same.
Given such definitions, it's only logical that patients, physicians and pharmacists would assume that all generic drugs are exactly the same as their brand-name counterparts. The reality, however, is not so clear. For one thing, the FDA does not require generic drugs to contain the same inactive ingredients as the brand-name products. That means colors, binders and fillers (that often make up the majority of the pills) can be quite different. In some cases, this may mean someone is allergic to one formulation of a generic drug even though he tolerates the brand name. Many pills are designed to release the active ingredient over a sustained period of time. Generic products may use a different formulation. This may alter the way in which the medicine gets into the bloodstream. "
To pass on or delegate to another: The senator devolved the duties of office upon a group of aides.
To be passed on or transferred to another: The burden of proof devolved upon the defendant. The estate devolved to an unlikely heir.
To degenerate or deteriorate gradually: After several hours the discussion had devolved into a shouting match.
Archaic. To roll onward or downward.
Source: YourDictionary
To pass on or delegate to another: The senator devolved the duties of office upon a group of aides.
To be passed on or transferred to another: The burden of proof devolved upon the defendant. The estate devolved to an unlikely heir.
To degenerate or deteriorate gradually: After several hours the discussion had devolved into a shouting match.
Archaic. To roll onward or downward.
Source: YourDictionary
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